
时间:22-12-24 网友

Foreign Teacher Contract

The parties to this contract are herein called the Employer, and (name of Employee) - herein called the Employee and it is made with reference to the following:

本合同的双方为: 合同中称为:雇主,和


This agreement is subject to changes as to comply with local labor laws. When the local labor laws do not address specific terms of this agreement, the terms of this contract will prevail.


The Employee and the Employer have agreed on the following terms of contract:


I Job Position 工作岗位

This contract is designed for the position of Foreign Teacher


II Term 期限

The term of this agreement is months commencing and continuing until (date) subject, The probation period for months commencing

and continuing until (date) subject,however, to prior termination of the Employee’s employment in accordance with Section X (Termination).

本合同期限为 月,自 日 至 日 ,其中试用期为: 到 ,但此期限受到第X部分(合同中止)所规定的雇员受雇提前中止的制约。

The first three months is a probationary time. If the employer chooses they may dismiss the employee at any time. Should this happen the employer will still be reasonable in helping the employee. For example, helping them return to their home country.


III Duties 职责

The duties to be performed by the Employee include: 雇员必须履行之义务包括:

1. Becoming familiar with the language software and the course structure of the school. In the first month of employment, the employee will spend no less than one hour per work day on learning the language teaching software used in school.


2. Promoting the school’s study method to students and potential clients.


3. Participating in the school’s various social activities (Extra Curricular Activities) (ECA’s) on working days.


4. Participating in Employee training programs and workshops organized by the school on working days.


5. Participating at promotional and marketing activities organized by the school on working days.


6. Revising, writing or assisting in writing teaching materials without demanding any financial request during the valid duration of this contract.


7. Seriously to choose out the best well-gloomed foreign instructor: They must be a very outgoing person, passion in teaching, and be able to cooperate with the class time as well as market activity. 严格审选形象良好的外教:外教必须具备有开朗活波的的个性,具有教学热诚、能够配合学校上课时间与市场活动。

8. Aid the educational department to design seasonal activity and party settings. Example, Christmas, Holloween, Pirates Party, Superhero and outclass activities.协助教学部设计一系列的季节性活动与parties布置:例如圣诞节、万圣节、海盗派对、Superhero及户外教学等活动。

9 . Administrative duties including: 行政方面的义务包括:

a) Assisting in the placement testing and interviewing of new students and customers as well as progress testing of students.


b) Ensuring that classes start at the scheduled time. Tardiness for any class will result in a financial punishment of 10 RMB on the part of the employee. If the employee fails to appear for any one of his/her scheduled classes without prior permission from the employer, he/she will be deducted 200 RMB from his/her salary. If the employee fails to appear for his/her scheduled class within 10 minutes of its starting time, the 200 RMB of punishment will apply.


c) Advising and assisting students who require additional information (i.e. study abroad options, external exams, etc.)

(These duties would be carried out during a teacher’s duty hours when and if necessary.)


10. Working with the customer service department in handling students’ complaints. 与客服部合作,处理学员投诉。

11. Developing new courses and programs at the request of the employer.


12. Arranging for foreign teachers to participate in both negotiation and execution process of the school’s corporate training programs, including but not limited to in-house testing, consultation, and teaching.


13. Starting from the 3rd month of this contract, organizing and coordinating the development of teaching material for class. The employee will write major part of the teaching material himself without additional pay.


14. Participating in the school’s daily operation and management to make sure it runs smoothly.


IV Employee’s Obligations  雇员的义务

The Employee agrees to the following: 雇员保证做到以下事项:

1) The information contained in the Employee’s curriculum vitae, resume and references together with any other information submitted to the Employer in support of the Employee’s application for employment are true and not misleading in any way.雇员为获得此份工作向雇主提交的简历,推荐信等所有材料上的信息真实且完全不对雇主产生误导。

2) The Employee will devote his/her full working time and attention to the duties of his employment. 雇员将自己所有工作时间用于自己的工作职责。

3) The Employee will perform the duties of his/her employment in a professional and diligent manner. 雇员以职业和勤奋方式履行自己的工作职责。

4) The Employee will comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement and the rules and regulations of the Employer. 雇员将遵守本合同的条款和雇主的规定。

5) The Employee will, at all times, comply with the laws of the People’s Republic of China. 雇员将在任何时候遵守中国的法律。

6) The Employee will not harm the image of the Employer or fellow workers by his/her conduct. Examples include, but are not limited to: 雇员不得以自己的行为损害雇主或同事的形象,以下仅举几例:

▪ Conducting the class while under the influence of alcohol, while smoking, or under the influence of illegal drugs. 在酒或毒品的作用下上课,上课时抽烟;

▪ Conducting any business or accepting any funds on behalf of Ez-Talk//Thomas English Training Center without prior permission from Ez-Talk/Thomas English Training Center. 在未获批准的情况下以Ez-Talk互动英语体验中心/托玛仕儿童英语培训中心的名义进行商业活动或接受任何钱款。

▪ Borrowing or lending of funds to students or conducting any sales of items to students. 与学生发生钱款借贷关系或向学员销售任何物品。

7) The Employee will not, at any time while employed by Ez-Talk//Thomas English Training Center, offer or accept to teach English for programs not directly related to Ez-Talk//Thomas English Training Center. 雇员在被Ez-Talk互动英语体验中心/托玛仕儿童英语培训中心雇佣期间不得在任何时候提议或接受与Ez-Talk互动英语体验中心/托玛仕儿童英语培训中心不直接相关的英语教学工作。

8) The employee will wear professional clothing in his/her working hours in accordance with the employer’s dress code. T-shirts vest, and slippers are absolutely unacceptable. 根据雇主的着装规定,雇员在工作时间穿着职业装。决不允许穿T 恤,背心,拖鞋。

9) While working at the school the employee accepts that it is their responsibility to make amendments, updates and replacements to the teaching material. As stated in section III article 7, the teacher will not demand extra payment. Payment is considered to be included in their standard wage and bonuses.


10) The employee will punch in and out for work. Each tardiness for work or leave earlier than scheduled time will result in a financial punishment of 10 RMB. 雇员打卡上下班。每迟到或早退一次,罚款人民币10元。

11) The employee is not to use his/her mobile phone in class in any way. 雇员在课堂不能以任何方式使用手机。

12) The employee is not to leave the place where his/her class is going on for any purpose not directly linked to teaching. 雇员不得无故中途离开授课地点。

13) The employee is not to comment, in any way, negatively on the employer to the students, publicly or privately. 雇员不得以任何方式在公开或私人场合向学员对雇主作负面评价。

14) If the employee violates any one of above employee’s obligations, the employer has the right to terminate this contract immediately. 如果雇员违反上述义务中的任何一条,雇主有权立刻终止本合同。

V Employer’s obligations 雇主义务

The employer will provide the employee with a working printer, photocopier and internet connection in the office.


The employer will furnish necessary items needed for teaching.


VI Remuneration 报酬

A. Wage 工资

The Employee’s remuneration will consist of the following: 雇员的报酬由下列部分组成:

1.A basic salary of RMB monthly (before tax) for the first month of the employee’s employment, Accommodation allowance: 0 yuan /month,which is due and payable on the 12th of the next month. If the payday happens to be a bank holiday, the salary will be paid after the holiday ends.

前三个月的税前基本工资为: 元/月,住宿补贴:0 元/月,在下月12日支付。如遇公众假期,发薪顺延。

2.A basic salary of RMB monthly (before tax) from the third month to the last month of the employee’s employment, Accommodation allowance: 0 yuan /month,which is due and payable on the 12th of the next month. If the payday happens to be a bank holiday, the salary will be paid after the holiday ends.

第4月至第12月的税前基本工资为 元/月,住宿补贴: 0 元/月,试用期后的工资根据外教老师的授课情况定义,工资在下月12日支付。如遇公众假期,发薪顺延。

B. Working Hours 工作时间

Work consists of 40 duty hours per week from to ,

and off,The maximum number of teaching hours per week is 25 real hours (60 minutes each) with the remainder of duty hours devoted to class preparation, interviews, oral assessments, work set by the Education Manager and administrative duties.

工作时间为40小时/周, 到 上班, 和 休息,


Sometimes the school is busy so teachers will be obliged to work up to 5 extra teaching hours (60 minutes each) per week. Each extra teaching hour will be paid at a rate of RMB 100. This is not intended to be used by the school as normal procedure but simply as a backup when the school needs it.


The Employer will decide the work schedule of the employee and will try to accommodate the Employee’s schedule by offering two days off consecutively, but due to fluctuating student demand, the Employer reserves the right to separate those two days off.


C. Holidays 节日

The Employee will be given all statutory holidays as paid holidays. Should the Employee be asked to work during those Holidays, he/she will be compensated in the form of extra paid holidays to take at a time mutually agreed upon by the Education Manager and the Employee.


Statutory holidays include New Year’s Day (1 day), National day (October 1st, 3 days), Chinese New Year (also referred to as Spring Festival, 3 days) and Labor Day (1 day)),Which is implemented according to the law.


After 11 months continuous employment,the employee will be entitled to 6 days paid vacation per year (one of these will be taken on christmas day).


D Leave of Absence 事假

The employee will inform the employer in advance if he/she seeks leave from his/her duty due to personal business. The request will only be approved by the employer under the condition that the employer is able to arrange for other teachers to take the employee’s classes. Normally this means that the employee should arrange their time off with the Education Manager and the Booking Department before Wednesday on the week before they wish to take the leave. These days will be unpaid.


VII Accommodation 住宿

Any costs relating to the teachers own apartment will be paid by the teacher. These costs may include an Agency Fee (usually equal to one months rent), deposit (usually equal to one months rent), internet setup bill and utility bills (including an apartment upkeep bill).


VIII Legal documents, visas, work permits and residence permits 法律文书,签证,工作许可和居住许可

The Employer is authorized to employ foreign Employees and, in conjunction with this application, will obtain a visa and complete all official requirements. The Employer will pay half of the visa application cost , the employee will pay the other half. When the employee finished one year contract, the employer will pay back the other half cost to employee.


If the employee apply for terminate the labor contract less than one month,the employer has the right to cancel foreign teacher’s employment permit,residence permit and visa based on chinese relevant laws.if the employee leave the job without employer’s approval and inflicted damage on employer’s economy,the employ has rights to fine one month salary to foreign teacher.


The maximum validity of this permit is subject to the contract term, or until the Employee ceases to be employed, whichever comes first. However, residence and work permits are renewable if the Employee’s contract is extended.

本工作许可的最大有效期限取决于:1)本合同的期限; 2)雇员终止合同; 二者取其早。

To enable the Employer to obtain the visa, the Employee warrants that:


He/she has a valid passport with an expiry date that is no less than six months beyond the date of expiration of the visa.


He/she is not a member of any organization that may be regarded by authorities as a threat to national security or social order.


If the employee needs to get a tourist VISA to come to China then they will bear the cost of this themselves.


At the end of the contract the teacher can choose to stay in the country. Their VISA will need to be changed. The employee agrees to pay the full cost for this. (If the employee is moving back to their home country then they don’t need to pay any extra VISA costs)


IX Termination 终止

If the Employee seeks release from the Contract for cultural differences, homesickness, or personal problems, he will report to Ez-Talk/Thomas English Training Center to work and will receive the same salary as normal, until a replacement instructor is positioned, but not to exceed one calendar month.


If the employee stays in an apartment rented by the employer upon the time the employee seeks release from the contract, he/she shall pay all the financial cost arising from his/her earlier departure.


H. Upon termination of this agreement, the Employee will not operate a business in direct competition with the Employer within a year of the contract termination. Additionally, due to the competitive nature and unfair competition practices in the market, the Employee agrees not to accept employment with the Employer’s direct competitor(s) in the same city within a year of the termination date.


X Early Termination (less than one calendar months notice) 提前解约

1. If the Employee does not finish his/her contract, then he/she will reimburse Ez-Talk/Thomas English Training Center for the costs, including visa procurement that, that Ez-Talk/Thomas English Training Center paid, at a prorated fee, for the period of time the Employee does not work for Ez-Talk/Thomas English Training Center.


2. If the employee gives less than 4 weeks notice to the The school director that they will be leaving, they will be liable for any costs they have incurred (e.g. their apartment expenses and bills).


XI Discipline Procedure 奖惩制度

Punishable Actions may be divided into Terminable, Major and Minor Offences.


Terminable Offences are any offence whereby the teacher may be fired immediately. These are discussed in the above section on Termination. In this case the school will not pay any monthly bonus or flight allowance unless they have already been paid. The final payment due to the teacher will also only be paid upon the return of all school property. Anything that is not returned may be financially deducted. Termination of the contract may be communicated orally and without prior notice.


Following are the Terminable Offences:


1. If the Employee fails to conduct him/herself in a professional manner, resulting in damage to the image of Ez-talk/Thomas English Training Center, Ez-talk/Thomas English Training Center has the right to terminate the contract immediately. Salary earned up to the time of termination will be paid by Ez-talk/Thomas English Training Center. If Ez-talk/Thomas English Training Center's Director violates the contract, the Employee has the right to terminate the agreement immediately and the salary up to the time of termination will be paid by Ez-talk/Thomas English Training Center. 如果雇员未能以职业的方式规范自己的行为举止,并损害了Ez-Talk互动英语体验中心/托玛仕儿童英语培训中心的形象,Ez-Talk互动英语体验中心/托玛仕儿童英语培训中心有权立即终止合同,并支付到合同中止时的工资。如果Ez-Talk互动英语体验中心/托玛仕儿童英语培训中心的校长违约,雇员有权立即终止合同并获得到合同中止之日的薪水。

2. The Employee’s position will be terminated immediately if the Employee fails to act in accordance with the Contract agreement resulting in damage to Ez-talk/Thomas English Training Center’s reputation. 如果雇员违反本合同并因此损害Ez-Talk互动英语体验中心/托玛仕儿童英语培训中心之名誉,其将被立即解雇。

3. If the Employee fails to conduct him/herself in a professional manner, resulting in psychological or physical abuse, Education Manager has the right to terminate the contract immediately. 如果雇员未能以职业的方式规范自己的行为举止,并因此导致心理或肉体之陋习的,雇主有权立即终止合同。

4. Drinking during duty hours or smoking in classes including conducting jobs or classes under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. 工作时酗酒,上课时抽烟及在酒或毒品的作用下工作或上课。

5. Conducting any business or accepting any funds on behalf of Ez-talk/Thomas English Training Center without prior permission from Ez-talk/Thomas English Training Center. 在未获批准的情况下以Ez-Talk互动英语体验中心/托玛仕儿童英语培训中心的名义进行商业活动或接受任何钱款。

6. Borrowing or lending of funds to students or conducting any sales of items to students. 与学生发生钱款借贷关系或向学员销售任何物品。

7. Any action that leads to a serious cause in concern for Ez-talk/Thomas English Training Center.


Major Offences are any offence which incurs a financial penalty. Should a major offence be given it will be recorded and may be included in any reference the school gives the teacher. The teacher will be given a written summary of any major offence.




Major Offences include:


1. If the teacher incurs any non-financially punishable actions against them (even actions not mentioned in the contract) with any degree of frequency then ez-talk/Thomas training center may also financially punish the teacher. This decision will be made on a case by case basis.


2. Breaches of contract that aren’t either deemed as Terminable or dealt with specifically in different ways in this contract.


Minor Offences are any offence whereby the teacher is punished in a non-financial way. The committing of a number of minor offences may be deemed by the Education Manager as a major offence. These offences will be dealt with orally but a written form may be requested.


Minor Offences include:


1. If the teacher causes a student to be given an extra free class then the teacher is obliged to teach an extra class for the school for free. The amount of extra classes the teacher is obliged to teach is equal to the number of free classes the students receive. No financial punishment is given.


2. If the teacher requires leave of absence or is sick but failure to timely notify Education Manager, and the normal class can not be carried on then the teacher bears the financial punishment.


3. For every two classes that the teacher is late for they are obliged to teach another class for free. (This is only where the students are not given a free class, where the above rule applies.) No financial punishment is given. The employee have to pay 10rmb if he/she is late for one class.


XII Insurance 保险

The employer will purchase a accident insurance for the employee to last for the full duration of the contract.


XII Confidentiality 保密

a. The Employee will keep all information about the Employer’s teaching methods and administration procedures confidential.


b. The Employee will not disclose details of his/her contract


c. The Employee will not use the Employer’s teaching method and materials in the instruction of any private student and/or with another Employer


d. Failure to comply with the requirements above will result in the termination of this agreement.


e. The employer has the right to use the images of the employee for advertisement in all kinds of media without paying him/her within the validity period of this contract.


XIV General 总的原则

a. This agreement will be interpreted in accordance with and subject to the laws of the People’s Republic of China. The Parties submit irrevocably to the jurisdiction of the courts of the People’s Republic of China in respect to any dispute relating to or concerning this agreement.


b. The terms and conditions of this agreement will prevail over any conflicting or inconsistent provisions of the Employer’s rules and regulation in effect at any time.


c. This agreement is effective immediately and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings or representations relating to or concerning the Employee’s employment by the Employer.


d. Should the Employee desire to renew this agreement, he/she should formally make the request no later than a month prior the termination date of this agreement.


E . The attachments to this contract ( the rules and regulations of Party A, the employee handbook and other special agreement ) and this contract has the same legal effect.


F. Each party will receive a signed copy of this contract. Both versions are identical and equal in the eyes of the law. The Employee acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement.


G. The employee should note that all the income is taxed. Details of exactly how much can be obtained by request from the school.


XVIII Both parties have read the above conditions and agree to the terms in good faith and will attempt to resolve any disputes in a reasonable manner. 双方均已阅读并诚意地同意上述条款,并努力以合理的方式解决所有争议。

Employer’s Name: Employee’s Full Name:

Employer’s Signature: Employee’s Signature:

Date: Date:











