A world dominated by the giant. A giant food human built great high walls, sacrifice to the wall for free, to prevent the other side aggression. But look impressive but lack real worth peace is sufficient to span the walls collapsed in the big giant appeared, a desperate battle began.
No.1艾伦·耶格尔 / 艾连·叶卡
15岁。身高170cm。体重63kg。公式书数据:格斗术9 行动力10 头脑战3 协调性5 热血10 教官评价A
本作的男主角。自幼目睹母亲被巨人吃掉,对巨人有着非同寻常的愤怒。曾被父亲注射过不明药物,使其在被巨人吃掉时第一次巨人化,改变了特罗斯特区的战况,但因此被驻屯兵团当成威胁而围攻,危急时刻被匹西斯司令解围,之后参与了特罗斯特区夺回作战。Beginning in the giant will lose consciousness, attacked san li, A min was successful return thought, lift boulders blocked the damaged walls, so that the first human from giant to hand back the land. In the military court constitutional regiment and the bishop as human threats and sentenced to death, but in the Investigation Corps commander Aville an soldiers minister will guarantee to be observed under the conditions, and to the captains, joined the investigation corps. Lead team spirit, have in any case unyielding willpower, and often affect the people around them. 性格:基本属于开朗型,心性坚毅,能够服从命令而不徇私情,完全没有大局意识。但为人真诚大度说到做到,故很容易获得同伴的信任,但当看到同伴被杀时容易失去冷静,且毫不掩饰自己对贪生怕死者的厌恶。
经历:第一次墙外调查中与女巨人交手,结果不敌被其抓走,后来被利威尔和三笠救回。在知道了女巨人的真实身份后仍犹豫不决,之后被三笠说服,与调查兵团一起击败了女巨人。After the Eritrean Garr city battle and armored giant and super large giant battle, the injury will defeat the giant armor are falling from the wall of super giant impact, resulting in defeat and was the two away, after the Investigation Corps and the regiment composed of company with huge sacrifice to save.
No.2 三笠·阿克曼 / 米卡莎·阿卡曼
公式书数据:格斗术10 行动力9 头脑战8 协调性6 关心家人10 教官评价A+
本作的女主角。有着一半东洋血统的混血儿,平时总是一副扑克脸。年幼时父母在拐卖人口的事件中被杀害,自己也险些被贩卖,后被幼年之时的艾伦所救得以保命,从此和艾伦一家生活在一起,视艾伦为家人、生命的全部。为了保护艾伦,一直阻止他加入调查兵团,但知道自己无法阻止时,便决定跟他一起加入并下定决心要保护他。It was once thought that Alan is dead and abandon the students read, after renewed fighting, and in return Alan rarely exhibit intense emotion. As long as it is to Alan, no matter is the giant or a human, it'll all be killed. Have through any difficult task execution, was evaluated as There was no parallel in history.
经历:曾经在与利威尔一起从女巨人手中救回艾伦时因为急于求成而导致利威尔受伤,之后因为自责而在抓捕女巨人活动中奋力战斗,最终成功将几乎成功逃脱的女巨人活捉。In order to protect Alan and Kai giant and super large giant fights, the super giant generated from the wall fell by the impact of the injury and coma, woke up after the Alan has been taken away. Then go with reinforcements and Investigation Corps regiment chase, to recapture Alan. Find Alan after being Ymir obstruct, claims must be brought back to Alan, or it will kill the ymir.
No.3 阿明·阿诺德 / 爱尔敏·亚鲁雷特
公式书数据:格斗术2 行动力6 头脑战10 协调性8 判断力10 教官评价A+
艾伦和三笠的儿时伙伴。自幼便常被他人欺负,而艾伦和三笠总会为阿明解围,是相当要好的朋友。实战技术勉强及格,但关键时刻总能想出脱困的方法。刚上阵时表现得性格懦弱,在遭遇巨人时身体动不了了,一度认为自己害死了艾伦而自责不已,经常被自己是累赘的想法充斥着,后来在三笠和艾伦的鼓励下变得坚强。Had to successfully recapture Trost area, using his head repeatedly let Alan and three li change danger into safety, is two people trust unconditionally, Alan and three enterprises are willing to his life at the crucial moment. Once the giantess's face.
Lead team think-tank, has not lost to the general staff of the mind, often see through the enemy's objective and true colors, and making corresponding operational plan.
调查兵团 埃尔温·史密斯 / 艾尔文·史密斯
公式书数据:格斗术9 行动力10 头脑战10 协调性7 无情10
行事无论何时都以大局为先,即使以牺牲部下来换取胜利也在所不惜。第一次带领艾伦等人进行墙外调查时,以艾伦为诱饵,引来了女巨人,并以牺牲少数人性命为代价活捉了对方,可惜没有料到女巨人可以召唤其他巨人过来吃掉自己而导致抓捕行动失败。后来在调查兵团山穷水尽之际采用阿明的计策,揭穿了女巨人的真实身份并成功活捉了她,一口气逆转了局势。Joint forces now led the Investigation Corps and the regiment composed of track armored giant and super large giant, and to bring back Alan. With each other after the encounter from the forest leads to large quantities of giant stopped Kai et al. Lost an arm in the melee, but still at the critical moment arm cut off Alan's rope, will regain its from the giant hands. Fifty-fourth, 55 words, intended to persuade some upper officers plotted to change the king.
宪兵团 奈尔·德克
公式书数据:格斗术6 行动力4 头脑战6 协调性8 冷酷10
The conservative man, all in order to maintain the mainland order and stability is a priority, opposition to some extent and survey regiment Aville.
训练兵团 基斯·夏迪斯
驻扎兵团 多托·匹西斯 / 达特·皮克希斯
公式书数据:灵活性10 行动力10 对王的忠诚度10 来自部下的信赖10 演说11
被外界称为怪人,在赶到特罗斯特区最前线后的第一句话是——如果有超美女巨人的话,我会很乐意被吃掉的。In Trost District recapture war, bold use of Amin's strategy, and successful control of the situation, made the first time in the history of mankind against the giants victory.
在此不讨论政治和历史,不评判秋山好古这个人,单指这件事本身。日本在近代史里的行为大家在历史课上都学了无数次,身为一个作家,公开宣洋崇拜日本军人,并以其为原型,这是对邻国读者感情上的一种伤害。This has been the baptism of war, the world has not be kind and generous enough to forgive someone like Hitler in the war on the civilian force to sinners, especially in modern history of war, those scars and hatred has not been time to heal.
There are now many young people think that the so-called animation circle non-toxic harmless for your land, all did has nothing to do with politics, and position independent, only about love. Then still have to repeat the sentence: a writer in creative work, may be subjective and no want to serve the politics, but not consciously serve politics. You can criticize the work position, can not evaluate the work position, but not to the so-called love and believe that this work is not in a position. A thought all the art forms are only for the service and in no position to the audience, it is itself will be in no position, and this is the easiest brainwashed. When we as viewers watch works, also should have take its essence, goes to its dregs attitude.
海商法常用术语 中英 500个汇总表06-05