
时间:24-08-08 网友

  This Ramadan, we've seen the very best of British Muslim values. We've seen unprecedented charity – zakat – with thousands upon thousands of pounds raised for the needy. We've seen community spirit, with inventive ways of breaking the fast with people of all faiths and none, from the Scouts' open-air iftar in Birmingham, to the iftar on the Thames in London, from events in synagogues and churches, to community centres, homes, even tents.

  Many iftars have been held to commemorate the Srebrenica genocide, 20 years after 8,000men and boys were massacred. Britain is home to the largest commemorations outside Bosnia.The Srebrenica Memorial Day initiative was launched by this government, and on thisanniversary we've pledged to continue teaching the lessons of that atrocity, far into the future.

  After some of the longest days of the year, and some of the hottest days we've had for a longtime, Ramadan this year hasn't been easy. But we think about what life is like right now forpeople across the world, for those in Syria and Iraq – families like ours – suffering at the handsof ISIL and Assad. We think of all the victims of terrorism during this time, of the familiesattacked in their homes in Kobane, the worshippers killed as they prayed in Kuwait, and theholidaymakers in Tunisia murdered on the beach, and I know that mosques across Britain havededicated Friday sermons to remembering the victims. This terrorism is not just an assault onthose victims. It's not just an assault on Islam, whose good name it perverts. It's an assaulton us all, on our way of life, and we must defeat it.

  So as families and friends come together this Eid, to share food and presents, to think of others,to mark the end of Ramadan, let's think about the better Britain and the better world we mustbuild together.

  Once again, let me wish you a happy and peaceful Eid. Eid Mubarak.






