
时间:22-10-24 网友






The Buyers: 买方:BYD Electronics India Private Limited 印度某公司

ADDRESS:D-2 SIPCOT Industrial Park, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur-602105,

Tamil Nadu , India

地址:    印度 泰米尔那德

TEL:  +91-44-47108888     FAX:  +91-44-47108866


A corporation duly registered and existing under the laws of India, hereinafter referred to as "USER or BYD";



And  和

The Sellers: 卖方:The company in China中国某公司


TEL:         FAX:


A corporation duly registered and existing under the laws of China, hereinafter referred to as "SUPPLIER".

一个注册于中国_并受 中华人民共和国法律约束的公司,以下称之为“供货人”。


Whereas “SUPPLIER” is unable to engage in the import & export business, and whereas USER accepts that SUPPLIER may consign HANG FUNG ELECTRIC MFG.LIMITED as an agent to conduct business with USER, and USER signed the CONTRACT (Contract No. ) with its agent dated on . Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and mutual consultations, the parties hereto establish the terms and conditions hereinafter as a supplemental agreement, which is binding upon both parties, and it is as follows: 

鉴于供货人自身无法从事进出口业务,同时鉴于使用方同意供货人委托恒丰电业制造厂有限公司作为代理商与其进行关于买卖该设备的交易,而使用方和代理商于 签订了合同(合同号为: )。因此,考虑到以上情况并经相互协商,双方特约定以下条款及条件作为该合同的补充协议,协议双方均遵照该协议信守执行。


Therefore, the parties agree with the terms and conditions as follows:





1.1 Agent carries out the overseas trade on behalf of Seller. Any and all of Agent’s compensation and other expenses will be in conformity to the agreement between Agent and Seller. In no event shall Buyer be responsible for the compensation and other expenses of Agent to carry out this Contract.



1.2 Seller shall bear the joint liability for any and all obligations and responsibilities of Agent hereunder. If there is any breach of contract arising from Agent, Buyer shall be entitled to the option to cover the losses and damages from Seller directly.




1. .  The name of product: Automatic Ultrasonic washing machine


2.    Model No: 设备型号:AIX-C80108

3.    Amount: 设备数量:1 Pack

4.    Trade Mark: 设备品牌:AIX

5.    Country: 设备产地:SHENZHEN CHINA 中国深圳



3.1 Claim on Coming Inspection 货到检验时的索赔

Within thirty (30) days after arrival of the equipment at the port of destination, the USER has to report to the SUPPLIER, if damages of the goods are found, or the specifications and/or quantity are not in conformity with the stipulations of this CONTRACT due to the SUPPLIER responsibility, the SUPPLIER will be liable for repairing the damaged equipment and/or replacing this equipment which cannot be repaired and/or supplying short-shipped items. 

    The claim, except the claim of quality, discovered during this open case inspection must be made not later than thirty (30) days after the arrival of the equipment concerned.



3.2  Claim during Warranty Period 保证期限内的索赔

The SUPPLIER shall be responsible for the quality and the technical performance of the equipment supplied within its guarantee period as mentioned in article 3. If the equipment supplied is found cannot reach its designated quality and technical specification, the SUPPLIER should take remedial action to correct such defects which might include the replacement of the defected parts within three (3) months after the User’s written notice and shall bear all the expenses arising thereof. If the defects are not remedied within this specified period, the USER can request the SUPPLIER liquidated damages on the defected equipment.





The two parties agree to choose mode (A) to apply to this Agreement.



4.1 Mode A模式A

3.1.1  If installation is included in this purchase, the installation and commissioning of the Equipment purchased under this Contract will be undertaken by the Seller pursuant to the terms in Appendix A hereto.  In addition, prior to commencing any installation work at Buyer’s facility, Seller will obtain product liability insurance with the insurance value not less than the total price of this Contract. The certificate of insurance shall list the insurance company, amount of coverage, policy numbers, and expiration date. Buyer shall be named as one of the beneficiaries under Seller's liability policies such that Buyer and Seller are both covered for any alleged negligence, and the Buyer shall be shown as one of the beneficiaries on the certificate of insurance. This Clause 7.1 does not affect Seller's indemnification or other liabilities hereunder.



4.1.2  Location of Installation:   Limited安装位置:


4.1.3  After installation of the Equipment, Buyer and Seller will jointly participate in acceptance testing. If the technical specifications listed in the Technical Agreement attached hereto as Appendix B have been reached, the representatives of both parties shall sign an Acceptance Certificate in the form attached to the Technical Agreement, in duplicate, one for each party.  Such signature shall constitute acceptance of  the Equipment by the Buyer. The Acceptance Certificate will not exempt the Seller from the obligation to perform warranty work, and the Seller will remain responsible under the warranty provisions listed in Article 5.



4.1.4  Seller will pay all expenses of installation of the Equipment, and will be responsible for any damage to the Equipment, Seller’s facility, or Seller’s employees during the course of installation. .The Seller will provide training for the Buyer until the Buyer’s personnel can operate the Equipment.



4.2 Mode B模式B

4.2.1  Buyer shall take care of field installation and commissioning of the Equipment, and report to Seller on any problem or failure.


4.2.2  Seller must guide for installation and commissioning, furnish the Buyer with instructions about installation and commissioning, and provide long-distance support via telephone, email and so on. If there is any question, seller technical staff should solve the problem within three working days and keep the equipment running in order. Otherwise, Buyer is entitled to the option of asking Seller to settle the problem where it is installed at its own costs and expenses.



4.2.3  Location of Installation:  安装位置:


4.2.4  After installation of the Equipment, if the technical specifications listed in the Technical Agreement attached hereto as Appendix A have been reached, the seller shall sign an Acceptance Certificate in duplicate, one for each party.  Such signature shall constitute acceptance of the Equipment by the Buyer. The Acceptance Certificate will not exempt the Seller from the obligation to perform warranty work, and the Seller will remain responsible under the warranty provisions listed in Article 5



4.2.5  The Seller will provide training for the Buyer, the long-distance support via email, telephone and so on, until the Buyer’s personnel can operate the Equipment.




5.1  Quality质量方面

5.1.1  The Seller warrants that the Equipment to be supplied under this Contract


1)Will be free from all defects in design, workmanship and materials and will be brand new.



2)  Will be fit for normal usages of Equipment of this type, as well as for any specific purpose that Buyer has communicated to Seller that it intends to use the Equipment for;



3)Will be of the same quality as any sample Equipment which the Seller has furnished to the Buyer as a model



5.1.2  If the Equipment has any problems with the Equipment that require repair  during the warranty period, the Buyer may request warranty service by giving notice, including a description of the problem, the severity of the problem,  and the efforts made already to address the problem. The Seller will respond to a maintenance request within24 hours after receiving it, initially by written response acknowledging receipt of Buyer’s request to be sent back to the Buyer immediately. The Seller will arrange for service personnel to address the quality problems within a reasonable time.

The abovementioned warranty period shall be12months from the date of acceptance certificate.




5.1.3  If the Seller fails to solve the quality problems within a reasonable time, Buyer may, at its option,



 (a) replace the damaged Equipment, 要求卖方退换质量有问题的设备

(b) hire a third party to repair the Equipment, or另请第三方维修设备,或

(c) allow the Seller to conduct the repairs in question.  Seller will be liable for the costs of such repair.



5.2  Warranty of Ownership所有权保证

The Equipment delivered by the Seller will be free from any right or claim to title of a third party, unless the Buyer has agreed to accept the Equipment subject to that right or claim. However, if such right or claim is based on industrial property or other intellectual property rights, the Seller's obligation will be governed by Article 5.3 below.



5.3  Warranty of Intellectual Property知识产权保证

5.3.1  Seller will defend and indemnify Buyer against all demands, claims, threats, lawsuits or other proceedings, including attorneys fees therefor (“Claims”) arising out of, resulting from or related to any allegation that the Equipment infringes or misappropriates any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, trade name, trade dress, mask work or other intellectual property or proprietary right (collectively “IP Rights”) of a third party.

卖方有义务使得买方免于因该设备违反或者盗用任何第三方的专利,版权,商标,商业秘密,商号,商业外观,屏蔽作品权或其他的知识产权(以下统称知识产权)而产生的任何要求,权利请求,威胁,诉讼或其他程序(以下统称为诉讼),并应赔偿买方因以上程序 产生的一切损失,包括律师费用。


5.3.2 If Buyer is prevented or is likely to be prevented from using the Equipment by reason of any such Claim, then Seller will, at its sole expense, use its best efforts to: (i) obtain all rights required to permit the use of such Equipment by Buyer; or (ii) modify or replace the Equipment to make it non-infringing.  If Seller is unable to achieve either option above within 15 days after issuance of an injunction, then Buyer may immediately terminate this Contract and Seller will refund to Buyer all monies paid under this Contract.



  Indemnification Notification and Procedure赔偿通知及程序

Buyer will promptly notify Seller of any Claims for which Buyer may seek indemnity under the terms of this Contract, and Seller will immediately assume control, in a manner not adverse to the interests of Buyer, of the Claim.   Buyer may employ counsel at their own expense with respect to any such Claim, provided that if counsel is employed due to a conflict of interest or because Seller does not adequately or competently assume control of the defense, Seller will bear such expense.  Buyer will give Seller reasonable assistance and cooperation in the defense    of the Claim.  Seller will neither admit liability nor enter into any settlement that adversely affects Buyer Parties’ rights or interests without Buyer’s prior written consent.



Article 6 – INSURANCE保险

6.1   Within 30days after the signature of this Contract, Seller shall furnish to Buyer a certificate of insurance showing minimum coverage of general and product liability insurance with combined single limits of two million dollars (US$2,000,000) per occurrence, which may include a combination of primary and excess liability insurance. The certificate of insurance shall list the insurance company, amount of coverage, policy numbers, expiration date, and include a 30-day-notice-of-cancellation-to-Buyer clause. Buyer shall be named as one of the beneficiaries under Seller's liability policies such that Buyer and Seller are both covered for any alleged negligence, and the Buyer shall be shown as one of the beneficiaries on the certificate of insurance.  Seller shall maintain such insurance during the term of the Agreement. This Clause 9 does not affect Seller's indemnification or other liabilities hereunder.




7.1  Force Majeure means events such as earthquakes, typhoons, floodings, fires, wars (whether declared or not), governmental intervention, strikes, civil disorders, Acts of God, trade embargoes, or other incidents which cannot be foreseen, prevented or avoided.



7.2 Where a party is prevented by Force Majeure to perform this CONTRACT, it shall notify the other party by telex, fax or cable and within fifteen (15) days provide details of the Force Majeure as well as effective supporting documents explaining the reasons why this CONTRACT or any part of it cannot be performed or why the time limit of performance required to be extended.  Such supporting documents shall be issued by the competent authority of the place where the Force Majeure took place.  The parties shall, in accordance with the influence that the event has on the performance of this CONTRACT, hold negotiations to decide upon the total or partial abrogation of this CONTRACT or the extension of the period for the performance of this CONTRACT.



7.3 Neither party shall be liable for failure to perform any of its obligations if such performance is hindered or prevented by Force Majeure.



Article 8 – TERMINATION 终止条款

   Upon the occurrence of any one of the following events, either party may at any time by written notice to the other party to terminate this CONTRACT:



8.1  The other party commits a material breach of this CONTRACT and such breach, if remediable, is not remedied within 30 days after receipt of written notice by the party in breach;



8.2  The other party becomes bankrupt or insolvent or ceases to carry on business or becomes unable to pay its debts;



8.3   If it becomes illegal for either party to perform this CONTRACT;



8.4   The conditions of Force Majeure prevail for a period in excess of ninety (90) days and the parties have been unable to find an equitable solution on further performance of the CONTRACT.



Article 9 - TRIAL PERIOD-实验期


For a period of 3  days after the Equipment has been installed, the Buyer may report any failure of the Equipment to perform to the Seller, and Seller will determine the cause of that failure.  If damage to the Equipment is found, or the Equipment’s performance is not in compliance with the specifications or the quantity supplied is not in conformity with the stipulations of this Contract, and the problem has not been remedied within 30 days of the Buyer’s report, the Buyer may, at its sole option and at the Seller’s expense, choose from among the following methods to cure this failure:

在该设备安装后3 天内,买方应向卖方汇报该设备运行中产生的任何错误,卖方将判定错误的原因。如果发现设备受损,或者未按照说明书操作设备,或者所提供的设备数量不符合本合同规定的,并且问题在买方汇报后30天内没有得到补救的, 买方可以行使其独有的选择权,从以下方法中选择来补救该错误事宜,并由卖出支付费用。


9.1.1  Return of the equipment. The Buyer may notify the Seller that it wants to return the Equipment and the Seller will, at its own expenses, exchange the unqualified Equipment for qualified Equipment and deliver that Equipment to the same destination during the period specified by the Buyer. If the Seller fails to exchange the returned Equipment, the Buyer may replace the item(s) by acquiring them from a third party at the Seller’s expenses.

返还设备。 买方可通知卖方,他想返还该设备,卖方将自负费用把不合格的设备更换成合格的设备,并在买方确定的期间内将设备送到相同的目的地。如果卖方不能更换返还的设备,买方可以从第三方处获取并更换掉,费用由卖方承担。


9.1.2   If the Buyer has paid the Seller an advance payment for any non-functioning Equipment, the Buyer may elect to require the Seller to refund such payment to the Buyer within seven days from the date of the notice specified above.



9.1.3   The Buyer may repair the Equipment or hire a third party to do so, and the Seller will be liable for the costs of repairing the damaged Equipment and/or replacing any Equipment which the Buyer determines cannot be repaired.



9.1.4   The Seller will indemnify the Buyer for any losses incurred during the processes described in this section 8.






This contract shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. If any disputes arise between the parties relating to or in connection with this CONTRACT, the parties shall attempt at first instance to resolve such disputes through friendly discussion. If the disputes cannot be resolved in this manner to the satisfaction of the parties within forty-five (45) days after the date that any party has notified the other party in writing of such disputes, the parties shall submit the disputes to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, South China sub-Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The language of the arbitration shall be Chinese. The arbitration award is final and binding upon both parties.



The costs of arbitration will be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise determined by the arbitration award.  During the process of arbitration, except the section over which the dispute arises between the parties, this CONTRACT shall be performed continuously.




11.1 This CONTRACT shall become effective upon signature by the authorized representatives of the BUYER and the SELLER.



11.2 This CONTRACT shall be effective from the effective date until the expiry of the warranty period referred to in ARTICLE 4 under this CONTRACT.




12.1 This CONTRACT is made in English and in Chinese and signed in two copies as original. Each party shall retain one copy. All the commercial and technical correspondences and documents in connection with the performance of this CONTRACT shall be in the English or Chinese. In the event of dispute, the Chinese version shall prevail.



12.2   Neither of the parties shall be allowed to transfer any of its rights and/or obligations under this CONTRACT to a third party without the prior written consent form the other party.



12.3 All the appendices to this CONTRACT shall form integral parts of this CONTRACT.



12.4 The Contract shall be governed by INCOTERMS 2000 published by International Chamber of Commerce.

     本合同受国际商会INCOTERMS 2000版约束。



USER/使用方:    SUPPLIER/供货方:


TTITLE/职位:     TTITLE/职位:

DATE/日期: DATE/日期:


Appendix A附件A

Terms of Installation安装项目

1 本合同中的设备安装由供货方负责。

 The installation of the Equipment under this Contract shall be carried out by the SUPPLIER.


2 各方当事人应该在安装开始前 15 天指定各自的代表人。供货方应按照本附件安装,细节将来记录在日志中,并由双方代表签名确认。

 Either Party shall nominate one (1) Site Representative respectively  15 days before the beginning of installation. The SUPPLIER shall conduct the installation in accordance with this appendix, details of which will be recorded in a log book and signed by Site Representative of the two Parties.


3 安装应该在设备到达日起 10  天内实施并完成。当按照技术文件完成安装时,双方应该在安装完成后5天内签订安装证明。上述凭证的签订日期视为安装的完成日期。

 The installation shall be conducted and completed within  5  days from the arriving of the Equipment. When the installation is completed in accordance with Technical Documentation, both Parties shall sign the certificate for Installation within five (5) days following its completion. The signing date of the said certificate shall be deemed as the completion date of the installation


4 试转测试应该只有 3 次,并在测试循环完成后 3 天内完成。在测试循环完成之前,供货方应该提交试转测试的详细步骤,并且须由双方同意。为了使试转测试更便利,供货方应该备好合格的技术员,足够的后备零件以及其他试转测试所需的东西。如果该设备不满足附件B中关于试转的规定,双方应该立即开展调查,供货方应该采取合适的措施来消除缺陷,或促进试转。如果履行了试运转且此履行与技术合同相一致,双方代表应该在试运转完成后5天内签订一个测试证明。

 The Commissioning and Performance Test shall be conducted for no more than  3  times and completed within  3  days following the completion date of Test Runs. Detailed procedures for the Commissioning and Performance Test shall be submitted by the SUPPLIER before the completion of Test Runs and be agreed upon by both Parties.

In order to facilitate Commissioning and Performance Test, the SUPPLIER shall make available qualified technical personnel and adequate spare parts as well as other items necessary for the Commissioning and performance test..

In case the Equipment fails to meet the requirements specified in Appendix B in Commissioning, both Parties shall make investigations thereon and the SUPPLIER shall take appropriate measures to eliminate the defects and/or facilitate Commissioning. If the Commissioning and Performance Test has been performed and found in conformity with the Technical Documentation, a certificate for the Test Runs shall be signed by the Site Representative of the two Parties within five (5) days following its completion.




All cost involved, including but not limited to the working hour cost, equipment and spare part cost, freight and insurance premium involved in delivery to and/or from the Job Site as well as the technical service for the SUPPLIER's personnel, shall be borne to the SUPPLIER.

After the defects have been eliminated, additional test run shall be carried out as soon as possible But the opportunity of test run for the SUPPLIER is limited to three times. In case any of the performance or guarantee indices are not fulfilled in its third opportunity for Performance Test for the reason attributable to the SUPPLIER, the Buyer has the right to claim against the SUPPLIER for liquidated damage. After acceptance of liquidated damages, the Buyer shall sign the Acceptance certificate for the Equipment in one (1) original and one (1) duplicate. Nevertheless, the SUPPLIER shall make the Equipment reach the technical specified in Appendix B. The payment of liquidated damages shall not release the SUPPLIER from its obligation in the Warranty Period.


6 如果测试循环和/或试转推迟了,和/或由于供货方的原因导致其他情况产生的附加费用,使用方有权对由此产生的损失提出索赔。

In case the Commissioning are delayed and/or additional cost arises in other circumstances for the reason attributable to the SUPPLIER, the Buyer has the right to claim for damages and losses thus incurred.


7 该设备的接受不减少供货方在本合同中的担保。

The Acceptance of the Equipment shall not release the SUPPLIER from his warranty under this Contract.


Appendix B附件B

Technical Agreement技术协议

Appendix C附件C


1  保密信息  使用方提供给供货方的所有信息都是机密的。使用方不允许供货方将保密信息披露,除非是向需要知道该机密信息为供货方实施本协议所规定的义务的供货方员工或代理人披露,这些人员需要受到至少与本协议条款同等约束的保密协议的约束。

      Confidential Information.  All information given to SUPPLIER by User is confidential. SUPPLIER may not allow User’s confidential information to be disclosed except to SUPPLIER’s employees or agents who have a need to know the information for SUPPLIER to perform its obligations under this Agreement and who are bound by a confidentiality agreement at least as restrictive as the terms of this Agreement. 


2     除外条款   该保密义务不适用于以下信息:(a)供货方在接收到使用方提供信息之前已经知道的信息,(b)供货方通过无保密义务及不违反本协议的第三方获取的信息,(c)未违反本协议而成为公众可获得的. 该保密义务并不限制供货方遵守任何法律的规定,要求,或迫使其披露机密信息的指示;不过,供货方必须及时将该指示通知使用方,为了让使用方有合理机会来设法保护机密信息

      Exclusions.  This obligation of confidentiality will not apply to information that: (a) SUPPLIER knew before        receiving it from User, (b) SUPPLIER receives from a third party without an obligation of confidentiality or breach of this Agreement, or (c) becomes publicly available without breach of this Agreement.  The obligation of confidentiality does not restrict SUPPLIER from complying with any legal requirement, request, or order that compels SUPPLIER to disclose the confidential information; however, SUPPLIER must promptly notify User of the order to allow User a reasonable opportunity to seek to protect the confidential information.










海商法常用术语 中英 500个汇总表06-05




