Letter of Intent 合作意向书After friendly consultations based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit本着平等互的原则,经过友好的协商, Party A/甲方and与 Party B/乙方have agreed to execute this Letter of Intent LOI to accord the understanding reached duringdiscussions and to indicate the continuing corporation.一致同意以本意向书实前期谈判中达成的解并指导后续的合作。The purpose of this LOI is to set forth certain non-binding understandings and certain bindingcommitments between both parties with respect to a proposed transaction/investment betweenboth parties.本意向书旨在陈述与双方交/投资有关的干无拘束的认识和具有拘束的约定。Part I: Proposed Transaction/Investment第一部分: 交/投资 LOI No. Description Amount 意向书编号意向内容简述额 CCLI USD 1. The terms of the transaction/investment will be more particularly set forth in a Purchase Order for transaction or a Business Proposal for investment to be mutually agreed upon by the parties. This LOI outlines the proposed transaction/investment based on each party’s Page 1 of 2 present understanding of the current condition. 交的条款将在双方共同认可的一份采购订单(用于商品交)或者一份商业计划书(用于投资合作)中进特别限定。本意向书仅陈述目前各方对现有状况的认识。2. The parties agree that if there any amendments to the terms and conditions of the proposed transaction/investment without approval from the respective Board the transaction shall not proceed. 双方同意:任何涉及本意向书条款的变,未经双方董事会认可,影响交的执。Part II: Others第二部分其他3. The parties agree that either party to this LOI may unilaterally withdraw from negotiation at any time for any or no reason at the withdrawing party’s sole discretion by notifying the other party of the withdrawal in writing. 双方同意:本意向书的任何一方在任何时候因任何原因或无故退出磋商,退出一方须以书面方式通知对方。4. The parties
agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the content of which shall be mutually agreed upon. 双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯,其内容必须为双方所共同认可。5. This LOI is in duplicate one copy for each party each of which shall be deemed an original when executed. 本意向书一式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等同于原件。Party A: Party B:甲方:乙方:SIGNED by: SIGNED by:委托人签字:……………………………………….. 委托人签字:………………………………………..Date: Date:日期:日期: Page 2 of 2
letter of intent for projectdate:july 28,2014(日期)attn:ohwan k&c corporation(收件:公司名称)正文内容(全英文,格式顶头写,每段隔开一行)。 sincerely yours,xxxxx公司名称 co., ltd.(英文名称需盖章)地址:公司地址 电话(tel):86-xxxxx 传真(fax):86-xxxxxx add: 翻译上述地址电话传真篇二:中英文投资合作意向书 agree customary legal opinions must be delivered the content of which shall be
mutually agreed upon. 双方同意遵守交/投资的法惯,其内容必须为双方所共同认可。5.
this loi is in duplicate one copy for each party each of which shall be deemed an
original when executed. 本意向书一式两份,双方各持一份,执时效等同于原件。party a:
party b:甲方:乙方:signed by: signed by:委托人签字:………………………………………..
委托人签字:………………………………………..date: date:日期:日期: page 2 of 2
xxx international logistics limited tel:\ fax:
甲方the first party:
乙方the second party: 深圳市安捷龙货运代理有限公司
the principles of mutual benefit,the two parties will make an agreement on import
transport as following:
party entrust the second party with import transpotation services from hongkongand the first party must promise that the goods are legal.
书面形式委托给乙方,如因甲方申报不符所造成的所有责任由甲方负责;the first party
must provide the the second party with the real information of product’s
name,number,value,purpose.all of this information must be represented to the second
party in a written form, as a result of discrepancies caused by the first party
declaration, the first party will be responsible for all liability.
ensure the regular procedure of declaring, the second party has right to open the
box and check the goods.
4.甲方承诺委托之货物不能夹带易燃、易爆物品及国家规定禁止进口之物品; the first party must promise not to carry cargo consigned flammable, explosive
materials and goods prohibited for import by state regulations.
5.甲方托运内容要求更改或取消时,必须书面形式通知乙方,(来自:WWw.cnBothWin.com 博威 范文 网:合作意向书英文模板)在与乙方操作人员确认可
1.运输费用transpotation expenses(人民币rmb:¥ 17 /kg计价;提货费delivery
一个200元rmb关税/票if no delivery,no payment~if the products are sent from
foreign country to hongkong directly, you will pay tariff of 200rmb 此运输费用为全包价格,不可产生其他任何额外费用. this price contains all the
transport expenses, may not produce any extra charges预算到达时间需要3天左右。
delivery time – 3 days.
费用支付时间charge for time:货到付款cash on delivery
三、协议修改agreement modification本协议可经双方书面确认通知另一方修改内容,经双方共同签字确认后以签字日期为
四、法律与仲裁law and arbitration
动终止,否则自动顺延;this agreement shall take effect from the date contract is signed
by both parties, a single sign, valid until 7 days after receiving confirmation party
without objection will automatically terminate, or automatically extended.
if any different opinions during the execution of the agreement, both sides should
use friendly consultations way to reach the aggrement. if any party wants to terminate
the agreement,there should be a written notice from one party to another one month
in advance. implementation of the agreement by either party to be held in the
outstanding issues and the corresponding responsibility.甲方签字signature: 乙方签字sinature:2011 年 月 日篇四:中英文合作协议 合作协议书
cooperation agreement合同编号:
contract no.:签订地点:
signing place of contract: xi’an 甲、乙双方本着互利互惠,诚实守信,优势互补的原则,经过友好协商,就甲方对于乙
方生产太阳能电池组件中介合作事宜,达成如下协议: party a and party b agree to sign the cooperation contract on producing of
solar panels, and that party a introduces buyers for party b, for mutual benefits
in conditions as follows:
1.合作内容cooperative content根据甲乙双方协商,达成以下合作内容: to conclude the below contents of cooperation according to negotiations between
two parties:
(1) 甲方介绍、协助和促成乙方与 签订生产 买卖合同;价格为,总价格
party a authorizes party b to produce for .the unit priceis, in sum .
(2) 甲方应认真与其推荐的客户进行联络,介绍并推广乙方的产品,并为乙方与客户
on behalf of party b, party a is responsible to contact with, introduce
party bs products to and operate related business activities with,
promote signing contract between party b and.
(3) 如果在采购合同执行过程中,由于甲方客户方面的不当,发生问题,在乙方的要
求下,甲方有义务进行协调解决执行合同的问题;并要求甲方 客户按采购合同及本合同条款执行。由于乙方的原因没有执行好合同条款的情况下,那
么甲方有权要求乙方按采购合同及本合同条款执行。 in the process of execution purchase contract, when hasundeserved problems, party a has duty to coordinate solving problems. when party
b do not perform under the terms of contract well , party a has right to require party
b executing terms of purchase contract. responsibilities, rights and obligations
(1)甲方的责任、权利和义务party as responsibility, rights and obligations: a. 甲方负责与其推荐的客户进行联络、介绍并推广乙方的产品,并协助乙方对客户的沟
通、谈判、商务运作等相关商务活动,最终能达成乙方与采购商签订买卖合同;on behalf of party b, party a is responsible to contact with , introduce party
bs products toand operate related business activities with ,promote signing
contract between party b and .b. 如果在乙方签订的买卖合同执行过程中,由于甲方客户方面的原因而产生的问题,在
乙方的要求下,甲方有义务进行协调解决执行合同的问题; 由于乙方的原因而产生的问题,在甲方客户的要求下,甲方有义务进行 协调解决执行合同的问题;in the process of execution purchase contract, when has undeserved
problems, party a has duty to coordinate solving problems. when party b do not perform
under the terms of contract well, party a has right to require party b executing terms
of purchase contract. c. 乙方与客户的买卖合同签订后,按照其合同约定履行。任何一方出现违约行为,甲方
a will not have warranty and other legal responsibility for any one side.
(2)乙方的责任、权利和义务party bs responsibilities, rights and obligations: 乙方应保证生产太阳能电池组件的质量和功率数量,全部承担对于出现的产品质量和功
party b should guarantee and be whole responsibility to quality and quantity of
solar panels.
(1) 乙方提供甲方的咨询费,组件数量以乙方与签订的买卖合同为依据,以实
(3)若甲方未能促成 公司与乙方签署买卖合同,甲方无权要求乙方支付咨询费或者任何费用。咨询费用以实际发货量为准。if the party a is unable to cause the signed contract between the party remuneration or fee.
(4)甲方指定银行账户信息如下:information of party a designated bank account as below:
liability for breach 如果一方不能按照本协议执行而给另一方造成了损失,受害方有权利要求对方给予相应
assignment and confidentiality
(1)未经过对方同意不得将本协议规定的责任、义务向第三方转让;without the agreement of the other party, the responsibility and obligation of
this cooperation agreement should not be transferred to third party.
以任何理由或方式泄密,因泄密造成的一切经济损失由泄密方负篇五:合作协议(中英文翻译)技 术 合 作 协 议
technical cooperation agreement甲方:xx油脂化学有限公司party a: xx grease chemical co. , ltd. 地址: xx高新技术工业园
address: xxhigh-tech industrial park法定代表人:xxx
legal representative: xxx乙方:
party b:
this agreement, concerning the setting up of a technical research and development
team, is made according to the contract law of prc regulations and entered into through
equal negotiation by both parties as the free and full expression of their own wishes
to mutual benefits, and to this end both parties shall abide by this agreement as
第一条、 甲方同意雇用乙方为新产品研发技术顾问。乙方同意为甲方提供技术 顾问服务。
article 1: party a hereby agrees to employ party b as the technical consultant
for the new product research and development. party b hereby agrees to offer technical
consultation service to part a.
第二条、 甲方同意每月支付乙方的研究费用,包括:薪资、办公费、检测费、 差旅费以及其他相关费用。article 2: party a hereby agrees to pay party b for the research each month,
including salaries, administrative expenses, detection cost, traveling expenses and
other cost associated.
第三条、 乙方有责任为甲方提供相关国内外技术及市场信息,并及时答复甲方 技术上所遇到的问题。article 3:party b is responsible to provide relevant technical and market
information home and abroad and is ready to answer any technical problem frequently
asked by party a.
第四条、 乙方有义务向甲方提供有关个人简历和相关证明材料,甲方要尊重乙 方个人隐私,有义务妥善保管相关材料。 article 4: party b shall has the obligation to provide party a with any relevant
personal resume and reference documents as necessary. party a shall respect the
personal privacy of party b and has the obligation to properly keep those materials.
第五条、 乙方同意所研发的产品所有知识产权归甲方所有,乙方不得将相关技 术信息泄露给任何第三方,否则需要承担一切法律后果。 article 5: party b hereby agrees that the intellectual property of any product
as researched and developed herein shall be owned by party a. party b shall not be
allowed to disclose any technical information concerned to the third party, or it
shall take all the legal consequences.
第六条、 甲乙双方同意通过紧密合作达到共同目标;每年增加一到三个项目; 每年申请一到三个发明专利;每年完成一到两个能够通过专家认证的 新产品;每年至少向市场推广两个产品。
第七条、 此协议甲乙双方各执一份,没有在协议中提到的事项双方需协商解决。 article
7: this agreement is held by both parties, one for each respectively. any issue not
mentioned in this agreement shall be settled by both parties through negotiation.此协议从签字当日起生效。
Letter of Agreement
(For the Cooperation On Knitted Sweater Workshop)
甲方Party A:
乙方Party B:
Through a preliminary discussion on the cooperation of knitted sweater workshop, both parties have reached the intents as following:
一、同意就 羊毛衫加工车间 项目开展合作开发。
1. Agreement on the cooperative development on 该项目的基本情况是:
额的51%,乙方以生产加工设备为出资形式,占出资总额的49%。 Both parties will invest_***$ on the project. PartyA will provide fund and workshop facilities as investment, accounting for 51% share. PartyB will provide the processing equipment, accounting for 49% share.
二、 甲乙双方各自负责
甲方应做好以下工作Resonsibilities For PartyA:
1、 以租赁形式提供生产、办公场地2000平米(包括仓储),租金低于市场价,租金列入合作成本;
1) Rent out the production and official field 2000m2 (including warehouse) to the cooperative workshop. The rental should be lower than the market price and should be listed as a production cost of workshop.
2、 负责流动资金的融资,其利息列入合作成本;
2) Provide cash flow which is listed as the production cost of workshop.
3、 负责设备进口的相关税费;
3) Relative importation tax for transportation of the equipment.
4) Transportation and installation fee in Chinese Mainland, which is listed as the production cost of workshop..
乙方应做好以下工作Responsibilities For PartyB:
1. 负责产品开发、销售;
1) Development , marketing and sales of the product
2. 负责生产技术指导。
2) Supervise the production
1. 甲方负责加工生产,协助乙方销售;
1) PartyA is responsible for the production and assist PartyB for marketing and sales.
2. 乙方负责提供整套羊毛衫生产加工设备(包括从出发港口到目的港口的运输费用,和其他杂费); 2) PartyB is responsible for the complete set of production equipment (CIF to the destination port)
3. 项目总负责人由甲方委派,助理负责人由乙方委派;
3) Chief responsible person is appointed by PartyA, and assistant should be appointed by PartyB.
4. 此项目财务独立核算,专款专用。经营过程中所产生的风险或利润分配按双方所占股份比例共同承担或享有
4) The funds are for the project only and respective accounting. According to the respective share stipulated in this letter of agreement, both parites bear the risk or profit which generates in the prosecution together. (For instance, the party occupies 51% share should bear 51% risk or profit.)
四、 本协议书是双方合作的基础,甲乙双方的具体合作内容以双方的正式合同为准。
4.This Letter of Agreement is the base of cooperation, the detail of which is subjected to the confirmation of formal contract.
5. This Letter of Agreement is written in 2 copies and will be effective from the signing day. Both parties hold one respectively.
甲方PartyA: 乙方PartyB:
年 月 日