聘用方: 受聘方:
Employer: Employee:
受聘方(以下称为外籍教师)自愿来到深圳市 担任英语教师.聘用方和外籍教师本着友好合作的精神,同意签定合同并保证认真履行合同中约定的各项义务。
The Employee (hereafter referred to as “Foreign Teacher") willingly comes to Shenzhen to be a teacher at . The Employer and the Foreign Teacher, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to full conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it。
Foreign Teacher’s Duties and Responsibilities
1.外籍教师应遵守中国的法律法规, 不干预中国的内部事务.
The foreign teacher will follow Chinese law and regulations, and will not interfere in Chinese interal political affairs。
The foreign teacher will follow the Employer's working regulatiaons and the relevant Foreign Expert regulations of the Chinese government.
3.外籍教师应尊重中国人的道德标准, 特别是要保持恰当的职业面貌和行为准则。
The foreign teacher will respect the moral standards and customs of the Chinese people。 This specially includes mainting an appropriate professional apperance and standard of behavior.
4. 外籍教师同意在合同期内不接受其他学校的聘用而影响本校的正常教学。
The foreign teacher agrees that during the contract period he/she will not accept employment at any other schools which will disrupt the regular teaching at Cuihai Kindergarten.
5。 外籍教师应使用聘用方提供的教学材料,制定合适的教学计划,保证教学质量。
The foreign teacher will use the teaching materials provided by the Employer and will develop an appropriate teaching plan. The foreign teacher should consientiously apply this teaching plan to ensure a high quality education。
6. 合同期间, 外籍教师每周授课32小时, 每周工作5天, 每天6小时带班时间; 每周2小时作为学习、培训、教研活动时间。外籍教师职责包括:
The foreign teacher will teach five workdays per week, six hours per workday。 And two hours each week for discussing, preparing, and studying about the lessons for the kids。 The foreign teacher’s duties will include:
To prepare for the lessons。 (teaching plans, lesson plans, homework making, etc.)
Communication with parents and teachers;
Attending the weekly meeting;
To participate in school events。
e) 承担幼儿园教师的英语培训工作。
The foreign teacher must take the job of teachers’ English training with the Chinese English teacher.
f) 严格按照幼儿园外籍教师工作条例执行.
The foreign teacher must work according to the Foreign Teachers' rules.
7. 外籍教师应接受聘用方的评估、指导和考核。
The foreign teacher will allow time for evaluation professional development discussions and final test of the teaching skills and teaching effects with the Employer。
8. 外籍教师应持有健康证明,并负担体检费用.(第三年开始报销)
The foreign teacher will have a health certificate and will be responsible for paying the cost of the medical examination。 (the school will pay for the cost of the medical examination from the third year.)
The Employer will purchase accident insurance for the Employee.
The foreign teacher must provide the real certificates, the foreign teacher must take the responsibility personally because of the fake certificates.
Employer’s Responsibilities
1 外籍教师试用期为一个月,试用期月薪为——-——----—,经一个月试用期后, 聘用方支付给外籍教师每个月的月薪为人民币 元, 于每月 日支付。外籍教师试用期的月薪为人民币 元。连续工作满一年的外籍教师(从第三个假期开始)享受人民币————-———元假期生活补助(指寒暑假)。从第二年开始每年3000元的探亲车费补助。
Foreign teachers for a month trial period, the monthly salary
for a probationary period ,After a one—month probationary period, the Employer will provide s salary of RMB per working month to the foreign teacher. The salary will be paid monthly on the 10th day of each month. During the one—month probationary period, RMB will be paid to foreign teacher. If the Foreign Teacher has worked for more than one year without broken, the Employer will pay him/her yuan for life on the holidays。 The school will pay yuan for tickets per year after a whole working year。 (summer holidays and spring festival holidays。 The holidays after a complete term will be effective, if the working term is not complete, the holidays after the term won’t be counted. )
2。 聘用方将对外籍教师的工作进行指导和评价.
The Employer will provide guidance and evaluation of the foreign teacher's work。
3. 如有需要,聘用方将帮助外籍教师了解中国的法律法规以及中国政府聘用方关于外籍教师的相关规章制度。
Upon request, the Employer will provide introductory instruction and assistance with Chinese law and regulations。 The Employer will also provide the Employer’s work regulations and the relevant foreign Expert regulations of the Chinese Government。
Termination of Contract
If the Foreign Teacher fails to satisfactory perform his/her duties and responsibilities, the contract will be terminated immediately, but the foreign teacher will receive fifteen days’ severance pay; Or, at he sole discretion of the Employer, the Foreign Teacher will be given fifteen days to improve his/her job performance。 If, after fifteen days, the Foreign Teacher has not improved his/her job performance to the satisfaction of the Employer, the contract will then be terminated and the Foreign Teacher will not receive any additional pay;
If, in the judgment of a qualified medical doctor, the Foreign Teacher is unable to resume his/her duties and responsibilities after the expiration of thirty(30) days of sick leave. In this instance, no further payments will be made to the Foreign Teacher。
2 如外籍教师需终止合同,他或她必须提前30天书面通知聘用方,聘用方将支付其工作期间的全部薪水,否则其薪水、假期补助和机票补助等均被取消.
If the Foreign Teacher chooses to terminate the contract, he/she must provide thirty days' wriiten notice to the Employer。 If this is done, the foreign teacher will receive full salary for the period worked. Otherwise, salary, vacation subsidiary and airfare bonus will not be paid。
Contract Period
本聘用合同有效期自 起至 止。
This employment contract shall be effective beginning thru 。
聘用方: 受聘方:
Employer: Employee:
负责人(签字) 外籍教师(签字)
Responsible person Foreign Teacher (signature)
Date: ………………………………………….。