It is always a pleasure to greeta sea of alumni on mencement afternoonmdash;even thoughmy role is that of thewarm-up act for the feature to e.Today I am especially aware of thetreatwe have in store as I look out on not a sea, but a veritable ocean ofantipation. But it is my customary assignmentand privilege to offer each spring a report to thealumni on the year that isending.And this was a year that for a number of reasons demandsspecial note. “The world is too much with us”mdash;the lines of Wordsworthrs;s well-known poem echoed in mymind as I thoughtabout my remarks today, for the world has intruded on us this year in wayswenever would have imaned.The University had not offially closed for a daysince 1978.Thisyear it closed three times.Twe it was for cases of etremeweathermdash;first for superstorm Sandyand then for Nemo, the record-breakingFebruary blizzard.The third was of course the day ofBostonrs;s lockdown in theaftermath of the trag Marathon bombings.This was a year thatchallengedfundamental assumptions about lifers;s security, stability and predtability. Yet as I reflected on theseintrusions from a world so very much with us, I was struck by howwe at Harvardare so actively engaged in shaping that world and indeed in addressing somanyof the most important and trying questions that these recent events have posed. Just two weeks ago, climatescientists and disaster relief workers gathered here for a two-day conferenceco-sponsored by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and the HarvardUniversityCenter for the Environment.They came to eplore the very issues presentedbySandy and Nemo and to consider how academ researchers and workers on theground cancollaborate more effectively. This gathering represents justone ele of the wide range of activities across theUniversity dedated toaddressing the challenges of climate change.How can we advance thesciencethat helps us understand climate changemdash;and perhaps avert it? How can wedevisesolutionsmdash;from new technoloes to principles of urban designmdash;that mightmitigate it?How can we envision the publ polies to manage and respond toit? Harvard is deeplyengaged with the broad issues of energy andenvironmentmdash;offering more than 250 courses inthis area, gathering 225 facultythrough our environment center and its programs, enrolling100 doctoralstudents from 7 Schools and many different disciplines in a graduateconsortiumdesigned to broaden their understanding of environmental issues.Our facultyarestudying atmospher position and working to develop renewable energysources; theyare seeking to manage rising oceans and to reimane cities foran era of increasinglythreatening weather; they are helping to fashionenvironmental regulations and internationalclimate agreements. So the weather isnrs;t somethingthat simply hens at Harvard, even though it may haveseemed that way when wehad to close twe this year.It is a focus of study and of research, aswework to confront the implations of climate change and help shape nationalandinternational responses to its etremes. When Boston eperienced thetragedy of the Marathon bombings last month, the city andsurroundingmunipalities went into lockdown on April 19 to help ensure the capture oftheescaped suspect, and Harvard responded in etraordinary ways.Within ourownmunity, students, faculty and staff went well beyond their ordinaryresponsibilities tosupport one another and keep the University operatingsmoothly and safely underunprecedented circumstances.But we also witnessedour colleaguesrs; magnifent efforts tomeet the needs of Boston and our other neighborsin the crisis.The Harvard Pole worked withother law enforcement agencies,and several of our offers played a crital role in saving thelife of thetransit offer wounded in Watertown.Doctors, nurses and other staff, manyfrom ouraffiliated hospitals, performed a near-miracle in ensuring that everyinjured person who arrivedat a hospital survived.Years of disaster planningand emergency readiness enabled theseinstitutions to act in a stunninglycoordinated and effective manner.I am deeply proud of thecontributions madeby members of the Harvard munity in the immediate aftermath of thebombings. But our broader and ongoingresponsibility as a university is to ask and address the largerquestions anysuch tragedy poses: to prepare for the crisis and the one after that, evenaswe work to prevent them; to help us all understand the orins and themeaning of suchterrible events in human lives and societies.We do this workin the teaching and research towhh we devote ourselves every day. Investigators at the Harvardhospitals are eploring improved techniques for manannjury.Researchers atBrigham and Womenrs;s, for instance, are pursuing the prospect of legtransplantsfor utees.A faculty member in our School of Enneering and liedSciences isstudying traumat brain injury.Faculty in the Business andKennedy Schools are teaching andlearning about leadership in times ofcrisismdash;analyzing histor and contemporary eles,from Shackleton inAntarcta to Katrina in New Orleansmdash;in order to search for lessons forthefuture.The very day of the lockdown, the Mahindra Humanities Center and theHarvard LawSchool Program on Negotiation had scheduled a conference on“Confronting Evil,” eaminingthe cognitive, behavioral and social implationsof both what it called “everyday evils” and“etraordinary crimes.” A few dayslater, the Harvard Divinity School assembled a panel ofeperts to discuss“Relion and Terror,” eploring sources of violence in Bosnia, in theMiddleEast, and during the Troubles in Ireland, whh served as a formativeeperience for ourDivinity School dean in his youth.At the Institute ofPolits at the Kennedy School, lawenforcement, emergency management and othereperts gathered to consider lessons learnedfrom the bombings.As we struggledto understand the events that shook our city and ourreon, members of ourmunity were already engaged in interpreting the world that hadproduced suchtragedy and in seeking ways to prevent its recurrence. Three unusual days, making for anunusual year.Yet these three unusual daysunderscore and illuminate the usualwork of this University: calling on knowledge andresearch to addressfundamental challenges and dilemmas with resources drawn from the widestscopeof human inquirymdash;from the insights of the natural and social sciences to thereflectionson meaning and values at the heart of the humanities.Universitiesurge us towards a betterfuture and equip us as individuals and societies toget there. Yet other events this past yearremind us we cannot take what universities do for granted.This year hasbrought home not just the threats of etreme weather and of terror andviolence.It has also been a year that has challenged fundamental assumptions underrdingAmeranhigher education and the foundations of our nationrs;s researchenterprise.I have just offeredeles of how our research and teaching cancontribute to addressing urgent problems facingour world.We live in an era inwhh knowledge is more vital than ever to nations, economiesand societies.Knowledge is, I often say, the most important currency of the twenty-firstcentury.And universities are the places that, more than any other, generateand disseminate thatknowledge. In the United States, thepartnership between universities and the federal governmentestablished afterWorld War II has been a powerful enne of scientif discovery andprosperity.Yet that partnership, now more than half a century old, is threatened by theerosionof federal support for researchmdash;a situation made acute by the sequester.Anestimatedalmost $10 billion will be cut from the federal governmentrs;s researchbudget in 20.TheNational Institutes of Health calculates that cuts to itsresources could mean the loss of morethan 20,000 jobs in the life sciencessector.Here at Harvard, we receive roimately 16 ofour operating budgetfrom federal research funding.We antipate we may see declines of asmuch as$40 million annually in federal support for research. What does all this mean? Facultyare finding that even grant lations with perfect scoresin peerevaluations are not getting funded.They see eisting awards being reduced.Aspiringyounger scientists are fearful they will not receive career-launchinggrants on whh their futuredepends.Some are entertaining overtures fromcountries outside the United States wherescience investment is robust andepanding.Students contemplating graduate training arewondering if theyshould pursue other options.Great ideas that could lead to improvedhumanlives and opportunities, and improved understanding, are left without supportor themeans for further development. The world and the nation need thekind of research that Harvard and other Ameranresearch universitiesundertake.We need the knowledge and understanding thatresearchgeneratesmdash;knowledge about climate change, or crisis management, or melanoma,oreffective mental health interventions in schools, or hormones that might treatdiabetes, orany of a host of other worthy projects our faculty are currentlypursuing.We need the supportand encouragement for the students who willcreate our scientif future.We need theeconom vitalitymdash;the jobs andpaniesmdash;that these ideas and discoveries produce.We needthe nation toresist imposing a self-inflted wound on its intellectual and human capital.Weneed a nation that believes in, and invests in, its universities because werepresent aninvestment in the ideas and the people that will build and will bethe future. So as I report to you on the yearwe now bring to a close, I want to underscore the threatto universities and toour national infrastructure of knowledge and discovery that thesequesterrepresents.Even in a year when sometimes the world felt too much with us, wehavenever lost sight of how much what we do here has to do with the world.Andfor the world.Tosequester the search for knowledge, to sequester discovery,to sequester the unrelentingdrive of our students and faculty to envision andpursue this endless frontiermdash;such a strategydoes more than threatenuniversities.It puts at risk the capacity and promise of universitiestofulfill our mitment to the publ good, our mitment to our childrenandgrandchildren and to the future we will leave them.The challenges facing theworld are tooconsequential, the need for knowledge, imanation andunderstanding is too great, theopportunity for improving the human conditiontoo precious for us to do anything less thanrise to the occasion.With thedevotion of our alumni, with the inspiration of our new graduatesandmdash;Ihopemdash;with the support of our nationrs;s leaders, we must and we will.