
时间:22-10-03 网友


  篇一:劳 务 合 同

  劳 务 合 同 (中英文)

  Labor Service Contract

  甲方: (以下简称“甲方”)

  Party A: Shanghai Foreign Service Co., Ltd

  乙方: (以下简称“乙方”)

  Party B:


  According to the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, and in line with the principle of equality and mutual benefits, the two parties enter into this Labor Service Contract through friendly consultation with regard to Party A’s labor service for Party B.

  第一章 总则Chapter 1 General Provisions

  第一条 适用Article 1 Application


  This Contract applies to the related issues regarding Party B’s using Party A’s labor service.

  第二条 适用法律Article 2 Applicable Laws


  This Contract and related matters shall be subject to laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China. In case of any discrepancy between the articles of this Contract and the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China for any reasons, including but not limited to the change of laws and regulations, the latter shall prevail.

  第三条 定义Article 3 Definitions


  Party A’s Staff: Party A’s Staff refer to any Chinese citizens needed by Party B and dispatched by Party A to Party B after Party A has handled relevant procedures

  in accordance with law.


  Attachments: Attachments refer to all supplementary or related agreements signed by the two parties; the Attachments are integral parts of this Contract and have the same effect as this Contract.


  Management Fee: The total sum of all charges and expenses that Party B should pay to Party A for the use of Party A’s Staff. It generally covers:


  Social insurances and accumulated housing fund borne by Party B for Party A’s Staff;


  Expenses of benefits and personnel file preservation that Party B requests Party A to provide for Party A’s Staff;


  Service fee charged by Party A for service provided under this Contract and taxes levied by the state agreed upon by the two parties.


  Pay: Labor remuneration paid by Party B to Party A’s Staff for labor use, in the amount subject to the attachments hereto.


  Law: Any and all laws, rules, regulations, institutions, statutes and the like, of the People’s Republic of China.

  第二章 权利和义务Chapter 2 Rights and Obligations

  第四条 甲方享有的权利Article 4 Rights Enjoyed by Party A


  Party A is entitled to request Party B to cooperate with regard to the procedures set by Party A for its service.


  Party A is entitled to conciliate between Party B and the Party A’s Staff with regard to the disputes arising from l

  abor service.



  工 号:

  work number:


  ******************* Co.,Ltd.

  劳 动 合 同


  甲方 :

  PartyA :

  法定代表人 :

  Legal Representative:

  法 定 地 址:

  Registered Address:

  乙 方:

  Party B:

  身份证号码 :

  ID Number:

  户 口 性 质:

  Domicile Nature:

  家 庭 地 址:

  Home Address:


  According to the Labor Contract Law of PRC and relevant laws and regulations, Party

  A and Party B sign this contract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation.

  一、 工作内容

  Article One Working Contents

  甲方因生产需要,同意聘用乙方为本公司员工,职位为 。乙方同意接受该安排,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德,执行劳动安全规程,提高职业技能,完成生产(工作)任务。 To meet the production demand, Party A agrees to employ Party B as. Party

  B agrees to accept the arrangement, observe the labor discipline and professional ethics, carry out rules of safe operation, improve professional skills and accomplishes production tasks.


  Party A may legitimately adjust Party B’s post according to business

  二、 合同期限

  Article Two Term of Contract

  本合同自年 月 日至年月 日,其中试用期为 个月(自年 月日至年月日)。劳动合同的期限届满或约定的终止条件出现,劳动合同即终止执行。经双方协商一致的,可以解除或续订劳动合同。 This contract will be effect from to, during which the probation period is months to ). The contract will be terminated when the contract is at its expiry or agreed termination conditions occurs. Both parties

  may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation.

  三、 工作时间

  Article Three Working Hours


  Party A carries out standard working hours system of 40 hours per week and two

  rest days .


  Party A may legitimate arrange Party B to work overtime or work on general holidays

  due to business requirements on condition that Party B is willing to do so.


  Party A may change working hours system for business requirement after approval by relevant government authorities and Party B shall execute it of his own will.

  四、 薪酬

  Article Four Remuneration

  甲方支付乙方的每月基本工资为人民币 元。上述薪酬不包括甲方按公司补贴规定


  Party A pays RMB to Party B as basic wage per month. The aforesaid remuneration

  excludes all subsidies paid to Party B pursuant to Party A’s stipulation.


  Party A shall strictly implement relevant regulations and standard per the lowest wage.

  甲方的发薪日期为每月日。Party A shall pay the wage on the day every month.

  五、 劳动保护与劳动条件

  Article Five Labor Protection and Labor Conditions


  Party A shall give Party B education and training programs relating to labor safety,

  professional skills and labor disciplines etc. According to the requirements of state labor protection and safe-production, Party A shall provide necessary working condition to ensure Party B’s safety and health.

  六、 社会保险和福利

  Article Six Social Insurance and Welfare


  Party A shall transact social insurance and pay them for Party B. Party A shall withhold the social security contribution legally undertook by Party B when paying the remuneration every month.


  Party B will take all statutory holidays stipulated by the State.



  Party A carries out annual vocation system, Party B can take paid annual vocation after continuously working for 1 year and the applying procedure for annual vocation shall be done pursuant to Party A’s stipulation.

  七、 乙方责任

  Article Seven Party B’s Responsibility


  Party B must work earnestly and accomplish its own tasks with quality and quantity.


  Party B must report its job according to the facts and shall cooperate with its uppers and assist their jobs.


  Party B shall strictly implement the rules and regulations and Handbook legally stipulated by Party A.


  Party B shall take good care of Party A’s property and he/she must indemnify direct damage due to his/her liability and accepts Party A’s punishment.


  Party B can not work for another employer without Party A’s written consent in the duration of Labor Contract.


  Party B shall strictly keep Party A’s trade secret and can not divulge to any third party


  Party B shall state his/her curriculum vitae and educational background according to the facts.


  Party B shall observe Party A’s training rules and undertaking when Party A assigns Party B to be trained.

  八、 甲方无偿解除合同

  Article Eight Cancellation of the Contract without Compensation by Party A 若符合下列情况之一的,甲方可以随时解除合同,而不必给予乙方任何经济补偿:

  Party A may cancel the Contract at any time without compensation to Party B under the following circumstances:


  When Party B is proven to be unqualified for Party A’s employment conditions during probation period, Party A need not give Party B the reason for cancellation.


  Party B seriously violates rules and regulations, labor discipline legally stipulated

  by Party A.


  Party B seriously neglects his/her duty and grafts resulting in Party A’s great loss.


  Party B violates the laws of PRC and gains judicial punishment or is found a guilty.

  九、 甲方有偿解除合同

  Article Night Cancellation of the Contract with Compensation by Party A


  Under the following circumstances, Party A may cancel the Contract with 30 days prior written notice to Party B or paying one month basic wage instead and legally pay economic compensation or subsidy to Party B.

  乙方患病或非因工受伤,医疗期满后仍不能从事原工作或由甲方另行安排的工作的。Party B is ill or non-work-related injured, and unable to do the former job or other job assigned by Party A after medical treatment.


  Party B is not competent for the job and still remains so after training or adjustment

  of the post.



  The basis for the conclusion of the contract has greatly changed so that the contract can no longer be carried out, while both parties can not reach an agreement on modifying the contract by mutual negotiation.


  的严重困难企 业标准,确须裁减人员,并按法定程序解除劳动合同的。

  Party A is close to bankruptcy and enters into legal rectification period or it is in a severe difficulty to meet the standard of severe difficult enterprise stipulated by the local government and the retrenchment is needed, and then Party A cancels the contract according to legal procedure.

  十、 乙方要求解除合同

  Article Ten Cancellation of the Contract at Party B’s request


  Party B shall give 30days prior written notice to Party A when requesting to cancel the Contract, but he/she shall indemnify Party A according to Article 乙方在下列情况下,可随时通知甲方解除劳动合同。

  Under the following circumstances, Party B may inform Party A to terminate the Contract at any time.

  a. 在试用期内。



  Contract No.: AWG2012008

  Employer : Access World Group Limited

  Employee : Zibo Wang

  This Employment Contract is made and entered into on the day of and and .

  Article I General Provisions

  1. Party responsible for the implementation of the project, Party B based engineering company providing services.

  2. This contract signing date, until all remaining issues between the parties, including the date of the financial problem disposed only.

  Article staff

  1. B Annex I to this contract, the company should “provide services List” and Annex II to the agreed project, the number of technical conditions, to send the date and duration of work, for the Project to send their authorized representatives, technicians, workers , management and service personnel .

  2. Annexes I and II based part of the contract, its content in the signature of this contract shall not be changed after the commencement of a general. In exceptional circumstances when an employer wants to change by the B company agreed to the following provisions shall apply:

   For a change of personnel before departure, the Party should change the content of one month in advance written notice to Party B, Party A change of plans, such as failure to notify the

  B company, B Company was planning to concentrate and Order tickets, Party A shall pay the resulting losses.

   staff work before the expiration of the period, For termination of employment, the employer shall terminate the employment in the months prior written notice to Party B .

   For staff working term extension, Party A shall be months before the expiry of a written notice to Party B.

  3. Party authorized representative responsible for organizing the staff on site to fulfill the contract obligations of Chinese companies, and is responsible for management of internal affairs.

  Article visas and other documents

  1. Party B shall handle the relevant provisions of the Chinese Government personnel entries into China all the necessary formalities and bear the costs.

  2. Party should be the host of the relevant provisions of the Government officers and stay out

  of the host country, work permits, motor vehicle driver’s license and other necessary formalities and bear the costs.

  Party for the staff handling the procedures, should be put forward by Party B to provide specific and clear all the necessary documents, as a result of Party A’s requirements are unclear and lead to inadequate documentation resulted in staff can not enter or unable to obtain residence and work permits the B irresponsible.

  3. If the Party fails to give officers in the host country of residence, work permits and motor vehicle driving license, Er Shi staff can not work due to staff salaries during this period of the contract. If officers were forced to return, the employer should pay the return travel of staff, and pay per month contract salary in compensation.















