"Bible" in "Paradise Lost" story and Chinese sages Mencius's teachings show people the evil is not nature, but the temptation to make people lost their conscience. Then, the external temptation so much, why is the money is the root of all evil?
First, money has realistic legitimacy of equivalent exchange and any goods. On the one hand, money is the symbol of wealth, is the general equivalent. It has an infinite force, thus can make infinite greed of people. But on the other hand, each person for the possession of money also is finite, infinite desire cannot be satisfied. It is the contradiction between the utility of money infinite and possess limited, making it more than any other things can arouse people's inordinate ambitions, which leads to the loss of conscience, falling into the evil.
Second, money not only can summon wind and call for rain in the commodity field, but also can make the non commodity merchandising. It is not only a symbol of material wealth, but also a spiritual value. Power, status can be bought, chastity, reputation can be sold, the dignity of being human, wait for the right price to sell, even the justice, conscience also caught the gas of the place. Shakespeare had revealed: money can make black white, ugly into beauty, wrong right, humble into a distinguished. Because of money is so talented confuse right and wrong, the boundless power, it became the breed type of complex, deep roots of evil wanton spread.
Third, the money worship is the alienation of the relationship between man and money. The money is supposed to be a tool for promoting economic and social development, but in reality, it was regarded as the prostrate oneself in worship god. Because of the money, people lost in the lustrous and dazzling in the material world; because of money, people lose the inherent conscience but also unknowingly; or because of money, the value of life and human dignity are treated as a victim (warning time) dedicated to the worship of the altar. (people create money, but for his creation prostrate oneself in worship. When the money from the means for the purpose of, but from master to slave ". Admittedly, there are people who stay awake in front of money, but it is because they have the moral conscience of the subjective call, the objective is also constrained by social norms. As we can not because someone is immune to the virus, the virus will deny is the cause of disease, we can not because people can love in front of scene of debauchery, they deny that money is the root of all evil.) Money as a tool, it can promote the development of the social economy, but the problem lies in the reality, it has been regarded as the objective in view. However, when the freedom of the human spirit has been tied with gold chains, he can fly? Thank you.