
时间:22-10-16 网友



House Lease Contract (Chinese-English Version)


This Contract is made in Chinese and English versions and is intended for receipt by all parties who have signed it.


Landlord (Party A)


Name: [□□□]


Gender: [Male/Female]


ID Number: [***************]


Phone: [139********]


Address: [101 □□ Road, □□ District, □□ City]


Tenant (Party B)


Name: [□□□]


Gender: [Male/Female]


ID Number: [***************]


Phone: [139********]


Address: [102 □□ Road, □□ District, □□ City]



1.甲方合法拥有户型为[100 平方米、2 室1 厅1 卫]的房产,现欲将该房产出租给乙方。

Party A is the legal owner of the apartment with a floor area of [100 square meters, 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, and 1 bathroom], and intends to lease the property to Party B.


Party B is willing to rent the property and pay the rent as agreed upon in this Contract.


Article 1. Rental Property

1.1 租赁房屋坐落地点为[□□市□□区□□路101号1号楼101室]。

The rental property is located at Room 101, Building 1, 101 □□ Road, □□ District, □□ City.

1.2 租赁房屋为【整套出租/分散租赁】,户型为[100 平方米、2 室1 厅1 卫],具体装修情况见附件。

The rental property is [leased as a whole/discretely]. The floor area is about [100 square meters, 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, and 1 bathroom]. For detailed interior decoration, please see the attachment.

1.3 租赁期为[20XX年01月01日至20XX年12月31日],期满后不再自动续期。

The lease term is from January 1, 20XX, to December 31, 20XX, and will not be automatically renewed upon expiration.

1.4 甲方应当将房屋租赁给乙方的目的是【居住/商务用途】。

Party A shall lease the property to Party B for [residential/commercial] purposes.


Article 2. Rent and Payment Method

2.1 乙方应当按照本合同的规定支付租金,租金为人民币[¥XXXX]元/月。

Party B shall pay the rent as stipulated in this Contract, which is RMB [¥XXXX] per month.

2.2 租金政策:【押一付一/押二付一/到付/其他】,具体支付时间为每月[10]日前将租金支付至甲方指定的账户。

Rent payment policy: [one month deposit + one month rent in advance/ two months deposit + one month rent in advance/ payment on arrival/ other], and rent payment should be made to the account designated by Party A before the [10th] day of each month.

2.3 租期内,因交通或交往不便,致使乙方需要长期外出或暂时不住进该房屋的,应当提前【60】天书面通知甲方。在乙方外出期间,租金照常支付。

If Party B needs to be away from the rental property for a long time due to inconvenience of transportation or communication, or temporarily does not live in the rented property, Party B shall inform Party A in writing [60] days in advance. Rent shall be paid as usual during party B's absence.


Article 3. Security Deposit

3.1 乙方应当在[20XX年01月01日]到期前,向甲方支付共计人民币[¥XXXX]元的押金。在租赁关系存续期间,押金不应当用于抵扣租金或其他费用,并应当在租赁关系终止时返还给乙方。

Party B shall pay a total of RMB [¥XXXX] as a security deposit to Party A before January 1, 20XX. During the lease term, the security deposit shall not be used to offset rent or other expenses, and shall be returned to Party B upon termination of the lease.


Article 4. Residential Rules

4.1 乙方不得将租赁房屋的使用权出租、转让或以其他方式让与他人使用。

Party B shall not rent, transfer, or otherwise permit others to use the rental property.

4.2 乙方应当妥善保管所租赁的房屋及其内部设施,不得进行改装或损坏房屋及其内部设施。

Party B shall properly keep the rental property and its interior facilities and shall not remodel or damage the property and its interior facilities.

4.3 乙方应当按照国家和地方的有关规定,保护环境,遵守有关国家法律法规和公共安全规定,不得从事任何危害国家安全和社会稳定的活动。

Party B shall protect the environment in accordance with relevant state and local regulations, comply with relevant national laws, regulations, and public safety provisions, and shall not engage in any activities harmful to national security and social stability.


Article 5. Maintenance, Renovation, and Breach of Contract Liability

5.1 租赁期内,如房屋及其内部设施出现故障、损坏,由甲方负责维修,但以下情况由乙方承担修缮费用:

During the lease term, if the rental property and its interior facilities are defective or damaged, Party A shall be responsible for repair, except where Party B shall bear the repair cost in the following circumstances:


Damages caused by improper use of Party B shall be borne by Party B;


If Party B damages the rental property or changes the purpose of the rental property, Party B shall be liable for corresponding damages and legal responsibilities;


Party A and Party B shall not be liable for any damages caused by force majeure.

5.2 除非经甲方事先书面同意,否则乙方不得对租赁房屋和配套设施进行任何改装和装潢。

Party B shall not renovate or decorate the rental property and its supporting facilities without Party A's prior written consent.

5.3 本合同履行过程中,如乙方有以下违约行为之一,甲方可解除本合同并收回房屋,违约方仍须支付全部租金及未尽义务的违约金:

In the course of performing this Contract, if Party B commits any of the following breaches, Party A may terminate this Contract, take back the rental property, and Party B shall still pay the full rent and default damages for unfulfilled obligations:


Failure to pay rent in accordance with the agreed time and method;


Renting, transferring, or otherwise permitting others to use the rental property;


Changing the purpose of the rental property without consent;


Unauthorized alteration of the interior structure of the rental property, or occupation or damage to the rental property and its interior facilities;


Violating relevant national and local laws and regulations, or engaging in activities harmful to national security and social stability.


Article 6. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

6.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律法规,双方应当共同遵守。

The laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China shall apply to this Contract, and both parties shall comply with them jointly.

6.2 如果本合同的任何条款因不符合法律规定而无效,不影响本合同其他条款的效力。

If any clause of this Contract is invalid, it shall not affect the validity of other clauses.

6.3 在履行本合同中发生争议时,双方应当通过友好协商的方式解决。如协商未果,任何一方均有权向本合同签署地的人民法院提起诉讼。

In case of dispute during the performance of this Contract, both parties shall resolve it through friendly consultations. If consultations fail, either party may bring a lawsuit to the people's court at the place where this Contract is signed.


Article 7. Effectiveness and Termination of the Contract

7.1 本合同自双方签署之日起生效。

This Contract shall come into effect upon signature by both parties.

7.2 除非有法律规定或双方协商一致,本合同不得提前终止或撤销。

Unless otherwise stipulated by law or agreed upon by both parties, this Contract shall not be terminated or revoked ahead of time.


Article 8. Others

8.1 本合同是整个协议的完整部分,用于证明本合同双方依法达成协议,所有附件均为本合同不可分割的组成部分。

This Contract is an integral part of the entire agreement, and is used to prove that both parties have reached an agreement in accordance with law. All attachments are inseparable parts of this Contract.

8.2 本合同一式两份,各方各执一份。

This Contract is in duplicate, with each party retaining one copy.

甲方(出租人): 乙方(租赁人):

Party A (Landlord): Party B (Tenant):











