
时间:23-01-31 网友


会展设计就是围绕会展的主题、目标和内容,通过视觉传达设计、空间环境设计、工业设计等手段、人为地创造出人与人、人与物、人与社会彼此交流的时空环境,其任务就是帮助会展组织者和参展者达到信息传播的目的,这就要求会展设计必须明确会展活动的各个要素,即组织者、参展者、观众、场馆。展台是会展组织者分配给参展者自行支配的展示空间,它为展品的展出、企业形象宣传、演示活动、信息的传播和交流以及经贸洽谈等提供了一个环境和场所。然而观众对参展者的第一印象就是展台,因此展台设计在表现参展商的企业形象和展览主题的同时,更应独特、醒目,引起观众的注意,使人们留下深刻的印象。 一、展台设计准备阶段

展台设计师建筑空间设计,它为人们提供了三维的交流空间。媒体的策划赋予了建筑空间的秩序和主题。活动的策划和展品展示促成了人与空间的交流。而建筑设计、媒体设计、美工设计、展品设计、灯光设计和舞台布景等等都是用来表达参展商的理念和工具。显著而富有个性的展台形体、精辟表现的主题、创造力宾至如归气氛的访客区等等均给来访者留下印象深刻的亲身体验。 (一)展览的性质和主题




1、单开面型一般分布在走道的两侧,只有一面向观众通道敞开。它的优点是三面墙提供了最充分的展品和宣传资料等的展示,可以用展板、展墙布置绘画、浮雕、摄影、图表、文字等资料。其缺点是视觉小,进深窄。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe





6、环岛型是四面敞开,一般位于展厅的中央位置,通常都是以空地的形式提供给参展商。它的优点是展示面积最大,造型尺度、规模可以相对较大,人流量最为畅通的展位空间,给人宽松、自由之感。其缺点是没有可供布置的墙面。 (三)展馆资料

展览场馆对展览设计、搭建有各种各样的管理规定和限制。因此,必须在进行展台设计前熟悉展馆各种规章制度,设计出符合展馆要求的展台。 1、有关展台的规定

展览会对展架及展品都有限制规定,尤其对双层展台、楼梯、展台顶部向外延伸的结构等限制更严。展馆往往对双层展台有高度限制,然而限高不是禁止超高,如果办理有关手续并达到技术标准,有可能获准搭建超高展位。 2、有关展览用具的规定





参展商参加会展活动是作为整个营销活动的一部分,也是其树立、推广形象materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe





整合而统一,是展台设计的首要标准,即形态统一、色彩统一、工艺统一、格调统一。总之,好的设计在艺术形式的秩序方面,都是十分明确的。 (二)创造性标准









传输技术、现代屏幕映像技术、现代人工智能技术、高科技现实的成果。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe




行业性标准也可称之为功能性标准,主要是讲形式和内容的统一性问题。 (五)文化性标准






展台搭建是整个展台设计流程中最为重要的一部分。现场施工的好坏决定了项目设计是否得到了实现。在这一过程中,要注意以下几点。 (一)图纸审核



为了场馆方便管理各搭建商和参展商,有效控制展馆人数,搭建商必须在规定时间内办理搭建手续,如办理搭建工作员工证件等参展商进场搭建、展览期间以及退场期间进入展馆的通行证。并在规定时间内完成展台搭建工作,同时得到场馆工作小组的安全监察,如需整改,必须立刻按照场馆要求整改。 materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe




materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national "3C" certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe











