供方: (软件及相关技术提供方,下称:供方):
SUPPLIER (The supplier of software and technology therewith; hereinafter Supplier)
用户: (购买软件及相关技术的客户,下称:用户)
CUSTOMER:( The client of purchasing software and technology therewith, hereafter Customer)
This Subscription Agreement (the "Agreement") is between Supplier ("Supplier") and any purchaser or user ("Customer") of Supplier products and services that accepts the terms of this Agreement ("Customer")。
The Effective Date of this Agreement is the earlier of the date that Customer accepts this Agreement or the date that Customer uses Supplier's products or services.
1.1 期限。本《协议》的期限应为提供本《协议》项下所有服务所需的期间。提供服务的最初期限自本《协议》的"生效日"开始,为期一年。之后,服务期每年连续自动延长一年,除非任何一方在下一服务期的起始日之前至少六十(60)天,事先书面通知对方,要求停止续约。但是,在第一年的期限届满后,用户随时有权经提前六十(60)天书面通知供方后,终止本《协议》,但用户有义务付清截至本《协议》终止之日的所有费用。
Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for the duration of all Services provided under this Agreement. The initial term for Services shall commence on the Effective Date of this Agreement and shall continue for a period of one (1) year. Thereafter, the term for Services shall renew for successive terms of one (1) year each unless either party gives written notice to the other of its intention not to renew at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the next term; provided, however, Customer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time after the first year by giving sixty (60) days prior written notice of termination to Supplier. Customer shall remain obligated for all fees through the date of termination.
1.2 违约终止。供方有权在下列情形发生时终止本《协议》:(a)用户未支付任何到期应付款;(b)用户严重违反本《协议》,而且在收到有关其严重违约的书面通知后三十(30)日内,仍未纠正违约;或(c)本《协议》规定的其它情形。如果供方严重违反本《协议》,而且在收到有关其严重违约的书面通知后三十(30)日内,仍未纠正违约,则用户有权终止本《协议》。
Termination for Breach. Supplier may terminate this Agreement(a)in the event Customer fails to pay an invoice when due,(b)in the event Customer commits a material breach of this Agreement and fails to remedy that breach within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notice of material breach,or (c) as otherwise provided in this Agreement. Customer may terminate this Agreement in the event Supplier commits a material breach of this Agreement and fails to remedy that breach within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notice of material breach.
2.名称、规格、数量、单价和金额:Commodity, specification, quantity, unit price and amount:
3.1 本合同生效后用户支付90%的合同款,剩余10%的合同款将在到达用户目的地,用户签收后支付。
By Irrevocable Letter of Credit for 90% the total invoice value of the goods to be shipped, in favour of the Sellers, payable at the issuing bank against the Sellers’ draft at sight accompanied by the shipping documents stipulated in the Credit. The balance of 10% of the proceeds is to be paid only after the goods have been inspected and approved at the port of destination.
3.2 除非供方违反本《协议》、或本《协议》按第1.1 条规定的情形被终止,本《协议》项下到期应付的所有款项均不退款。如果用户未按本《协议》规定方式向"WTCR公司"付款,则供方有权获得下列救济:(a)中止服务,直至供方收到用户全额支付的所有费用,包括滞纳金和到期利息,或(b)无需发出通知而终止本《协议》。用户应负责将本《协议》及时地并自行承担费用向中华人民共和国法律所要求的所有有关中国政府机关进行备案和注册,包括但不限于按要求向中国商务部注册。
Except in the case of breach of this Agreement by Supplier or termination of this Agreement as provided in Section 1.1 hereof,any and all payments of amounts due under this Agreement are non-refundable. In the event Customer fails to make payment to Supplier in the manner provided by this Agreement, Supplier's remedies include (a) suspending Services until Supplier receives full payment from Customer for all fees,including late fees and interest,due, or (b) terminating this Agreement without notice. Customer shall be responsible for filing and registering this Agreement with all relevant government authorities of the People's Republic of China as required by PRC law in a timely manner and at its own cost,including,without limitation,any registrations required with the PRC Ministry of Commerce.
4. 包装Packing
货物应装在适宜长途运输并且能适应气候变化、防湿、防震、防锈的纸箱(木箱)中。由于包装不良所引起的任何损失, 或由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损, 供方都应承担一切损失和相关费用。包装箱内应放置一整套操作指南。
To be packed in carton(s) or wooden case, Suitable for long distance transportation and to change of climate, well protected against moisture and shocks. The Supplie shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers in regard to the packing. One full set of operation instructions concerned shall be enclosed in the case(s).
5. 装运期限:收到货款60天内发货。Time Of Shipment:within 60 days after receipt of T/T.
6. 目的口岸:Port Of Destination:
7. 保险:由供方承担。Insurance: To Be Covered By the Supplier.
This Agreement,and all Services provided by Supplier pursuant to this Agreement,may not be transferred,assigned or distributed without the prior written consent of Supplier. Any attempted transfer,assignment or distribution without Supplier's prior written consent shall terminate this Agreement,and Supplier shall have no further obligation hereunder.
Customer and Supplier agree to maintain the confidentiality of the proprietary information received from the other party including non-public technical and business information for a period of two (2) years after the termination of this Agreement. Supplier's pricing and product roadmap are Supplier's confidential information. This section shall not apply to any publicly available or independently developed information.
10. 一般规定GENERAL
10.1 对用户申请"支持服务"的回复中,应包括供方声明已收悉用户申请并确认提供的"支持服务"的内容。供方将做出商业上合理的努力,在规定的答复期内,于下表规定的标准营业时间和工作日做出答复,供方的假日除外。用户承认,供方可能无法一次答复所有需要"支持服务"解决的问题。
A response to a request for Support Services shall consist of receipt of and acknowledgment by Supplier of Customer's request for Support Services. Supplier will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide a response within the response guideline period set forth in the table below during standard business hours and days as set forth in the table below,exclusive of Supplier holidays. Customer acknowledges that a response may not include resolution for all requests for Support Services.
10.2 供方通过与用户指定的技术联络人(以下简称"联络人")沟通联系的方式,为用户提供"支持服务"。用户有权指定的"联络人"的数目,本《协议》期间,用户应通过商业上合理的努力,尽量使用相同的"联络人"。各"联络人"必须具备英语沟通能力,以及协助供方提供本《协议》规定的"支持服务"所必需的技术知识,包括熟悉"软件"和"支持硬件或平台"。
Designated Customer Contact. Supplier will provide Support Services to Customer only by communication with the Customer's designated technical contact or contacts (the "Contact"). Customer is entitled to the number of Contacts set forth in the Customer. Each submitted Support Service request is given a unique identification number. Support Services logged through the support portal are managed using the English language.
10.3 "软件"及其所有配置程序,包括源代码、文档、外观、结构和组织,均由供方及他人拥有,受著作权法和其它相关法律的保护。对"软件"及任何配置程序或其任何拷贝、修改或合并内容的所有权,根据适用许可的条款,属上述权利人所有。
The Software and each of its components,including the source code,documentation, appearance,structure and organization are owned by Supplier and others and are protected under copyright and other laws. Title to the Software and any component, or to any copy, modification, or merged portion shall remain with the aforementioned, subject to the applicable license.
10.4 在现行法律允许的最大限度内,用户同意下述救济是其有权获得的全部法律救济。供方应承担的全部责任和用户有权获得的全部救济,仅限以下情形:如果"软件"介质有缺陷,用户可在交货后三十(30)天内,将缺陷品连同用户付款收据的复印件一并退返,供方可自行决定是否替换缺陷品,或向用户退还已付的"软件"款。在现行法律允许的最大限度内,对于因用户使用或不使用"软件"而造成的任何间接或附带损失(包括损失利润或额外费用),供方或其授权经销商无需承担任何责任,即使供方或其授权经销商事先已被告知可能会发生这类损失。
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,the remedies described below are accepted by Customer as its only remedies. Supplier's entire liability,and Customer's exclusive remedies, shall be:If the Software media is defective,Customer may return it within 30 days of delivery along with a copy of Customer's payment receipt and Supplier,at its option,will replace it or refund the money paid by Customer for the Software. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,Supplier or any Supplier authorized dealer will not be liable to Customer for any incidental or consequential damages,including lost profits or lost savings arising out of the use or inability to use the Software,even if Supplier or such dealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Supplier's liability under this agreement exceed.
10.5 仲裁:一切因执行本合同或与本合同有关的争执, 应由双方友好协商解决。如经协商仍未能达成协议, 则应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会裁决。
Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted to China International Arbitration Committee.
10.6 本合同的附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分并具有与正文同样的法律效力。如果附件与合同正文不一致是,合同正文效力优先。
The attachments to the contract are integral parts of the contract and shall have the same legal force as the text of the contract itself. In case of discrepancy between the text of the contract and attachments, the text of contract shall prevail.
10.7 此合同一式两份由中英文写成,双方签字并各持有一份,执行中如有异议,以中文为准。
This Contract is made in English and Chinese signed by both parties in two original copies, each party holds one copy. Should any disputes arise during the execution of the contract, the Chinese version of the contract will be regarded as the basic proof.
SUPPLIER 供方(signature): CUSTOMER用户方(signature):
Date日期: Date日期: