employment contract
甲 方party a:
乙 方party b:
party a:地址:
乙方party b:
护照号码passport no.:
在华居住地址address (beijing):
其他紧急联络人contact person in case of emergency:
一、 雇佣期限
Ⅰ employment term
雇佣期限为 __年,自 年__ _月__ _日起至 年__ _月__日止
the employment term is year(s), lasting from to .
二、 雇佣内容及工作时间
Ⅱ content and working hours
2.1 甲方根据工作需要,安排乙方完成以下内容的工作任务:
party a gives party b the following work assignments according to its operating requirements:
工作内容job responsibilities:工作地点place:
2.2 工作时间:乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,平均每周工作不超过40小时,每周休息日为周六、日。
party b works no more than 8 hours per day, no more than 40 hours per week, and saturday and sunday are set as weekly rest days.
三、 报酬及其他福利
Ⅲ remuneration and other welfare benefits
3.1 乙方的报酬为税前 元/月 ,大写: party b’s salary is rmb _
3.2 甲方应于每月10号以货币或转帐形式足额支付乙方上述报酬。
party a shall pay salary to party b before the 10th day of every month in the form of cash or bank-transfer.
3.3 乙方应遵守国家及地方的税法制度,自行缴纳其个人收入的个人所得税,甲方无义务为其代缴。
party b shall pay personal income tax voluntarily according to the state’s tax law. party a doesn’t shoulder the responsibility to withhold and remit taxes for party b.
3.4 乙方在合同期内享受中国法律规定的节日,公休假日 。
party b is entitled with all legal holidays in accordance with the state’s regulations
四、 雇佣合同的解除和终止
Ⅳ contract cancellation and termination
4.1 合同期满双方不再续签或者双方约定的合同终止条件出现时,雇佣合同即终止。
this contract shall be terminated once it expires and both parties do not extend the contract.
4.2 经合同双方当事人协商一致,本合同可以解除。
the contract may be canceled based on both parties’ mutual negotiation.
4.3 乙方因归国或其他私人原因未正常出勤且超过十天且未向甲方做出书面说明的,本合同自动终止。 the contract will automatically terminate in case party b is absent for over 10 days without written explanation due to homecoming or other private reasons.
Ⅴ others
5.1 其他未尽事宜,双方可参照甲方公司内部的相关规章制度执行。
other items not stipulated by the two parties can be implemented according to the internal rules and regulations of party a.
5.2 甲乙双方均应遵守本合同之约定,任何一方违约,非违约方均有权要求违约方承担相应的损失。
the two parties should abide by the contract. in case one party tears up the contract, the other party has the right to require the defaulting party to undertake corresponding loss.
5.3 甲乙双方在本合同的执行中如有争议,可协商解决。
for disputes during the execution of the contract, the two parties can settle them through negotiations.
5.4 本合同分为中英两种文本,每种文本具有相同的法律效力;如两种文本产生冲突,则中文文本为作准文本。
the contract has two versions in chinese and in english. the two copies are equally authentic. in case any dispute happens, the chinese version shall prevail.
5.5 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,每份具有同等法律效力。本合同经甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。
the contract is in duplicate, held by party a and party b respectively. the two copies are equally authentic. the contract comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties.
party a:
乙方(签字): party b (signature): 签订日期date:
工 号:
work number:
******************* co.,ltd.
劳 动 合 同
labor contract
甲方 :
partya :
法定代表人 :
legal representative:
法 定 地 址:
registered address:
乙 方:
party b:
身份证号码 :
id number:
户 口 性 质:
domicile nature:
家 庭 地 址:
home address:
according to the labor contract law of prc and relevant laws and regulations, party
a and party b sign this contract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation.
一、 工作内容
article one working contents
1.1 甲方因生产需要,同意聘用乙方为本公司职工,职位为 。乙方同意接受该安排,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德,执行劳动安全规程,提高职业技能,完成生产〔工作〕任务。 to meet the production demand, party a agrees to employ party b as. party
b agrees to accept the arrangement, observe the labor discipline and professional ethics, carry out rules of safe operation, improve professional skills and accomplishes production tasks.
1.2 甲方可根据生产经营需要依法调整乙方的工作岗位或职位。
二、 合同期限
article two term of contract
本合同自年 月 日至年月 日,其中试用期为 个月〔自年 月日至年月日〕。劳动合同的期限届满或约定的终止条件出现,劳动合同即终止执行。经双方协商一致的,可以解除或续订劳动合同。 this contract will be effect from (date, month, year) to(date, month, year), during which the probation period is months (from (date, month, year) to (date, month, year)). the contract will be terminated when the contract is at its expiry or agreed termination conditions occurs. both parties
may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation.
三、 工作时间
article three working hours
3.1 甲方实行每周工作小时和天休息日的标准工时制度。
party a carries out standard working hours system of 40 hours per week and two
rest days (maybe they are not saturday, sunday).
3.2 甲方因工作需要,在乙方愿意的前提下,可依法安排乙方超时工作或公休日加班。
party a may legitimate arrange party b to work overtime or work on general holidays
due to business requirements on condition that party b is willing to do so.
3.3 甲方由于工作需要更改工时制度,经政府有关部门批准后,乙方应密切配合执行。
party a may change working hours system for business requirement after approval by relevant government authorities and party b shall execute it of his own will.
四、 薪酬
article four remuneration
4.1 甲方支付乙方的每月基本工资为人民币 元。上述薪酬不包括甲方按公司补贴规定
party a pays rmb to party b as basic wage per month. the aforesaid remuneration
excludes all subsidies paid to party b pursuant to party a’s stipulation.
4.2 甲方严格执行国家有关最低工资的规定和标准。
party a shall strictly implement relevant regulations and standard per the lowest wage.
4.3 甲方的发薪日期为每月日。party a shall pay the wage on the day every month.
五、 劳动保护与劳动条件
article five labor protection and labor conditions
5.1 甲方须对乙方进行劳动安全、业务技术及劳动纪律等方面的教育和培训,并根据国家对劳动保护、安全生产的要求,为乙方提供必要的生产〔工作〕条件,保障乙方的安全健康。
party a shall give party b education and training programs relating to labor safety,
professional skills and labor disciplines etc. according to the requirements of state labor protection and safe-production, party a shall provide necessary working condition to ensure party b’s safety and health.
六、 社会保险和福利
article six social insurance and welfare
6.1 甲方依法替乙方办理各项社会保险并缴纳保险费用。但依法规定之分摊比例,属于乙方须自行负担之各项社会保险金,由甲方于每月发薪时,从乙方薪资中代扣代缴。
party a shall transact social insurance and pay them for party b. party a shall withhold the social security contribution legally undertook by party b when paying the remuneration every month.
6.2 乙方享有国家规定的所有法定假日。
party b will take all statutory holidays stipulated by the state.
party a carries out annual vocation system, party b can take paid annual vocation after continuously working for 1 year and the applying procedure for annual vocation shall be done pursuant to party a’s stipulation.
七、 乙方责任
article seven party b’s responsibility
7.1 乙方必须认真工作和劳动,保质保量地完成自己的生产任务。
party b must work earnestly and accomplish its own tasks with quality and quantity.
7.2 乙方必须如实汇报工作,积极配合和协助上级的工作。
party b must report its job according to the facts and shall cooperate with its uppers and assist their jobs.
7.3 乙方应严格履行甲方依法制定的规章制度和《职工手册》。
party b shall strictly implement the rules and regulations and handbook legally stipulated by party a.
7.4 乙方应保护甲方的财物,对由于本人责任造成的直接经济损失,必须予以赔偿并接受甲方的处罚。
party b shall take good care of party a’s property and he/she must indemnify direct damage due to his/her liability and accepts party a’s punishment.
7.5 乙方在劳动合同有效期内未经甲方事先书面同意,不得为另一家雇主工作。
party b can not work for another employer without party a’s written consent in the duration of labor contract.
7.6 乙方应严格保守甲方的商业秘密,不得向任何第三方泄露。
party b shall strictly keep party a’s trade secret and can not divulge to any third party
7.7 如实陈述履历和学历。
party b shall state his/her curriculum vitae and educational background according to the facts.
7.8 如甲方委派乙方培训〔包括海外培训〕,乙方必须遵守甲方的培训条规和承诺。
party b shall observe party a’s training rules and undertaking when party a assigns party b to be trained.
八、 甲方无偿解除合同
article eight cancellation of the contract without compensation by party a 假设符合以下情况之一的,甲方可以随时解除合同,而不必给予乙方任何经济补偿:
party a may cancel the contract at any time without compensation to party b under the following circumstances:
8.1 当乙方在试用期内不符合甲方的职工录用条件,甲方无须给予乙方解除的原因。
when party b is proven to be unqualified for party a’s employment conditions during probation period, party a need not give party b the reason for cancellation.
8.2 乙方严重违反甲方依法制定的规章制度和劳动纪律。
party b seriously violates rules and regulations, labor discipline legally stipulated
by party a.
8.3 乙方严重失职,营私舞弊,给甲方利益造成重大损失。
party b seriously neglects his/her duty and grafts resulting in party a’s great loss.
8.4 乙方违反中国法律,受到司法处罚或追究刑事责任。
party b violates the laws of prc and gains judicial punishment or is found a guilty.
九、 甲方有偿解除合同
article night cancellation of the contract with compensation by party a
under the following circumstances, party a may cancel the contract with 30 days prior written notice to party b or paying one month basic wage instead and legally pay economic compensation or subsidy to party b.
9.1 乙方患病或非因工受伤,医疗期满后仍不能从事原工作或由甲方另行安排的工作的。party b is ill or non-work-related injured, and unable to do the former job or other job assigned by party a after medical treatment.
9.2 乙方不能胜任工作,经过培训或调整工作岗位,仍不能胜任的。
party b is not competent for the job and still remains so after training or adjustment
of the post.
9.3 本合同订立时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使本合同无法履行,甲乙双方不能就变更本合同达成协
the basis for the conclusion of the contract has greatly changed so that the contract can no longer be carried out, while both parties can not reach an agreement on modifying the contract by mutual negotiation.
的严重困难企 业标准,确须裁减人员,并按法定程序解除劳动合同的。
party a is close to bankruptcy and enters into legal rectification period or it is in a severe difficulty to meet the standard of severe difficult enterprise stipulated by the local government and the retrenchment is needed, and then party a cancels the contract according to legal procedure.
十、 乙方要求解除合同
article ten cancellation of the contract at party b’s request
10.1 乙方要求解除劳动合同,应当提前三十天以书面形式通知甲方,但必须依照11.2条款赔偿甲方。
party b shall give 30days prior written notice to party a when requesting to cancel the contract, but he/she shall indemnify party a according to article 11.2. 10.2 乙方在以下情况下,可随时通知甲方解除劳动合同。
under the following circumstances, party b may inform party a to terminate the contract at any time.
a. 在试用期内。
labur employment contract
目录 contents
第1条 合同期限contract period
第2条 工作岗位、任务positions, duties responsibilities
第3条 工作条件、劳动保护labor conditions labor protection
第4条 劳动报酬payroll
第5条 社会保障和福利待遇social insurance fringe benefits
第6条 劳动纪律和奖惩方法labor discipline and reward
第7条 合同变更、续订、终止和解除contract renew and termination
第8条 兼职规定part-time job policy
第9条 保密及附随义务keep secret and employee’s incumbency
第10条 违约责任liabilities resulting from breach of contract
第11条 劳动争议labor contentions
第12条 其他others
乙 方:party b: :name 性别:sex: 出生日:date of birth:
家庭住址:address: 通讯地址:post address: : phone:
according to the labor law of the p.r. china, as well as the personnel regulations of labor contract, valmont industries ltd. employs party b (the employee) as a contract employee. both parties to this contract sign on the basis of equity, free will, and mutual benefits.
第1条 合同期限contract period
〔含试用期 个月〕。 the contract period of employment will be valid from (m/d/y) to (m/d/y). during which the period of months will be considered as probationary employment.
party a has the right to terminate party b’s labor contract immediately without notification if party b does not prove to be suitable through the period of probationary employment.
第2条 工作岗位、任务positions, duties responsibilities
2.1 甲方安排乙方在 部门 岗位工作,覆盖岗位为
party a (the employer) employs party b (the employee) in the capacity of
2.2 乙方必须按照甲方规定的岗位职责和要求全面完成指标和任务,并接受甲方对其进行的有关考核测评。
party b is required to fulfill his/her responsibilities completely and accurately as described by party a and accept performance measurement handled by party a
2.3 甲方根据生产经营需要及乙方的工作技能和表现,可变更乙方的工作,乙方须服从甲方
party a has the right to adjust party b’s position according to the actual business situation and the performance of party b. party b must accept party a’s arrangement.
第3条 工作条件、劳动保护labor conditions labor protection
3.1 甲方实行每周40小时工作制。对特殊岗位可实行不定时工作制。
party b’s normal working time will not exceed 40 hours per week, whereas it’s flexible for some special position holders.
3.2 甲方因生产经营原因需要乙方加班时,乙方应服从。同时甲方应按规定支付乙方加班费报酬作补偿。
if it is necessary for party a to request party b to put in overtime, party b must be subordinated to request of party a. party a shall provide party b with economic compensation according to relevant regulations.
3.3 甲方为乙方提供必要的工作条件,根据国家劳动法则提供符合中国政府规定的劳动安全卫生条件和提供必要的劳动保护用品,保证乙方在人身安全及个体不受危害的环境条件下工作,对女职工及未成年工按《劳动法》的规定酌情予以特殊劳动保护。
party a must provide party b with a safe and non-toxic working environment, necessary safety measures to guarantee safe working conditions of party b, according to national safety and sanitation standards. party a shall provide special protection measures for female and underage employees according to the labor law.
3.4 甲方认为乙方的健康状况将会对工作或其他职工造成不利影响时,甲方有权按制度采取相应的措施,并有权要求乙方进行健康检查,乙方不应拒绝。
if party a thinks party b’s healthiness will effect to the work or other staffs, party a will have the authority to correspond and will have the authority to ask party b to have a physical check-up, at same time the party b should not to refuse.
3.5 乙方在被聘用期间,甲方负责对乙方进行岗位职责、技能、安全规程、职业道德及相关规章制度的教育和培训,乙方须积极配合,并根据岗位职责要求努力提高自身的技能。 party a is in charge of various training such as technical training, position principles, safety operations, company’s regulations and provision, etc. within the employment period. party b shall accept the training with positive attitude for raising his/her work efficiency.
第4条 劳动报酬payroll
4.1 公司实行内部薪酬管理制度,甲方依据按劳取酬准则、企业经营状况及岗位确定乙方的薪酬标准,并按有关规定支付。
party a implements company’s internal salary system. party a will pay party b monthly salary based on the following conditions: the actual business situation, the level of party b’s position and the general principle of “distribution according to work”.
4.2 公司在实行新工资制度、调整职工工资水准或当乙方岗位职务发生变化时,甲方可根据政策给予乙方以工资待遇调整。
party a has the right to adjust the salary standard of party b if party a implements new salary system, or transfers the position of party b.
4.3 每月最后一天为甲方的当月薪金发放日。
salary will be given to party b on the end of month.
第5条 社会保障和福利待遇social insurance fringe benefits
5.1 在劳动合同期内甲方按照中国政府有关规定为乙方办理养老保险、医疗保险、住房公积金、失业保险等手续。
party a should provide the pension, medical insurance, unemployment insurance and housing fund for party b within the contract period according to the relevant government laws.
5.2 甲方为乙方提供因伤病、工伤、职业病及计划生育而发生医疗费用保险,并创造条件办好职工福利。
5.3 乙方在甲方工作期间不满一年的可享受累计3个月的停工医疗期,工作时间每增加一年,累计停工医疗期增加一个月,最多不超过24个月。
party b has the right to have 3 months work-off medical treatment if he/she works for party a less than one year. one more month work-off medical treatment will be permitted with the one more year employment. the total work-off medical treatment is limited within 24 hours.
5.4 乙方享有国家规定的法定节假日、婚丧、探亲、生育假以及年休假等有薪假期。
party b has the right to enjoy public holidays, marriage leave, funeral leave, home-visit leave, family planning leave, new-year holiday, company holidays, etc.
5.5 乙方因工作或非因工死亡的待遇等按中国政府的法规执行。
party b’s compensation for the death of working accident etc. is executed according to the prevailing rules and regulations enacted by the government.
第6条 劳动纪律和奖惩方法labor discipline and reward
6.1 乙方在合同期内必须严格遵守国家法律法规,熟知并遵守本公司《职工手册》和各项规章制度。
party b must obey state laws and regulations, the joint venture employee handbook and the bylaw of company.
6.2 甲方依照本公司《职工手册》,对于模范遵守规章制度和为公司经营、生产和发展作出重大奉献的职工予以奖励;对于违反规章制度的乙方予以处罚。
party a will reward the model employees who perform company’s discipline perfectly and make a big contribution to operation, production and development of company’s business. party a will disciplinary the employees who breach company’s employees handbook.
第7条 合同变更、续订、终止和解除contract renew and termination
7.1 合同双方在履行本合同过程中确因客观情况发生重大变化,可变更本合同的有关内容,但需双方协商并办理变更手续。
both parties have the right to change the contracts due to not be estimated external conditions during the actual contract process with necessary negotiation and procedures.
7.2 本合同期满即行终止,甲乙双方如需延长劳动合同期限,应在合同期满前30天,续订延长合同期手续。乙方在本企业工作满10年以上,如甲乙双方同意续延劳动合同,可以签订无固定期限的劳动合同。
the expiration date of signed contract will be considered as the natural termination. if either party a or party b intends to continue this contract, such intent shall be delivered to the other party 30 days prior to the processing of contract termination based on the mutual negotiation. party b had the right to sign life contracts with party a based on 10 years working for party a and permission of party a.
7.3 乙方到达规定的退休年龄或因病丧失劳动能力提前退休时,劳动合同自然终止。
the labor contract expires naturally when party b is in the retirement age or loses the capabilities due to disease.
7.4 符合以下情况之一的,甲方可以解除本合同,辞退乙方。
party a has the right to terminate the contract due to the following conditions.
7.4.1 在试用期内,甲方认为乙方不符合录用条件〔包括但不限于乙方提供的个人情况不实,乙方的试用表现不符合甲方要求等项情况〕;
party b doesn’t prove to be suitable through the period of probationary period. (it including and be not limited that the situation which party b provides is not true, and party b doesn’t pass through the period of probationary.)
7.4.2 乙方严重违反劳动纪律或甲方规章制度,以及公司《职工手册》规定可以辞退的; party b acts in any way that is in serious violation of general labor discipline or violation of other regulations, or violation of handbook.
7.4.3 乙方被依法追究刑事责任或被劳动教养的;
party b breaks state law, and has been sentenced to punishment or forced labor.
7.4.4 严重失职、营私舞弊,对甲方利益造成重大损害的。
party b is in serious neglect of duty, or engages in grafts.
7.4.5 合同期间发生计划外生育者,按政府规定立即解除劳动关系。
party a will terminate the labor contract with party b who doesn’t abide by the family planning according to related regulations.
7.5 有以下情况之一的,甲方可以解除劳动合同,但是应当提前30天通知乙方。
party a has the right to terminate party b’s labor contract in any of the following situation with
willing to inform party b 30 days in advance.
7.5.1 乙方不能胜任工作,经过培训或调整工作岗位后仍不能胜任工作的;
party b is deemed incompetent even following additional training or adjustment of position.
7.5.2 乙方因病或非因工负伤,在规定医疗期满后,不能从事原工作的,也不能从事由甲方另行安排工作的;
party b with diseases or non work-related injury, and after the treatment which does not exceed the prescribed period, party b cannot take the original work or other position arranged by party
7.5.3 甲方宣告解散或者经营期满的;party a faces termination of the joint venture contract.
7.5.4 企业濒临破产处于法定整顿期或因生产经营状况发生严重困难需裁减人员时;
party a is facing bankruptcy or reorganized serious difficulties of operational to reduce employees.
7.5.5 “约定”规定可以解除劳动合同的情况出现时。
the conditions of agreement attached to labor contract later.
7.6 符合以下情况之一的,甲方不得解除劳动合同。
party a cannot terminate party b’s labor contract based on the following situations.
7.6.1 乙方患病或负伤在规定医疗期内的;
party b has contracted disease or non-work related injury, and required treatment does not exceed the prescribed period.
7.6.2 乙方因工负伤或患有职业病在疗养期间和疗养终结后,经劳动鉴定机构确认大部分或全部丧失劳动能力的;
due to any work related injury or occupational disease, party b is either engaged in period of treatment/recuperation, or the employee has completed such treatment/recuperation and has lost part or all the capacity to work, as configured by the labor appraisal committee.
7.6.3 实行计划生育的女方在孕期、产假期和哺乳期的〔严重违纪的乙方除外〕;
party b is evolved in a period of pregnancy within family planning, post-natal or breasts feeding (except the serious violation of company’s provision).
7.7 符合以下情况之一的,乙方可以书面通知甲方,提出解除劳动合同,其中7.7.4和7.7.5必须提前一个月通知。
party b has the right to terminate this labor contract in any following situations.
7.7.1 在试用期内的,乙方不适应工作要求的;
during the period of probationary employ, party b cannot suit and engage this job.
7.7.2 甲方不按照本合同规定向乙方支付劳动报酬或提供劳动条件的;