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产品说明书的英文篇一:英文 产品说明书
The first summrize
Tody,internl smple of liquid dielectric in the oiltnk is performed by ISO3170(GB/T4756-1998)《Petrol liquid product hndicrft smple lw》.It is impossibly to control ccurtely smple process. Usully the smple will not be exct.Performing personnels will feel tired s usul becuse of hrdwork.When rin or snow, climb oiltnk tht is very dngerous job.When getting smple t top of oiltnk,esily voltile nd noxious dielectric will injure someones,t one time,it will not be in fvour of environment nd the medium of oiltnk will be polluted by other things from environment.
For solving these problem, we hve developed 〞 The uto control getting smple from oiltnk〞 tht ccording to 《ISO3170(GB/T4756-1998 criterion》,it hs chieved tht liquid smple t different level of oiltnk will be smpled. The mchine opertion is very simply、very ccurte、excellently repeted,it’s structure is simple nd it will be instll very esily. It will not pollute the environment too. The smple mchine hs been wrded ntionlptent nd the second prize of the sino petrol chemicl industry utomtion voction 20XX yer. The uto control getting smple from oiltnk , it’s structure is smple, it will be instll very esily、it’s opertion is very simply、very ccurte nd it will not pollute the environment. t present, it’s technology hs been tke the led in the like product.
We hve gotten by the uto control getting smple from oiltnk the ptents nd the credits tht re:
( 1 ) The liquid smple devicment from oiltnk, the number of prent is ZL 02208233.6.
( 2 ) The liquid smple from oiltnk Multilyer frme mens expnsion of type of zero grvity, the number of prent is ZL 20XX20XX9965.3
( 3 )The smple devicment of Multi-dimensionl smpling vlve, the number of prent is ZL 20XX20XX9363.X
( 4 )The multichnnel two globe vlves, the number of prent is ZL 20XX20XX2338.0
( 5 ) The ntionlptent nd the second prize of the sino petrol chemicl industry utomtion voction 20XX yer
Ptentee’s declrtion:
bout the ptents of oil tnk smpler:
( 1 ) The liquid smple devicment from oiltnk, the number of prent is ZL 02208233.6.
( 2 ) The liquid smple from oiltnk Multilyer frme mens expnsion of type of zero grvity, the number of prent is ZL 20XX20XX9965.3
( 3 )The smple devicment of Multi-dimensionl smpling vlve, the number of prent is ZL 20XX20XX9363.X
( 4 )The multichnnel two globe vlves, the number of prent is ZL 20XX20XX2338.0
The 4 items’s using right hs been wrded to Ln zhou GuKe chemicl plnt pprtus Co.,Ltd by ptentee for mnufcture nd sle. If others
will mnufcture nd sell them ,they will brek the lw, the ptentee will inquire their responsibility of lw nd cll for economics compenstion. The ptentee’s signture:
The designsketch in fct:
The second smpler technology prmeter:
The third type of smple
The fourth pplicble rnge
The self-tuning oil tnk smpler is pplicble to liquid medium of oiltnk in the petroleum nd chemicl industry nd so on.(for exmple: gs、kerosene、diesel、white oil、nphth、crude oil、ll kinds of residuum、slops、sphlt、petroleum romtics、vrious solvent、thick vitriol、orgnic cid、lye、beer nd so on)’s upper smple、middles mple、lower smple、upper middles lowe’s 1:1:1 uniform combintion smple nd bottoms mple、exits smples、upper smple nd so on.Setting smple t the especil loction by users’s require.Cn setting 9 point for mxize.
The fiveth The self-tuning oil tnk smpler’s chrcteristic nd virtue
1. ccurte smple loction
The smpler uses the ptent technology〞 The liquid smple from oiltnk Multilyer frme mens expnsion of type of zero grvity, the number of prent is ZL 20XX20XX9965.3〞.We estblish the dtbse of multilyer frme mens expnsion mnufcture prmeter by more nd more test. We cn ssure tht our multilyer frme mens expnsion cn conquer connturl wek point tht cn not go up nd down in rtio of equlity by others. ssure every smple connection tht been set in multilyer frme mens expnsion cn utomticlly go up nd down in rtio of equlity with liqu(转 载于:.hnNscy :产品说明书的英文)id level, to let it to truely get upper smple、middles mple、lower smple、upper middles lowe’s 1:1:1 uniform combintion smple. If multilyer frme mens expnsion cn go up nd down in rtio of equlity tht will decide every connection’s definition of smple.
For the drwing-1:
the drwing-1
便携式多媒体音响 Portble Multimedi coustics
使用说明书 User’s Mnul
专注于完善音质的追求?? Concentrte on perfect sound pursuit?
Thnk you for using this digitl product of our compny. In order to let you experience the product swimmingly, detiled instruction is provided which you cn find the product’s introduction, usge nd other informtion. Before using this product, plese red the mnul crefully, so tht you cn correctly use it. In cse of ny printing or trnsltion error, we pologize for the inconvenience. s for the content chnge, we re sorry for no further notice.
一、 产品概述 Generl Informtion
This product is well-designed portble multimedi mini coustics which pplies to household, outdoor trvel, office nd other plces. It offers you chnce to indulge yourself in music t ny time nd plce, nd provides perfect sound service to your computers, digitl medi plyers, mobile phones nd other udio-visul products.
二、 功能特点 Function Overview
MP3播放】直接播放TF卡及U盘MP3文件。 [MP3 Plyer] Enble directly plying MP3 files in TF memory crd nd U Disk.
FM收音机】FM数字立体声收音机,电XX记忆播放。〔可选机型,功能以实物为准〕 [FM Rdio] FM digitl stereo rdio; enble mnemonic rdio chnnel plying.
外挂耳机】本机配置标准耳机插孔,可选配耳机倾听音乐。 [Ext Erphone] stndrd erphone jck included; enble listening with erphone.
音频输入】立体声音频输入接口,轻松接驳电脑、数码音乐播放器、XX等视听产品各类音源。 [udio input] stereo udio input jck; enble the sound source connection with computers, digitl medi plyers, mobile phones nd other udio-visul products.
断点记忆】自动记忆上次退出时的曲目播放。 [Memory Function] Memorize the item plyed lst time utomticlly.
可充锂电】内置可充电锂电池,环保、节省、有用。 [Chrgeble Bttery] Chrgeble bttery included; environmentl, economicl nd
智能充电】配送USB接口充电线,可接驳电脑的USB接口进行充电,或使用XX充电器进行充电。 [Intellective chrging] Wiring with USB jck, enbles chrging by connecting with USB jck of computer or cell phone chrger.
三、 播放音乐操作Opertion
本机的微电脑系统自动检测识别外接设备,开机后进入待机模式,插入U盘或TF储存卡自动识别播放,插入音频信号线自动识别播放,后者优先原则,具体功能操作请阅读第四项“产品的按键、插孔功能定义〞。 Microcomputer system of this product cn utomticlly identify exterior equipment. fter strtup nd entering into stndby mode, insert U disk, TF crd or udio signl lines for utomtic identifiction nd being plyed ccording to the principle of the lter coming first. For more detils, plese reference to 4th item “Definition of Button nd Jck〞.
四、 产品的按键、插孔功能定义〔以实物为准〕 Definition of Button
nd Jck 〔Rel object be tken s finl〕
保存的电XX。 Long press for Power On/off, short press for Ply/Puse. In FM mold, protected rdio chnnel cn be chosen.
小。Short press for lst item or lst chnnel, long press for turning down the volume.
大。Short press for next item or next chnnel, long press for turning up the volume.
LINE IN(UX音频输入模式),在FM收音模式,长按为自动搜XX并记忆保存电XX。 Mode shift button: short press nd shift to USB/SD mode, once more to LINE IN (UX udio input mode); in FM mode, long press stnds for utomtic serch nd memorizing the rdio chnnel.
接驳电脑USB接口进行充电,或使用XX充电器进行充电。 Power input + erphone jck for listening to music or rdio chnnel. Power input jck with USB wiring, enbles chrging by connecting with USB jck of computer or cell phone chrger.
:插入TF卡播放MP3音乐。Insert TF crd for MP3
music plying.
:插入U盘播放MP3音乐。Insert U disk for MP3 music
播放器、XX等视听产品各类音源输入。使用收音机功能时,参照第六项图示连接外置天线,收XX灵敏度更佳。 udio input jck + exterior ntenn jck, enble the sound source connection with computers, digitl medi plyers, mobile phones nd other udio-visul products.
五、 指示灯介绍 Introduction of Indictor Light
红色指示灯:FM收音机模式。Red: FM rdio mode.
蓝色指示灯:U盘和TF存储卡播放模式。Blue: U disk or TF crd plying mode.
紫色指示灯:音频输入模式。Purple: udio input mode.
紫色指示灯闪动:正在充电中,充满电量后停止闪动。Twinkle of purple indictor light: under chrging; no twinkle fter fully chrged.
spirl chute
1、 product descriptionspirl chute is integrted spirl seprtor, spirl chute, shker, centrifugl
concentrtion mchine chrcteristics of the equipment, mining, minerl processing
is the best equipment, especilly the seside, riverside, snd bech, the strem of
plcer mining is more idel. the product hs the dvntges of resonble structure,
simple instlltion, covers n re of smll, simple opertion, stble ore
beneficition, cler, lrge processing cpcity, high efficiency eichment rtio
high, high recovery rte, relible opertion chrcteristics. hve weight light,
moisture-proof, rust-proof, corrosion resistnce, of the feeding quntity nd
concentrtion, prticle size, qulity of voltility dptbility is strong, no noise.
2、 seprtion principlespirl chute is membrne flow grvity seprtion equipment, the selection
principle is the use of useful minerls nd gngue in proportion, prticle size, shpe
differences, in rotting inclined flow by grvity, centrifugl force, hydrodynmic
pressure nd friction force with different groove fce, relize the useful minerls
nd gngue strtifiction, brnch tpe sorting. hevy, corse grnulrity, fst
sedimenttion of prticles grdully moved towrds the spirl groove inner edge, the
proportion of smll, fine prticle size, prticle sedimenttion slow grdully moved
to the spirl groove edge, grdully bnding, culminting in the spirl groove end
by cutting ore tnk is respectively connected out, to relize seprtion.
3、 ppliction
the sorting equipment for grin size 0.3--0.02 mm fine iron ore, titnium ore,
chromite, pyrite, zircon, monzite, rutile , phosphorus ore, tungsten, tin, b mine
of tntlum niobium ore with the difference of specific grvity, nd other non-ferrous
metls, rre metls nd non-metllic minerl. the sorting process with stble, esy
to control, to llow chnges to the minerl concentrtion rnge, high eichment,
high recovery rte, smll occuption re, little wter consumption, simple structure,
no need of power, lrge processing quntity, simple instlltion, convenient
opertion, smll investment, quick dvntges.
4、the method of usethe spirl chute is erected, clibrted verticl line, with metl or wood fixed
in position, by the snd pump will ore to spirl top two inlet, dding supplementl
wter, minerl ore concentrtion regultion pddle, pddle down nturlly from high
swirl, in rotting inclined flow produces kind of inertil centrifugl force, with
ore proportion, prticle size, shpe differences, swirl through the ction of grvity
nd centrifugl force, will be mine nd snd seprting, concentrte into the
concentrte pipe connected with hopper, tilings into tiling bucket pipeline
is connected to snd pool, then the pump dischrge, finished processing the whole
5、structure nd technicl prmeter
spirl chute instlltion procedures nd requirements:
1) first check the glss steel spirl slice qulity (especilly the work surfce
qulity), size
nd shpe to meet the requirements for ssembly
2) screw plte connecting bolt hole by the generl fctory in dvnce with drill.
if the
mnufcturer hs no processing is required, ccording to the sme templte
drilling, in order to ensure good interchngebility.
3) bolt the five coil sheet re connected into group of spirl groove, level
set, two
djcent flnge connection within the surfce smooth trnsition is connected,
specil ttention should be pid on the surfce my not be lower thn the corresponding
lower sheet surfce. long the dimeter direction.(the slot width direction) to edge
lignment s the stndrd, do not llow plte rim inside, so the instlltion is
intended to prevent the occurrence of ore fluid splsh. joint gp, with putty.
4) the coupled five of group of four (or two or three) spirl groove rotting
into desired shpe, distribution.
5) the four roots (three) column is respectively rrnged in four (or three, two)
groove, bolt the spirl groove nd the pillr is fixed, then instll the cross
(tripod), so tht ech spirl long the prk re cloth, then ll bolts. fter
instlltion, spirl plte tomintin the nturl shpe, with no obvious vrint.
6) would give mine groove nd product interception groove re respectively
rrnged in
the spirl groove of the hed end nd the til end to ensure tht the connection
of close wter lekge. if there is gp, by coting seling. to ensure the smooth
trnsition of groove surfce.
7) to mine even divider nd product ssemble bucket nd the slot brcket is notconnected, free plced on the brcket, the instlltion should py ttention to
in the chrt re position. ech row of tube to distributor re respectively ligned
with corresponding to the ore tnk.6-s shking tble
the 6-s shking tble is one of the min equipment of grvity concentrtion, it
is widely used in seprting tungsten, tin, tntlum, niobium, gold nd other rre
metls nd precious metl ore. cn be used for roughing, concentrtion, scvenging
different opertions, seprting corse snd (2-0.5mm) (0.5-0.074mm), fine snd,
cly (- 0.074) of different grin grde it cn lso be used to seprte iron, mngnese
ore nd col. when processing tungsten, tin ore, the tble effective recycling
prticle size rnge for the 2-0.22 mm.
1〕ccording to the different position of ore, shker cn be divided into right
nd left type crdle type crdle two forms. the right type crdle for the ore loction
for the rocking mechnism is on the right side, left type crdle to mine is locted
in the left.
2〕6-s shker cn be divided into fixed shking tble,chnnel br shking tble,
big chnnel steel shking tble.
3〕ccording to the concentrtion prticle size, divided into corse snd tble,
snd tble nd slimmer three.
4、 structure
forwrd. 篇三:产品说明书——超级胶水产品中英文说明书产品说明书
髙材**** **** ***
high grde super glue supplier: yiwu xinqi super glue product fctory bsic info
type: liquid glue brnd nme: best gluemodel number: bg-1200
plce of origin: zhejing chin (minlnd) mteril: cynocrylte dhesive other nme: 502,super gluepcking: customizedvolume: 3g--30g
pckging deliverypckging detil:3grms/pc,12pcs/crd,72crds/boxdelivery detil:7-30dysspecifictions
high grde super glue used for
wood,rubber ,plstics,metl,lether,cermic...etc
(1) feture:
mteril:cynocrylte dhesive glue percent:≥70% or customizedcutting strength:≥10mpoperting temperture:round 25°c certifiction:sgs ,msdsbonds in:round in 10seconds specific grvity:s customized vlidity:12 months (20°c)
(2) cution :
1:strong dhesion to skin, don’t peel it directly if being glued, bthing within
hot wter for while or wipe it off with cetone.2:strong smell when voltilize ,mke sure to use it under wide nd ir-flowing
circumstnce when working with it for long time.3:sel the open end tightly to prevent voltiliztion.4:storge under the required condition strictly, high temperture or wetness
will shorten the storge period.5:plese keep out of rech of children.高级瞬间胶供应商:义乌市新颖超级胶水生产厂 基本信息
型号:bg- 1200
容量:3克 - 30克 包装及送货
包装说明:3克/瓶,12瓶/卡,72卡/箱 递货时间详情:7~30天 产品说明
高级瞬间胶适用于木材,橡胶,塑料,金属,皮革,陶瓷...等超级胶水可以在几乎全部紧贴的光滑外表通过粘合剂组分几秒内粘结,不需 要混合,不需要加热,不需要光照。 〔1〕特点: 材质:氰基丙烯酸盐黏合剂 胶水%:≥70%或定制切割强度:≥10mp
工作温度:约25° c认证:sgs,msds
有效期: 12个月〔20° c〕 〔2〕留意事项:
1。皮肤附着力强,假如被粘不直接剥离,用热水洗一会儿,或用丙酮擦拭。 2。挥发时
3。不用时紧紧密封开口端,以防止挥发。 4。请严格在所需条件下存储,高温或潮湿会
缩短贮存期。 5。请放在儿童触及不到的地方篇四:电子产品说明书——媒体音响英文说明
便携式多媒体音响 portble multimedi coustics使用说明书 user’s mnul专注于完善音质的追求?? concentrte on perfect sound pursuit? 感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽
一、 产品概述 generl informtion 本机是一款外观小巧,设计精巧、携带方便多媒体小音响,适用于家居、户外旅游、办
二、 功能特点 function overview
mp3播放】直接播放tf卡及u盘mp3文件。 [mp3 plyer] enble directly plying
mp3 files in tf memory crd nd u disk.
fm收音机】fm数字立体声收音机,电XX记忆播放。〔可选机型,功能以实物为准〕 [fm
rdio] fm digitl stereo rdio; enble mnemonic rdio chnnel plying.
外挂耳机】本机配置标准耳机插孔,可选配耳机倾听音乐。 [ext erphone] stndrd
erphone jck included; enble listening with erphone.
断点记忆】自动记忆上次退出时的曲目播放。 [memory function] memorize the item
plyed lst time utomticlly.
可充锂电】内置可充电锂电池,环保、节省、有用。 [chrgeble bttery] chrgeble
bttery included; environmentl, economicl ndfunctionl.
三、 播放音乐操作opertion
四、 产品的按键、插孔功能定义〔以实物为准〕 definition of buttonnd jck 〔rel object be tken s finl〕 1、 :长按开机/关机,播放/暂停。在fm模式可以选择已被保存的电XX。 long press for power on/off, short press for ply/puse. in fm mold,
protected rdio chnnel cn be chosen.2、 :短按上一曲,选择上一个收音电XX,长按调整音量减 小。short press for lst item or lst chnnel, long press for turning down the
3、 :短按下一曲,选择下一个收音电XX,长按调整音量增 大。short press for next item or next chnnel, long press for turning up the volume.4、 :模式转换键,短按转为usb/sd卡模式,再短按为 line in(ux音频输入模式),在fm收音模式,长按为自动搜XX并记忆保存电XX。 mode
shift button: short press nd shift to usb/sd mode, once more to line in (ux udio
input mode); in fm mode, long press stnds for utomtic serch nd memorizing the
rdio chnnel.
5、 :电源输入+耳机公用插孔,可以插耳机观赏音乐或收 听电XX;电源输入插孔,可使用本机配送的专用usb电源线, 6、 :插入tf卡播放mp3音乐。insert tf crd for mp3 music plying.
7、 :插入u盘播放mp3音乐。insert u disk for mp3 music plying.
8、 :音频输入接口+外置天线插孔,接驳电脑、数码音乐
五、 指示灯介绍 introduction of indictor light 红色指示灯:fm收音机模式。red: fm rdio mode.














