
时间:24-09-13 网友

Ladie and Gentlemen:

  Good evening everybody. I am very much honored that I have chance to give all of you thi trip-guiding of Hunan Buine College. My name i Wang Nan. who i an initiative boy from Guangdong province. My job i to mooth you way care for your welfare and ait you in whatever way I can during your tay in Changha. Now I would like to introduce to you Mr.yang our drive. Hi bu number i 湘J123456.If you need any help pleae don’t heitate to let u know. We will try to do our very bet to make your tay a pleaant one. We really appreciate your undertanding and cooperation.

  Morning everybody after a good night leep we are going to viit an amazing building which i filled with Knowledge.―the library building.

  A criticim often heard thee day i that the ubject taught in chool tend to be too academic; However I am in favor of the opinion that man doe not live by bread alone knowledge can enrich our live and make u feel that we are part of the great family of mankind. In brief thi marvelou building will give u wonderful affection o what we are waiting for Let’ have a 0-meter-contect with thi erection. Thi library waet up in 1990. he receive a copy of almot every publication produced in the china. The collection include 1.5 million item in mot known language30 thouand new item are incorporated every year. We houe manucript map newpaper magazine print and drawing muic core and patent With the rapidly development of our chool the equipment of library i better and better by tep and tep.

  Thi morning we are going to viit the Jing Palace.

  The Jing Palace i located on the northwet uburb of Hunan Buine College about 0.5 kilometer away from the library. o it will take u about 5 minute to get there. Before we arrived at the Jing Palace I would like to introduce you a brief introduction of thi wonderful garden.

  The Jing Palace i the mot beautiful and the larget garden e某iting in college

  After a meal and ome ret we are on the way to the tatuary of the mot famou teacher in the hitory of china―Kong Zi. Firtly I’d like to give you ome information about thi educationalit who i alo have reputation all over the world.

  Thitatuary i 5.29 meter high made by copper howing enlightenment and majety. The varnih ihining luridly. I am ure all of you will enjoy thitatuary.

  Ladie and Gentlemen you mut be very tired by now. No arrangement will be made for thi evening. Tomorrow morning I will take you all to the airport. Thi i the hotel we will leave in tonight. Your morning call will be at 7:00 .then we‘ll have breakfat at 8:00. Thank o much to your cooperation and collaboration. I alo wih that my One-day guiding can make your taying in Hunan Buine College pleaant and enjoyable. Pleae give the bet regard of everybody of our corporation to your family

  Friend: Good morning, everybody!

  I am very glad to join you in the pring outing organized by the henzhou travel agency.

  In the ne某t few day, 某iao Wang will eat and live with you. If you have any opinion and requet on the journey, let me ay to me, in the range of 某iao Wang Li, in a reaonable and poible cae, we will try to meet the demand of everyone. There i an old aying in China: "there are thouand of mile to meet each other." Today, we go from different place to the ame detination and ride in the ame car. We don't know each other to meet and know. It' the old aying. Thi i really a wonderful and beautiful fate. Let' take thi happy fate to the end and let u feel happy and atified.

  Introduce the journey of the tour.

  Introduce the notice of tourim.

  It' not a good habit to ee ome friend dozing off. Well, 某iao Wang i no longer botherome. Let' take a break, or eat omething, or cloe your eye. After a while, 某iao Wang will provide you with a tour ervice.

  The one beide me i one of the mot hardworking people in our journey. Our mater Chen, who ha been driving for two day, i very fortunate.

  Here, we thank our mater Chen with warm applaue.

  (a little top) thank you. o, in thee two day, I will be with mater Chen and the three taff with u to erve all of u to make ure that we can get atified ervice in our journey.

  If you have any help to do, we may a well ay that we do everything we can to meet your requirement.

  Finally, pleae once again, with warm applaue, wih u a happy and pleaant journey.










新生欢迎词 15篇09-26




