【 导语】滴滴恩情,渗透母亲的情意;涓涓母爱,汇成大爱的江河;拳拳孝心,饱含儿女的深情;暖暖问候,送去质朴的关爱。母亲节,让浓浓的亲情温暖母亲的心!以下是整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。
May 8 is mother's day, which belongs to every mother in the world. But on this day, many mothers live a day as usual. Mothers still lie in bed early, cook breakfast for us, do wild work, and help us dry meals. All mothers should live their own festivals. On Mother's day, how many mothers will care. Let's spend an unforgettable day on this day!
Today, the theme of our class meeting is "warm and sweet may day, feeling hatred for mother's Day". We want to let mothers know that we are sensible before we grow up. As May 8 is mother's day, I hope today's activities can make mothers feel happy.
Four co teaching mothers came to our class to join our class activities. There is also an aunt who moves the private company. In the past, this aunt came to host the class meeting for us. The aunt brought us a lot of carnations, convenience stickers and wrapping paper. The aunt took these goods to us and asked us to package the flowers from there. Then we wrote down what we wanted to say to our mother on the instant sticker, carried it to the wrapping paper and gave it to my mother. Four students presented flowers for our mother on the spot. Although my mother didn't come to the scene yesterday, there was also a sense of intimacy when I saw my classmates' mother's face. In particular, the scene of the four students welcoming flowers for their mother excited all the people present. I saw impulsive tears in the eyes of my mothers, and my nose felt sour... This flower is not only a flower, but also a health, happiness and love.
When I got home, I sent the flowers I brought back from school to my mother with one hand. My mother was so excited that she didn't speak for a long time. I saw my mother's eyes glistening with tears, I hugged my mother and said to her: "Mom, you brought me into this world. Since I fell to the ground, you have loved me very much. You have given me everything. When I was young, you were always with me. You never dared to leave. I'm afraid I have nothing to do, you can't look at yourself, and you spend your mind on me. You love me so much! Since I went to primary school, you will buy stationery for me immediately. I'm on vacation If you need any books, you'll go to the bookstore. If this one doesn't have one, you'll go to another one. If you can't find it, you'll answer your parents and see if they know what to say. In my opinion, it doesn't matter if you can find it or not, because you've worked hard... "
Through this activity, I really feel that maternal love is simple and simple. In childhood, maternal love is a shaking basket. When you grow up, maternal love is a bowl of points and pre winter clothes. After becoming me, maternal love is nagging and telling. Maternal love is included in these small things. Mom, on Mother's day, you don't care. Like some mothers, you are still working for us as usual on this day. You and every mother in the world do not contribute at all by using the word "giving up yourself to others". Here, I wish mothers all over the world a happy mother's Day! Mom, finally, I want to say to you, "you've worked hard, I love you!"
Today is mother's day. I participated in the activity of making simulated roses. I want to make a rose by myself and give it to my mother to express my love and gratitude to my mother.
The materials of simulated roses have been put on the table: two green square papers, four purple large square papers, a long iron wire, and then two thin iron wires with the length of the middle finger. The crystal teacher also made a demonstration, and the next step is to make it, which is a little difficult. Fold the big square in half and then fold it in half, and then cut it down along the model to become four petals. After cutting four purple squares, 16 carnation petals are finished. When cutting, I was very careful, for fear of cutting the petals askew or cutting the edge into a gear shape. The roses for my mother can't be so rough. This reminds me of my mother who cut my nails when I was a child. She cut them very carefully and carefully. After the nail is cut, she will polish the edge of my nail back and forth with a small setback. Mom said that if you don't polish it, you will hurt your skin if you catch it accidentally. The way I keep my head down feels the same as the way my mother cuts my nails with her head down!
When the petals are finished, cut the leaves. After cutting the leaves, apply glue and stick them together with short small wire. A small leaf is in my hand. I shook the leaves and remembered that when I was in the third grade, my mother picked up a leaf and taught me to know the veins and stems of the leaves. Mother's smiling face and mother's voice seemed to be embedded in the leaflet I made. When the leaves are ready, roll up the third part of the petals gently along the iron wire, and then open them gently. One after another, 16 curly petals on the table are very beautiful. This seems to be my mother's smile when she sees my growth, with praise, surprise and pride.
Finally, stick the petals to the long wire. First wrap the wire with napkin, and then stick the petals one by one. I don't know why. I don't think it's difficult to make roses today and think about what my mother has done to me. I remember when I was ill, my mother sat at the head of my bed and folded paper cranes and butterflies for me. While touching my forehead with worry, I touched my forehead again, then folded a bird, brought it to my eyes and said, "my little baby! Get better quickly! Fly and fly!"
The roses are finished soon, purple! oh Mother likes purple best! The petals unfold implicitly, like a mother's tenderness; The whole flower rose slightly, like her mother's strength and optimism. The real carnation is not comparable to the carnation I made at the moment, because there are not only my mother's memories of my love, but also my deep love for my mother and infinite gratitude.
Mother's love is an umbrella! To protect the children from the wind and rain. Mother's love is a harbor for children's hearts to rely on. Mom worked hard for us silently! Today is May 8th - mother's Day! I wish my mother a happy holiday! Eternal youth!
Today, I'm going to make a gift for my mother. What can I do? Draw a picture. It's too simple! Be a tumbler, too naive! Yes, I'll make a handmade flower for my mother! To express my love for my mother! After a while, the manual flowers are ready! I helped my mother wash the clothes again. I quietly waited for my mother to get off work. After a while, my mother's door opened and my mother came back from work! I ran over and said loudly to my mother, "Happy Mother's Day! You're working hard! I love you!" My mother hugged me and said excitedly, "son, you have grown up and are sensible!" I'm so happy to get my mother's praise!
Unforgettable when I was weak and sick, I told my mother to break my heart! Every time I get sick, my mother accompanies me day and night! And she never complains and pays silently for me with selfless love! Looking at my mother's red eyes, I really love it! Thank you, mom! I have nothing to repay you on Mother's Day! Just ask me to sing a song for you! There is only mother in the world. Thank you for your education! To repay your kindness to my upbringing! Teach me how to be a person and wish my mother a happy mother's Day! good health!
Thanksgiving mother's Day! Mom, I love you! Mom, you worked hard!
It is said that the greatest person in the world is mother. Like everyone, I love my mother very much.
My mother is a railway worker. She is very busy every day. Because my father works in other places and seldom goes home, my mother does all the housework alone. I was moved to see my mother busy every day.
For my mother, the more important thing than housework is to help me with my homework. She spends a lot of time guiding and supervising my stu d y e v e r y d a y . I w a s m o v e d t o s e e h e r m e t i c u l o u s a n d t i r e l e s s e v e r y d a y . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 3 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 4 " > 0 0 M y m o t h e r i s v e r y c o n c e r n e d a b o u t m y h e a l t h . S h e w o r r i e s a b o u t m y f o o d , c l o t h i n g , h o u s i n g a n d t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . E s p e c i a l l y w h e n I a m i l l , I a m v e r y m o v e d t o s e e h e r r u n n i n g i n a n d o u t a n d v e r y a n x i o u s . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 5 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 6 " > 0 0 M o t h e r i s a l s o a n o p t i m i s t i c a n d b e a u t i f u l p e r s o n . S h e l o v e s b e a u t y b e c a u s e m o s t o f m y w a r d r o b e i s h e r c l o t h e s a n d t h e d r e s s e r i s f u l l o f h e r c o s m e t i c s ; S h e i s o p t i m i s t i c b e c a u s e s h e o c c a s i o n a l l y l i s t e n s t o m u s i c a n d p l a y s g a m e s w h e n s h e i s f r e e . W h e n e v e r I s e e h e r h a p p y a p p e a r a n c e a t t h i s t i m e , I a m v e r y m o v e d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 7 " > / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 1 8 " > 0 0 T o d a y i s m o t h e r ' s d a y . I w r i t e d o w n m y i n n e r f e e l i n g s a n d g i v e t h e m t o m y m o t h e r a s a g i f t f o r m o t h e r ' s d a y . L e t ' s a l w a y s b e g r a t e f u l t o o u r m o t h e r a n d b l e s s h e r . i m g s r c = " h t t p s : / / i m g . / u p l o a d f i l e / i m a g e s / m u b a n / 1 1 1 . j p g " b d s f i d = " 1 1 9 " > / p > p s t y l e = " b o r d e r - l e f t : 5 p x s o l i d # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; c o l o r : # 3 9 9 1 e 5 ; b a c k g r o u n d : # f 5 f 7 f 7 ; p a d d i n g - l e f t : 1 0 p x ; l i n e - h e i g h t : 3 5 p x ; m a r g i n - b o t t o m : 8 p x ; " b d s f i d = " 1 2 0 " >