
时间:24-04-30 网友

A very warm wele to Number 10 Downing Street. As-salamu alaykum. It’s really great to have you here for this Eid al Adha memoration. Tonight I want to say something about the importance of Eid; I want to say something about the enormous contribution that British Muslims make to our country; and I want to say something about the work that we’re all doing as a country to help Muslims around the world. But before I say that I want to say something about what a difficult Eid I know it has beenbecause of the terrible events in Iraq and Syria and the appalling brutality of ISIL. But in themidst of this brutality and the awful beheading of British hardworking good, passionatemen like Alan Henning and David Haines, in the midst of all that, something has emerged inour country which makes me incredibly proud. And that has been the response of BritishMuslims who have stood up and stood together and said: “These appalling events are notbeing done in my name.” And I felt so proud of British Muslims in everything that you have saidand everything that you have done. And let us say again tonight that these people in Iraq andSyria doing these appalling things, they have nothing to do with the great religion of Islam, areligion of peace, a religion that inspires daily acts of kindness and generosity. And that leads me to what I wanted to say about Eid. Because I’m not a scholar of any religionbut what I love about Eid is it demonstrates how close together our religions are. Because ofcourse we’re thinking of sacrifice, and we’re thinking of passion. We’re thinking of themoment that Abraham showed his readiness to sacrifice to God because he was prepared togive up his son. But God said, “No, you must take a lamb instead.” This is the same in my Bible as it is in your Quran. But what I love with what you have donewith the festival of Eid is that you’ve taken it one stage further and said that that lamb shouldbe sacrificed in 3 ways: for family, for friends and neighbours, and then a third for those thatare neediest in our society and in our country. And I think that lesson of sacrifice andpassion that I understand at the heart of Eid is so important and something that shouldbring all our religions and our munities together. The second thing I wanted to say is just about the contribution that British Muslims make inour country. I’ve spoken about the extraordinary outpouring there’s been about theseappalling events in Syria and Iraq, but we shouldn’t be surprised about that because BritishMuslim munities are immensely proud of being British and they give an enormous amountto our country. British Muslims are actually the most generous, charitable givers that thereare of any munity in Britain, and that’s something to be immensely proud of as well as allthe contributions to the arts, to literature, to music, to sport. Before my conference speech I met an absolutely sensational British Muslim woman whonot only ran 2 superb restaurants but was also a teacher, was also a Conservative councillor andwas also the mother of 5 brilliant children, all of whom I met. And that made me think aboutthe hardworking people in British Muslim munities who are absolutely standing up for thevalues that make this country great: values of enterprise, values of family, values ofmunity, values of hard work. And that is what we’re celebrating tonight. Third and final thing is just to say a word about what we’re doing as a country to help Muslimswho are suffering around the world. And I think perhaps we don’t say enough about this, and Ithink perhaps we need to say more in all our munities to demonstrate to people who carepassionately about the suffering people go through about what a generous andpassionate nation this is. We see these appalling problems in Syria with so manyrefugees and so many people suffering. Britain is the second largest bilateral donor of anycountry in the world. We’re always the first to step up and step forward, and we should beproud of that.



