各位老师、同学们,大家早上好!Dear teachers and students, Good morning!
我是来自七年级七班的黄中大,I’m Jack from class 7, grade 7.我是来自七年级七班的林俊言,I’m Julian from class 7, grade 7.
我今天国旗下讲话的题目是:《话端午——传承中华传统文化》。The topic of the speech under the flag is:”Celebrate Dragon-boat Festival--to inherit Chinese culture”.
中国每年的农历五月初五就是"端午节",端是"开端"、"初"的意思。初五可以称为端午。一些地方又将端午节称之为五月节、艾节、夏节。Every fifth of May in Chinese lunar calender is the “Dragon-Boat Festival”. The day is also called the Festival of May, The festival of Chinese mugwort or the Festival of Summer in some particular places.
端午节是中华民族的传统节日,它源于中国古代稻作文化,已在中国民间传承了两千多年。民间都有在端午节挂香袋、吃粽子、赛龙舟的习俗,以此祈求防疫祛病、避瘟驱邪、健康长寿,也寄寓了人们平安和顺的美好心愿。Dragon-Boat festival is a traditional festival of China, it originates from Chinese rice culture, and has already been celebrated for more than two thousand years. On Dragon boat festival, people hang sachets, eat sticky rice dumplings and watch Dragon-Boat races to pray for health and longevity. Dragon boat festival also carries the wishes for peace and luck.
端午还是伟大爱国主义诗人屈原的祭日。著名学者闻一多称其为“龙的节日”。和春节、中秋节、清明节并称为中华民族的四大传统节日,目前已成为全球华人精神、亲情的纽带。Fifth of May is also the day when the great patriotic poet QuYuan died. Famous scholar Yiduo Wen called it the “Festival of the mighty Chinese Dragon”. Dragon-Boat festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival and Qsing Ming Festival are the four most important festivals in Chinese culture. They have become the bond of love and Spirit between Chinese all around the world.
这些传统节日是中华民族智慧的结晶和文化遗产,是民族的精神家园,它们已经成为中华民族文化的象征。正是这些节日民俗和传统文化时刻感召我们每一个华夏儿女,我们是炎黄子孙。也正是这些传统让中华文化成为世界文化的璀璨瑰宝。These traditional festivals are the crystals of ancient Chinese intelligence. It is the Spiritual home of every Chinese. They symbolize the culture of China. These traditional festivals and customs tell every single Chinese that we are the descendants of the Yan and Huang Emperors. It’s them who told the world that how precious Chinese culture is and made it the splendid treasure of human culture.
然而,由于种种原因,有段时间我们的一些传统节日和传统文化受到了冷落。But, our magnificent culture and festivals have not been treated correctly. People haven’t paid enough attention to them.
好在近些年来,国人觉醒,认识到保护弘扬中国传统文化的重要性和紧迫性,一系列的国家行动也随之展开,2006年5月20,国务院将端午节列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产名录;2008年起,端午节被列为国家法定节假日。But good news is that for the past years people have become aware of the importance of Chinese culture and the urgency of passing it to our children and spreading it to the whole world followed by actions nationwide. On May 20,2006,the State Council of China included Dragon boat festival into the list of national-level intangible cultural heritage; since 2008, Dragon boat festival had become a national holiday.
2009年9月,联合国科教文组织正式审议并批准中国端午节列入世界非物质文化遗产,成为中国首个入选世界非遗的节日。In September 2009,UNESCO officially reviewed and approved Dragon -Boat festival as a world intangible cultural heritage. It’s the first Chinese festival that had been recruited into the list of world intangible cultural heritage.
当然保护弘扬中国传统文化不仅要靠国家政府的重视和行动,更要靠我们每一个中国人特别是作为祖国未来的青少年的积极参与。Inheriting Chinese traditions does not only depend on the attention and action of the government, but needs the active participation of every Chinese as well, especially us-teenagers,the future of China.
所以在端午佳节到来之际,希望同学们在平时的学习中多读国学经典,多了解中国的历史文化,学好汉语,写好汉字,从点滴做起,积累知识,提高自身的文化修养,努力成为一名优秀的中国文化的继承者和传播者。So, with Dragon-Boat festival coming, we hope our classmates read more Chinese classic literature, learn more about Chinese culture and study Chinese better. We should start from tiny things, improve our own cultural accomplishment, and strive to become an excellent inheritor and broadcaster of Chinese culture.
相信,只要我们共同努力,就一定会让古老的华夏文明焕发新的风采!We believe that our joint efforts will make Chinese civilization shine in new visage. 最后,提前祝老师、同学们端午安康!At last, we wish all the teachers and classmates a healthy and happy Dragon boat festival!
我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家!Thank you for listening!