
时间:22-12-19 网友


Certification Contract


Contract Number:


一、General Provisions

〔以下简称甲方〕, 委托上海英格尔认证〔以下简称乙方〕,为甲方提供 认证效劳。甲乙双方依照«中华人民共和国合同法»等法律法规、行业主管部门的规则,经对等协商,本着〝客观、公正、独立、诚信〞的原那么,在了解和赞同以下条款的基础上签署本合同,并承诺共同遵守。

(The undersigned referred to as Party A), commissioned Shanghai Ingeer Certification Ltd (The undersigned referred to as Party B) to offer Certification for Party A. Both Party A and Party B in accordance with "The People's Republic of China Contract Law" and other laws and regulations、the provisions of the industry department and after an equal footing in accordance with the spirit of "objectivity、 impartiality、independence、good faith" principle, understand and agree to the following terms to sign this contract and promised to abide by.


二、The rights and Obligations of Party A


1. Party A has the rights to publicize that certification is permissible to enjoy as authentication and the use of certification marks to obtain economic interests.


2. If Party A and Party B have disputes in the certification process, Party A is entitled to raise complaints to Party B of which Party B shall then settle the disputes in accordance with the complaint procedure.


3. Party A, in accordance with certification program shall actively cooperate with the audit of Party B to provide real and adequate information and records for Party B. Otherwise, all the consequences caused by inaccurate or false information shall be accepted.


4. When Party A applies for certification to Party B, Party A should inform Party B if the following occur within the last six months: 1.whether or not Part A has submitted an application to some other certification bodies or it fails to pass certification. 2. Party A has already acquired the certificate from other certification bodies but the certificate is suspended, terminated or cancelled.


9.Party A, after certified, should ensure that the certification of management systems running shall continue to be enforce and accept the surveillance and certification audit so Party B can verify the certification of management systems has been persistently enforced in compliance with the certification requirements.


●Preliminary assessment of certification at the certificate validity period has three surveillance assessments; for the first time surveillance assessments in evaluation review is 6 months, each subsequent surveillance assessments interval is 9-12 months.


●After re-certification, the certificate is abstained .The second supervisory review is scheduled within the certificate’s validity period. Supervision and examination for the first time after the first 10 months for re-certification audit and supervision and examination is to be conducted after the time intervals of 9-12 months.


●Re-certification should be implemented three months before the certificate expires


6. Party A in accordance with the timing and amount agreed upon by the two sides to the Party shall pay fees related to accreditation.


7. After Party A abstain the certificate within the validity period of the certificate, major customer complaints, significant quality, production, environment, safety incidents, or during the following major changes should be promptly notified to Party B


●legal status, operating conditions, organizational status or ownership


●organization or management (such as key management, decision-making, or technical staff)

● 和场所;

●contact addresses and places


●certified management system covering the scope of certification


●major changes of management and process


When Party B decides to suspend or revoke the certificate, Party A should immediately stop using the certificate, the certification logo and the copy of the certificate.


After Party A obtains certificate, authentication certificates and certification mark, it should be properly use under the "Certification and Accreditation standard logo signs and rules regarding use of the certificate."

8. 甲方如决议注销证书,应书面通知乙方,操持证书注销手续,并将证书交还乙方。

8. If Party A decides to cancel the certificate, Party A should notify Party B and Party B will handle the cancellation procedures and the certificate is return back to Party B.

9. 证书被注销、暂停或吊销后,甲方不得继续在任何业务活动中运用被注销的认证证书和认证标志,并销毁一切带有被注销的认证证书和标志的一切产品包装、宣传资料、广告、名片、公函等。

9. After the certificate is cancelled, suspended or withdrawn, Party A cannot continue to use the certification in any business activities using written off certificates and certification marks. Party A cannot destroy product packaging, promotional materials, advertising, business cards, letters, etc. for all written off certificates and logo all product packaging, promotional materials, advertising, business cards, letters, etc.


三、The rights and obligations of Party B


1. Management System Certification is to be conducted under national standards, the industry provisions independently, impartially and objectively appointing the scope to Party B.


2.If the covered management system certification of Party A is in line with certification requirements, Party B will register, issue certificates for Party A and permit the use of authenticated certificates and certification marks, but the ownership of issued certificates belongs to Party B.


Party B promise not to disclose the review process that involved the trade secrets and technical secrets of Party A to any third party, except the following information.


-Public information


-Written and permitted the information of Party A


-Legal proceedings requirements providing the information


3. Party B is not responsible for any product quality, production, environment, security and other accidents which Party B cause, and is not responsible for the accident causing compensation for any person. When Party A cannot maintain the typical operation of management system, Party B have the rights to increase the frequency of supervision and examination and conduct on-site supervision of non-routine sampling without prior notice, producing costs such as audit fees, travel expenses , etc. borne by the Party.


3.If Party A cannot meet the certification requirements and cannot timely and effectively correct the filled short of items advanced by Party B, Party B have the rights not to recommend the registration and certification but have the rights to receive the correlative certification fees promised and travel expenses and the corresponding late payment.


5. After Party A obtain the certificate, Party B shall conduct supervision examination and re-certification audit to Party A. Party A remains registered after continuous compliance of management system is validated. If Party A cannot continue to meet the certification requirements and the failure items advanced by Party B does not effectively and timely corrected or does not accept supervision and examination or re-certification within the specified time, Party B have the rights to suspend / withdraw the accreditation certificate . Party B shall promptly notify Party A in writing to suspend / withdraw the decision and shall have the rights to suspend / revoke the announced decision in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and provisions of trade related to departments.

6. 当满足本合同一切相关条款的要求时,证书有效期三年,三年后乙方为甲方再认证换发证书。

6. When all the relevant provisions of this contract meet the requirements, the certificate is valid for three years. After three years, if Party A wants to renew the certification Party B will be responsible for the renewal of the certificate.


7. If Party A conceal the amount of information or provide false information, Party B shall have a suspension / revocation certificate. Party B also has the rights to request Party A to assume Party B's reputation and economic loss caused by Party A


四、liability for breach


1. When Party A cannot pay the certification fees in accordance with contract timing and amount of payment to Party B, regardless of their reason, Party B reserve the rights to immediately suspend or even revoke the certificate of Party A. When under Certificate suspension and withdrawal period, Party A should stop the use of the certification and certification marks in any business activities and should return the relevant certificate and certification mark. Party A still have to pay the full certification fees, travel expenses and the corresponding late fees. Party B, from 30 days after certification on-site examination will accept late payment in accordance with the total cost of 5 ‰-day. The sum of certification costs is the sum of the expenses in the sixth terms.


2. If Party A cancels the review in two days before the agreed audit schedule and midway review, Party A is liable to pay all of the certification fees, travel expenses and the corresponding late fees. Late fees begin from the date of the original audit.


4. Certificate is suspended or revoked. If Party A continue using the authenticated certificates and certification mark in operational activities including product packaging, promotional materials, advertising, business cards, letters, etc., Party A assumes all the liabilities of law caused by these.


五、Dispute Resolution


1. If Party A will have complaints about the review process, audit team, audit conclusions or unresolved dispute, written complaints or appeals are filed after review within 30 days for Party B. Party B shall then complete the investigation, settlement and answer procedures within 30 days. Party B, if necessary, will designate an independent technical committee to solve the complaints and the disputes.



2. If the above procedures fail to resolve the dispute, both sides should adequately negotiate with the facts and the basis of solving the problem again. If they still are unable to reach into an agreement, any party may bring the dispute to Beijing or Shanghai Arbitration Commission in accordance with its arbitration rules to be resolved.


六、Certification fees and payment method

项 目


费 用〔元〕

Costs (Yuan)


Payment means

注册审核费Registration assessment fee


Application fee


After the signing of the contract, within one week 50% of the contract amount is paid.


After On-site review, within 7 days Party A shall pay the remaining 50% of the registration assessment fee. After Party affirms to receive all fees, certificates are issued.

审核费〔□初评 □再认证〕

Audit fees (□ Preliminary Evaluation □re-certification)


Registration fee


Preliminary Evaluation / re-certification costs Total

监视审核费Supervision and examination fees

审 核 费

Audit fee


Before each supervision and examination within one week , the total costs are paid one-time .After Party B acknowledge receipt of all charges ,the validation of the annual audit confirmation is awarded


Annual validation fee


Total costs of supervision and examination


1. Party A bear the travel fees generated by Party B’s audit (including transportation, accommodation and food during the work costs), according to the actual expenditure reimbursements


2. When on-site audit is not passed, causing the audits additional on-site track, travel expenses is assumed by Party A with another commitment. Audit fees are paid before Party B enter the site for one week one-time


3. If Party A cannot pay the certification fees in accordance with contract agreement to Party B, Party A shall pay the fine in accordance with the first item of Article IV of this contract.




1. "Certification and Accreditation standard logo signs and the rules regarding use of the certificate" is the annex to the contract, the same effect as this contract


2. Copies of this contract are two share, Party A and B hold one of copies


3. The contract is signed with both parties / stamped date. After the commencement of this contract, the past and/or other authentic contract agreement is void.












