
时间:22-10-03 网友

第二节 劳务派遣

Section 2 Employment Secondment


“Seconded Employees” means those Employees listed in Schedule 1 to this Agreement who will be seconded by Yuncheng Aluminum to the Company pursuant to this Agreement to provide Services during the Transition Period.



“Services” means the services that the Company requires the Seconded Employees to provide during the Transition Period.




2. 派遣员工及费用


2.1 In consideration of the Company agreeing to make the payments provided for in Article 2.2 below, Yuncheng Aluminum will procure that the Seconded Employees are seconded to the Company on a full time basis to provide the Services during the Transition Period.

2.1 以公司同意支付下面第2.2条规定的款项为对价,运城铝业将促成派遣员工在过渡期内派遣到公司,全职提供服务。


2.2 In consideration of the provision of the Services by the Seconded Employees and subject to the provisions of Article 2.5, the Company agrees to pay labor service fees (the “Service Fees”) to Yuncheng Aluminum during the Transition Period. Subject to the provisions of Article 2.5, the Service Fees shall be the aggregate amount of the monthly Salary, the Contributions and the Welfare Fees payable by Yuncheng Aluminum to or on behalf of the Seconded Employees plus, where applicable, any overtime compensation payable to the Seconded Employees. If there is any change in the number of Seconded Employees, the Salary level or the amount of the Contributions or the Welfare Fees, the Service Fees shall be increased or decreased accordingly.

2.2 以派遣员工提供服务为对价和在遵守第2.5条规定的前提下,公司同意在过渡期内支付劳动服务费(下称“服务费”)给运城铝业。在遵守第2.5条规定的前提下,服务费为运城铝业应支付给派遣员工的月工资和应支付给派遣员工或代派遣员工支付的社保费和福利费的总和,加上(适用时)应付给派遣员工的加班费。如果派遣员工的数量、工资水平或社保费或福利费金额发生变化,则应相应增减服务费。


2.3 During the Transition Period, the the Salary of the Seconded Employees for the purpose of calculation of the Service Fees shall be reasonably determined by the Company in accordance with the average Salary level of the Seconded Employees, which shall be determined in accordance with Yuncheng Aluminum’s current Salary payment management system.

2.3 在过渡期内,为计算服务费之目的,派遣员工的工资应由公司根据派遣员工的平均工资水平作出合理的决定,该平均工资水平应按现行的运城铝业工资支付管理制度予以确定。


2.4 Before the commencement of the Transitin Period, Yuncheng Aluminum shall provide the Company with a list of Contributions and Welfare Fees setting out the types of Contributions and Welfare Fees and the applicable rate of such Contributions and Welfare Fees payable by Yuncheng Aluminum to or on behalf of the Seconded Employees, which shall form the basis for the calculation of the Service Fees under Article 2.2. Yuncheng Aluminum shall promptly notify the Company in writing of any change in such Contributions or Welfare Fees, or it shall be responsible for the payment of any additional Contributions or Welfare Fees until such notice is given. In the event of any increase or decrease in such Contribution and Welfare Fees, the Service Fees payable by the Company shall be increased or decreased accordingly.

2.4 在过渡期开始之前,运城铝业应向公司提供一份社保费和福利费清单,列明应由运城铝业支付给派遣员工或代派遣员工支付的社保费和福利费的种类及适用费率,作为计算第2.2条项下服务费的依据。运城铝业应及时向公司书面通知社保费或福利费的任何变化,否则在发出通知之前由运城铝业负责支付任何增加的社保费或福利费。如果社保费和福利费增加或减少,则公司应支付的服务费亦应相应增加或减少。


(a) on behalf of Yuncheng Aluminum, Salaries and (if applicable) overtime compensations to the Seconded Employees in accordance with PRC laws and regulations; and

(a) 按照中国法律和法规的规定代表运城铝业向派遣员工支付工资以及(如适用的)加班费;及


(b) the Service Fees, after deduction of all Salaries and overtime compensations paid to the Seconded Employees on behalf of Yuncheng Aluminum in that month, to Yuncheng Aluminum on the last date of the Transition Period.

(b) 在过渡期最后一日,在扣除当月代表运城铝业支付给派遣员工的全部工资和加班费后,向运城铝业支付服务费。


2.6 To assist the Company to pay Salaries and overtime compensations to the Seconded Employees under Article 2.5(a), Yuncheng Aluminum hereby agrees to provide the Company with an authorization letter authorizing such payment on its behalf and other documents as may be required by the Company to effect such payment.

2.6 为协助公司按照第2.5(a)条规定向派遣员工支付工资和加班费,运城铝业特此同意向公司提供一份授权公司代表其支付工资和加班费的授权书以及公司为实施该付款而需要的其它文件。


2.7 Yuncheng Aluminum hereby undertakes to (a) pay the Contributions, the Welfare Fees and other payments payable by Yuncheng Aluminum to or on behalf of the Seconded Employees from the remaining part of the Service Fees payable to it under Article 2.5(b), and (b) bear all legal liability and to compensate the Company for all related economic losses (including damages for breach of contract, fines and penalties) suffered by the Company as a result of its failure to make any payments under Article 2.7(a) to or on behalf of the Seconded Employees, provided that it shall not be so liable if such failure is caused by a shortfall between the remaining part of the Services Fees paid to it under Article 2.5(b) and the amount of all payments payable by Yuncheng Aluminum to or on behalf of the Seconded Employees under Article 2.7(a) (in such case, Yuncheng Aluminum shall promptly give the Company notice of such shortfall and, upon receipt of the notice, the Company shall pay the shortfall to Yuncheng Aluminum after verifying the amount of the shortfall).

2.7 运城铝业特此承诺(a)从按照第2.5(b)条规定应付给其的剩余部分服务费中支付社保费、福利费及其应支付给派遣员工或代表派遣员工支付的其它款项,及(b)对公司由于运城铝业未向派遣员工支付或代表派遣员工支付第2.7(a)条下任何款项而遭受的一切相关的经济损失(包括违约损害赔偿金、罚款和处罚)承担全部法律责任并向公司作出赔偿,但若此类未支付的情况是由于按照第2.5(b)条规定支付给运城铝业的剩余部分服务费与按照第2.7(a)条规定运城铝业须支付给派遣员工或代表派遣员工支付的全部款额之间的缺额造成的,则运城铝业不承担上述法律责任和赔偿责任(在此情况下,运城铝业应及时向公司通知该缺额,收到通知后,公司经过核实该缺额后向运城铝业支付该缺额)。


2.8 The Company shall maintain vouchers and records in connection with any payments to the Seconded Employees under Article 2.5(a) and Yuncheng Aluminum shall have the right to inspect and verify the same at any time during the Transition Period. Yuncheng Aluminum shall maintain vouchers and records in connection with any payments to or on behalf of the Seconded Employees under Article 2.7 and the Company shall have the right to inspect and verify the same at any time during the Transition Period.

2.8 对于按照第2.5(a)条支付给派遣员工的任何款项,公司均应保留相关的凭据和记录,在过渡期内运城铝业有权随时检查核对该等凭据和记录。对于按照第2.7条规定支付给派遣员工或代表派遣员工支付的任何款项,运城铝业应保留相关的凭据和记录,在过渡期内公司有权随时检查核对该等凭据和记录。



3. 派遣员工的雇用


3.1 Without prejudice to its rights to terminate the employment contract of a Seconded Employee in circumstances justifying dismissal, Yuncheng Aluminum shall use all endeavors to procure that the Seconded Employees will at all times during the Transition Period be employed by Yuncheng Aluminum pursuant to their respective employment contracts. Yuncheng Aluminum will furnish the Company with a copy of any notice of termination of the employment contract given to or received from a Seconded Employee promptly after such notice has been given or received, as the case may be.

3.1 在不影响其在有合理解雇理由的情况下终止某位派遣员工的雇用合同的权利的前提下,运城铝业应尽一切合理努力促使派遣员工在过渡期内按照其各自的雇用合同始终受雇于运城铝业。运城铝业应将发给某派遣员工的或从某派遣员工收到的有关终止雇用合同的通知(视情况而定)及时抄送公司。


3.2 During the Transition Period, Yuncheng Aluminum shall continue to be the employer of all the Seconded Employees under their employment contracts and shall bear all legal liability and be responsible for all legal obligations and formalities in relation to all the Seconded Employees, including without limitation who is dismissed, has resigned or whose employment contract is terminated for any reason.

3.2 在过渡期内,运城铝业应继续是所有派遣员工在其雇用合同项下的雇主,承担与所有派遣员工有关的法律责任,并对与所有派遣员工有关的一切法律义务和手续负责,包括但不限于被开除、辞职的任何派遣员工,或其雇用合同因任何原因被终止的派遣员工。


3.3 Yuncheng Aluminum shall indemnify the Company from and against any costs, claims, liabilities and expenses (including without limitation all costs incurred by the Company in settling, contesting or dealing with the same) which the Company may incur or suffer as a result of or in connection with claims lodged by a Seconded Employee under PRC labor laws and regulations, except where such claim is directly caused by the Company or where the Company is liable for such claim under PRC laws and regulations. Yuncheng Aluminum’s obligation to indemnify is conditional upon such costs, claims, liabilities and expenses are either confirmed by Yuncheng Aluminum or are incurred pursuant to any judgment, arbitral award or adjudication issued by a court, an arbitration tribunal or any governmental authorities.

3.3 运城铝业应保证向公司赔偿公司因派遣员工根据中国劳动法律和法规提出的权利主张而发生或遭受的任何费用、索赔、责任和开支(包括但不限于公司在解决、抗辩或处理该等费用、索赔、责任和开支时所发生的一切费用),但该权利主张直接由公司造成或根据中国法律和法规公司应对该权利主张负责者除外。运城铝业的赔偿义务须以该等费用、索赔、责任和开支经运城铝业确认或是依据法庭、仲裁庭或任何政府部门作出的任何判决、仲裁裁决或裁定发生的为条件。



4. 派遣员工的管理


4.1 During the Transition Period, the Company shall directly manage and appraise the Seconded Employees and may impose various sanctions (including deduction of labor compensation) on any Seconded Employees who have violated the Company’s labor discipline. The Company shall apply in the management of the Seconded Employees all labor rules, regulations and manuals developed and adopted by the Company from time to time for the management of its own employees in accordance with PRC labor laws and regulations.

4.1 在过渡期内,公司应直接管理和考核派遣员工,并可对违反公司劳动纪律的任何派遣员工予以各种处罚(包括扣除劳动报酬)。公司在管理派遣员工时应采用公司根据中国法律和法规不时为管理其自己的员工而制订和通过的一切劳动规章和手册。


4.2 Yuncheng Aluminum will procure the Seconded Employees to (a) perform the Services in a proper and punctual manner under the direction, control and supervision of the Company and its General Manager, (b) comply with such working practices of, and take instructions from, the Company and its General Manager in providing the Services, and (c) comply with such obligations of confidentiality set forth in Article 16 of the Joint Venture Contract as if he/she was a party to the Joint Venture Contract.

4.2 运城铝业将促使派遣员工(a)在公司及其总经理的指导、控制和监督下以妥善和准时的方式履行服务,(b)在提供服务时遵守公司的工作惯例并接受公司及其总经理的指示,及(c)遵守合资合同第16条所载的保密义务,如同其是合资合同的一方当事人。


4.3 During the Transition Period, Yuncheng Aluminum will procure the Seconded Employees' agreement to work the normal business hours of the Company, and such additional hours as may be necessary or appropriate from time to time to carry out the Services properly and effectively.

4.3 在过渡期内,运城铝业将促使派遣员工同意按公司的正常营业时间工作,并为了妥善和有效地进行服务而随时进行必要或适当的加班。


4.4 The average working hours of each Seconded Employee shall be 40 hours a week, excluding meal time and overtime. Yuncheng Aluminum shall pay overtime compensation to the Seconded Employees in accordance with PRC labor laws and regulations and adjust the Service Fees charged to the Company under Article 2.2 accordingly.

4.4 每位派遣员工的平均工作时间为每周40小时,不包括用餐时间和加班时间。运城铝业应按照中国劳动法律和法规的规定向派遣员工支付加班费,并按照第2.2条规定相应调整向公司收取的服务费。








中英文版战略合作协议(Co-operation Agreement)1.309-30




