
时间:23-04-22 网友

阿里国际站代运营:在国际贸易的实际业务中,一般多由买方主动向卖方发出询盘。可以询问价格,也可询问其他一项或几项交易条件以引起对方发盘,目的是试探对方交易的诚意和了解其对交易条件的意见。 不同的询盘有不同的回复技巧,接下来让我们分享一下方法吧!



 We are interested in all your products, could you please send us more informationand samples about your

products and price list? 


Dear Sir/ Madam, 

Thanks for your inquiry at XXX.com. We are professional supplier for plush toys at competitive price, located in 

Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Here is the attachment with some pictures of our products that may suit your requirements, for more, please check our website, and select the products that you’re interested in. 

We have great interest in developing business with you, should you have any inquiries or comments,

we would be glad to talk in details through MSN:XXX\ mails or any way you like. 

 (附件内容可挑选一些公司主打产品) 客户泛泛咨询时,往往真实购买意图一般,除非其正好需要/感兴趣您现在的产品或您挑选出的主打产品。对能给予继续回复的客户应继续重点追踪,没有回复的客户则可以考虑不必花费大量时间追踪。


此类询价目标性较强,真实有效性较高,需重点跟进。已经根据买家询盘内容做出了具体回复,并同时报了价格,但买家没有再发邮件过来。 建议可发以下类似邮件提醒买家: 

Dear Sir/ Madam, Good morning! 

For several days no news from you, my friend. Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of XXX dated XXX according to your relative inquiry at XXX.com. Have you got (or checked) the prices or not? Any comments by return will be much appreciated. (可根据客户要求的产品加上自己产品的特色)

It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities tobe on service of you in near future. 

Looking forward to your prompt response. 

 (可将第一次发给客户的邮件内容附在邮件下方以提醒买家第一次邮件回复内容。) 若过段时间,买家还是没有回复邮件,建议可再发如下类似邮件再次追踪: 

Dear Sir/ Madam, 

How are you? Hope everything is ok with you all along. 

Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business. If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with competitive prices as per your request. 

By the way, how about your order (or business) with item XXX? If still pending,

I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other.

如果连续三封邮件发出去之后买家仍然无动于衷,基本证明买家可能对您产品/价格不感兴趣或者由于其他原因暂时不需要您的产品,我们应暂时搁置,将时间用在继续寻找新的目标客户上。 当然也有很多非常好的买家会被您的毅力感动,回复告诉您一些关于产品进展的情况,我们千万不可急于求成,而应按照客户的提示有针对性得去保持追踪。




I’m doing fine, thanks for your information. 

I’m still in the planning of building my new house, due to the work constrain Idecided to delay it first. Anyway 

I will contact you once I decided. Thanks! 




I received your email and I sent it to my boss. He didn't tell me anything just now. 

I will contact you soon once got any news. 



 I receive more than 10 offers every day and it will take me some times to look into each and every offers. I will contact you in the future if you are in our selection of companies. 

Many thanks for your co-operation. 






Please excuse the delay in my reply. 

I have been so busy searching through all the mails, concerning the plush toys project. 

May I ask you, where you purchase your soft fabric for the toys? We have acustomer 

 who is interested in this subject.  In the coming days, I will reply concerning some samples. 





 Sorry for the late reply. I will get back with you later. 

 I am very busy at the moment. If you have US customer as reference, thatwould help a lot. 

 I am not here to steal information.

We use reference in US to generate trust,just like you have "connections" (friends) among Chinese. 


应对这样的买家,如果公司在US地区有关系较好,规模较大的老客户,不妨挑选两个介绍给他/她,这样很能显示您的实力。但回复之前还是应根据公司具体产品在这个地区的推广情况来做妥当回复,站在买家立场多思考其询问的真正目的,一般简单告知公司名称即可,谨慎透露对方联系方式。 如果在US地区没有客户,可以多介绍一些其他国家的客户来显示公司实力,同时向买家暗示我们在US地区还没有合作伙伴,如果您和我合作,将会帮助您开发整个US市场。 



Thanks for your reply, I have received your quote and I am currently looking through hall of the quotations that I have received. Currently your prices aren't the best but your products are very good. If you could make your prices more competitive. I am sure we would be putting an order in with you very soon. 






在阿里地区创先争优 “戴党徽、亮身份、做表率、争先进”活动上的讲话12-12
