Persuasive language techniques 有说服力的语言技巧,做一个有影响力的人

时间:24-10-21 网友

Learn persuasive language techniques and be an influencer!


Hello readers! This article is worth your time. Why so? Let me tell you. Hereby, you are going to read persuasive language techniques. When we talk about writing something, it sounds easy. But when it comes to actual writing, things are not always easy. Learning different techniques helps us to influence the readers. Before you start reading this blog it is neccessary to know the persuasive technique definition. Persuasive techniques are the methods or persuasive strategies used by writers to persuade the audience to agree with certain ideas or thoughts. Writers use logic and emotions to make them more compelling.

Meanwhile, let’s get back to know the persuasive language techniques and see what you are going to study in this article:

Different types of persuasive language techniques

How to learn and use persuasive language techniques

How writers or speakers have used language to persuade

Strategies of persuasion

Persuasive language techniques to attract visitors

Let’s start

You can use a wide range of persuasive language techniques. While you are reading a text which includes persuasive language-or when you write persuasive text yourself-you should think to persuade the reader to accept a specific view point by using such techniques.

Types of persuasive language techniques

1. Adjective

The first in the list of persuasive language techniques is “Adjective”. These are describing words, which are most commonly used to make the audience feel a specific way regarding something.

For example: “Some TV shows make us feel an artificial version of the thrill one get from chasing ones ambitions.”

2. Adverbs

The second one from the persuasive language techniques are “Adverbs”. These are the words which modifies verbs or adjectives.

Just like the adjectives, they are also choose and used to make the audience or reader feel a certain way about an issue.

For example: “In a latest essay she wrote about the street animals, dying from 1080 fox bait. The animals who died ate it while a rally passed by. They had a horrible death.”

3. Alliteration

Third in the list of persuasive language techniques is “Alliteration”. It is all about the words which start from the same sound and create emphasis due to the same reason.

For example: “And I can say them it is distressing beyond words to watch a bird suffer like this and being unable to alleviate its agony.

4. Appeals

Appeal is a persuasive technique in writing which is most often used by authors to touch different emotions. These emotions includes reader’s sense of justice, patriotism and fairness.

5. Anecdotes

Short, personal stories that help to illustrate a point.

For example: “For my three most recent books, on motherhood, cancer and nursing, I interviewed more than 300 people about the nuts and bolts of what our incredibly short time on this planet is really about – life, death, family and love. If there is one thing I can guarantee, it’s that there will never be a person who lies on their deathbed, shaking with rage, sobbing, ‘Dear God, I wish I’d spent more time watching that show.’”

6. Everyday language

Writers will often use everyday language, sometimes called colloquial language, to make themselves seem down-to-earth.

For example: “Fairness is the cornerstone of our constitution and our national identity. But as we head into an election year, I think we need to ask ourselves whether we really believe in a fair go for all.”

7. Cliches

An overused expression. Although they should be avoided, cliches give writers an opportunity to express an idea to their readers quickly.

Here are some examples of cliches:

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Alls well that ends well.

As light as a feather.

Time will tell.

8. Connotations

All words have connotations or associations. Some words, for example, may have the same literal meaning but very different connotations. Connotations may be negative or positive. Think about the word ‘thin’. There are lots of words that share this meaning—slender, lithe, slim, skinny, lean, slight, lanky, undernourished, wasted, gangly, rake-like, anorexic, spindly. If someone was describing your body, you would probably prefer to be called ‘slender’ or ‘slim’ rather than ‘lanky’ or ‘anorexic’. When people are writing an argument, they think very carefully about the words that they select and the impact these words will have on their audience.

9. Emotive words

Words that provoke an emotional reaction from the audience are known as emotive words..

For example : “But no, people from the bush were saying it is cruel to kill foxes with a poison that causes a slow, agonising death.”

Emotive words are one of the best persuasion techniques. One who has a mastery over emotive language can learn persuasion faster than others. Click here to know more about emotive language if you want to master it.

10. Exaggeration

Writers often exaggerate or overstate something to help persuade readers of their point of view.

For example: “Our experts will tell you a million reasons why it can’t or shouldn’t be done here. They have turned excuse-making into an art form.”

11. Evidence

Writers will often use evidence – which might take the form of facts, figures, quotes or graphs – to help support their argument.

For example: “According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, males are 400 per cent more likely to commit an offence intended to cause injury than are females.”

12. Expert opinion

Sometimes writers will use the opinion of experts to give further weight to their argument.

For example “A new research report by Victorian doctors illustrates why: because when kids are worried their parents will be told their private medical details, they simply don’t go to the doctor.”

13. Inclusive language

Inclusive language – using the words ‘we’ or ‘us’ – is often used to get a reader onside.

For example: “I might not like it, but kids’ right to confidential medical advice should take precedence over our right to know about it.”


Descriptive writing can be a powerful persuasive technique. Describing something vividly can persuade readers.

15. Logic

A logical, well-structured argument can be very persuasive.

16. Metaphor

Metaphors, when one thing is described as another, help to persuade by describing.

For example : “I’ve been dying of it all week and can hardly type this column because of the Niagra of snot pouring down my face and the painful fires of a thousand suns burning in my joints and muscles, which being manly muscles are able to carry a much heavier load of pain than lady muscles.”

17. Pun

A play on words often relying on homophones, homonyms or rhymes.

For example: “It’s been a trying year for rugby league, what with betting scandals, controversies over players’ alleged off-field behaviour and an unseemly on-field brawl that marred the sport’s reputation on approach to the finals.”

For example: “Racism is no white and black issue.”

18. Repetition

The repetition of words, phrases and ideas can be used to reinforce an argument and drive home the message to a reader.

e.g “It has been well established here and overseas that if teenagers think they can see a doctor in confidence, they are more likely to do so, more likely to go back for repeat visits, and more likely to disclose sensitive information.”

19. Rhetorical question

A question where the answer is obvious, can help lead readers to a particular conclusion.

For example: “It has been well established here and overseas that if teenagers think they can see a doctor in confidence, they are more likely to do so, more likely to go back for repeat visits, and more likely to disclose sensitive information. And isn’t this the outcome we want? ”


For this one you are going to get the shortest definition, here it goes : A mocking tone.

For example : “Not all of us can write Max Walker’s How to Hypnotise Chooks, you know – for many years the biggest-selling title in Australian literary history.”

21. Simile

Similes, when one thing is compared to another, can help to persuade by describing.

For example …as dumb as a sack of hammers…”

22. Tone

The tone of an article or speech refers to its overall feeling. Is it passionate? Logical? Reasonable? Mocking? Humorous?


The best way to understand how persuasive language can be used to convey a point of view is by reading persuasive techniques examples. Read the newspaper on a daily basis, particularly the editorials and opinion pages. This will not only help you keep abreast of current events, it will also help you develop the language skills necessary to do persuasive writing yourself.

Analysis questions

1. Identify the issue.

2. Identify the contention, otherwise known as the point of view, of the writer.

3. What is the tone of the article?

4. Identify five examples of persuasive language techniques and explain how it is supposed to make the reader feel.

Let’s discuss persuasive language techniques

In English, you will often be asked to write an essay about how writers or speakers have used language to persuade.


Describe the issue generally. Mention the article’s title, it’s author and the author’s contention.

For example:

There has recently been considerable controversy over the use of 1080 fox bait to control Victoria’s fox population. In his article ‘They’re pests but cruelty is inexcusable’, writer Dmitri Kakmi puts forward a logical and, at times, emotive argument about how cruel and inhumane the use of this bait is.


Identify a range of techniques and explain how they are used to persuade the audience. Always make reference to how different techniques make the reader feel or react.

Example: Midway through his argument, author turns his attention to the foxes themselves. After describing the ‘cruel’ and ‘barbaric’ fox bait, he uses imagery to describe the foxes in very favourable terms which further helps to persuade the reader that this fox bait is reprehensible. He describes the foxes as ‘beauties of the animal kingdom’, describing how people are ‘wonder struck’ by a ‘sudden flash of auburn bushy tail’. The phrase ‘wonder struck’ helps to highlight how beautiful these animals are. Similarly, he describes their gaze like being watched by ‘an intelligence from another world’. This make the reader feel that they are aware, intelligent. Who would want to inflict cruelty on such an animal?

Example: Although author describes the symptoms of the poison in a very detached, almost clinical manner, he explains that watching an animal die like this is ‘distressing beyond words’. This underscores the cruelty of this bait and encourages the reader to support his point of view. In the next paragraph, he uses graphic and disturbing imagery—’they were screaming and chewing off their lips’—to describe the death of his dogs. This highly emotive description encourages the readers to feel a sense of sympathy for these animals and encourages them to believe that the use of this bait is cruel and inhumane. Similarly, the image of a foxes who ‘chew their paws off to escape’ is equally upsetting.

How you should structure your body paragraphs:

Identify a technique.

Give examples of how it is used in the article.

Explain how it makes the reader feel and builds support for the writer’s argument.


Summarise the main techniques that the writer has used to persuade the reader.

e.g. Throughout this piece, author uses a range of rhetorical techniques to encourage the audience to have sympathy for the plight of foxes and oppose the continued use of 1080 fox bait.

Lastly, I want you to know that nine out of ten times a written text needs some or other type of correction. This is why never finalise a text without checking it twice. If this seems an extra task to you, or it is hectic for you, then go for proofreading and editing help.

Strategies of persuasion


Ethos is the ethical appeal, means to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character.

An author would use ethos to show to his audience that he is a credible source and is worth listening to.Ethos is the Greek word for “character.” The word “ethic” is derived from ethos.

Ethos can be developed by choosing language that is appropriate for the audience and topic (also means choosing proper level of vocabulary), making yourself sound fair or unbiased, introducing your expertise or pedigree, and by using correct grammar and syntax.

Functions of Ethos

The above explanations and examples of ethos reveal the following facts about this device:

Ethos confirms the credibility of a writer or a speaker, and thus they become trustworthy in the eyes of listeners and readers who, as a result are persuaded by the arguments.

Ethos of a speaker or a writer is created largely by the choice of words he or she chooses to convince listeners or readers.

Being an expert on the subject matter determines his or her ethos.These strategies are indeed the perfect thing to use. If you still find them difficult to understand you can go for online assignment help and understand them better.Pathos

Pathos or the emotional appeal, means to persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions.

Authors use pathos to invoke sympathy from an audience; to make the audience feel what what the author wants them to feel. A common use of pathos would be to draw pity from an audience. Another use of pathos would be to inspire anger from an audience; perhaps in order to prompt action.Pathos is the Greek word for both “suffering” and “experience.” The words empathy and pathetic are derived from pathos.

Pathos can be developed by using meaningful language, emotional tone, emotion evoking examples, stories of emotional events, and implied meanings.


Logos or the appeal to logic, means to convince an audience by use of logic or reason.

To use logos would be to cite facts and statistics, historical and literal analogies, and citing certain authorities on a subject.Logos is the Greek word for “word,” however the true definition goes beyond that, and can be most closely described as “the word or that by which the inward thought is expressed, Lat. oratio; and, the inward thought itself, Lat. Ratio.

Logos can be developed by using advanced, theoretical or abstract language, citing facts (very important), using historical and literal analogies, and by constructing logical arguments.

If you really want to persuade your audience, proper use of Ethos, Pathos and Logos is necessary.

Persuasive language techniques to attract visitors

So, far we have discussed about the usage of persuasive language techniques in the general context. Now, I am delving you in professional view. If you are into a job which requires you to be persuasive then go through the points below. They are all about how to write in way which attracts and persuades a client, customer or business party. Here are the tips to use persuasive language techniques to attract visitors:

I. Emphasis on resonating with emotional issues

Everyone has problems, and your product or service is designed to help people solve one or more of those problems.

A lot of businesses simply dive into explaining their solutions. One of the most powerful persuasion techniques, however, is to start by resonating with your readers around the emotional problems they are facing. When people see someone describing something “painful” they are experiencing, it pulls them in and prepares them to buy into the solution.

II. Incorporate analytical information, facts and data

While point 1 is very emotionally driven, selling isn’t all about emotion.

Certain segments of your audience might be more analytical.

Certain products or services aren’t geared towards emotional problems.

Even when you can utilise emotion, backing it with hard data strengthens the pitch.

One of the best ways to sell is to demonstrate “irrefutable” evidence that your solution is the best possible option for the prospective customer.

III. Demonstrate social proof at key junctures

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behaviour for a given situation. In other words, monkey see, monkey do.

IV. Use tone to add emotion and keep things interesting

What does it mean to use one’s tone in writing? Basically, it means writing like you would talk in real life. Your tone can breathe life into your copy. It can make your writing a lot less boring for prospects to read.

In other words, you can rewrite a sentence in several different ways using your tone to effectively pass your message across to prospects and make it sink in their minds.

V. Draw attention to your points with rhetorical questions

Rhetorical questions draw attention. They’re not meant to be answered, which means that they shouldn’t have an answer. If your question can easily answered with a “yes” or “no”, it won’t invite the visitor to read on.

Instead, pose questions that make the reader think, “What does this mean?” or, “How will you do that?”

VI. Use hyperbole to communicate value

Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration to make your point to readers. Hyperbole should be used carefully. If you claim to be the biggest, best, or leader, your persuasive copy must deliver proof very quickly.

How to frame a perfect persuasive essay

A persuasive essay requires great command over persuasive writing. Students need to have a good hand over this type of writing. Otherwise, they will fail to impress the readers. While writing a persuasive essay, the aim is to convince the reader or the audience with your viewpoint. A Persuasive essay is structured on factual information, logical reasoning and emotion appeal. These three ingredients build up the persuasive essay.

So here I am writing a few ways through which one can write a persuasive essay

Clear your stance

The first thing before writing a persuasive essay, you need to take a stance. You have to hold an opinion on the issue. When you start writing the essay mention the side that you will support. You need to be aware of your prejudices, they can become a hindrance in your argument. Also, never forget to mention the resolution for the issue.

Think about your audience While writing the essay one should know the audience. Identify whether the majority will agree with your viewpoint or not. For this, first you need to do a bit of homework first. Learn about the issue from different angles and point of view. Then collect the evidence that will support your viewpoint. Evidence will make your argument more convincing to the readers. You can take help from the websites such as Khan Academy, Owlcation, etc.

Do thorough research on the topic One writes a persuasive essay in order to provide detailed information on the topic along with a viewpoint. Your evidence should be logical and compelling so that it can oppose other arguments. For such a thorough research one must go to a library or take help from websites such as Udemy.

Make a proper structure of the essay Now once you get all the information, before starting your persuasive writing for an essay, make a rough structure. Determine what information needs to be included and what to expel out. Keep only relevant evidence while preparing the structure. Collect as many evidence as possible. This will make your essay more convincing to your audience. Students need to research a lot on this. Moreover, when you start writing a paper, keep it authentic and free from plagiarism.

Make a final persuasive essay

Once you have created the rough draft. It is time to fair it out. Write carefully and provide examples as well. After completing the writing work. Take a rest for a few hours and proofread it. Check for the possible errors and correct it.

Topics you can choose to try out persuasive writing

Do not fall prey to stereotypes when it comes to high school athletes

Harmful effects of drinking energy drinks on health.

Can a sportsman become a professional or national coach?

Female trainers should mentor women

Males have a higher chance of attaining injuries than females.

Is chess a sport or a game?

Should press conferences be mandatory for athletes?

What one should do to relieve stress and injuries in sports?

Should hunting be banned completely?

A debate for and against microchipping home pets and homeless dogs

Should animals be used in zoos for entertainment?

How mobiles and smart gadgets ruining school life?

Why junk food should be banned in the US?

Homework should be reduced in school, what is your take on it.

Why is time management important for most jobs?

Do hobbies help people with their careers?

Reasons to live life spontaneously

What are the pros and cons of online tutoring?

Reasons to remain honest in any life situation.


I hope this article is able to explain you persuasive language techniques in a perfect way. We started from knowing the meaning of persuasive language, then we moved to the different types of persuasive language techniques. After that, we also looked up to the way they should be understood and and the way a persuasive text should be structured. At last, we saw how persuasive language techniques can be used to attract visitors.

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