科技的英语作文初一左右 (菁选3篇)

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科技的英语作文初一左右 (菁选 3 篇)

科技的英语作文初一左右 1

Modern Technology Makes Life More Convenient)

Modern technology makes life more convenient ; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being’ s progress.

Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic

saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour’s ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend’ s home. What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information ; at last people could become tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect.

We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed.

科技的英语作文初一左右 2

The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutions.

Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before.

Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey

to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel.

Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases become treatable.

However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Internet, though widely used in modern communication, is easy to be destroyed by computer virus. Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Industrialization is making natural resources become scarce.

Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us. We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent.

科技的英语作文初一左右 3

It is undeniable that continuously developing technologies have brought tremendous benefits, especially in learning area. Learning has in many ways become easier than has ever been before. Take learning English for example. In the past, few students owned tape recorders, and learning materials were scarce as well. But today, tape recorders get more and more inexpensive, and diversified learning materials are readily available. On the other hand, new devices, such as MP3 or MD players, are offered in market, and relevant learning materials (MP3 files) are easily and freely downloadable from the Internet. However, it is a little bit haste to assert students can learn more information and learn it more quickly simply because technology helps, since technologies, as always, contribute both benefits and detriments. For example, computers, as have been mentioned, help students a lot in various ways, but at the same time have many negative even harmful impacts on the users.

Most students nowadays play computer games, sitting before the table, staring at the screen, clicking mouse button, and the outcomes are cerebrum fatigue, visual deterioration and another day of waste. Chatting on the Internet is another great way to kill precious time, and one of negative side-effects of key -board dependence is that students nowadays can seldom spell correctly. Worst of all,

investigations have shown that more than half of time that students have spent online was exhausted on browsing porn movies, pulp fictions or erotic photos and so on. Students certainly want to learn more and to learn more quickly. But merely technology itself is not the solution. Learning itself is a skill and it only develops by practice.

Computers and other devices can certainly help, but they won't make study any less painful, and technologies in fact provide no solution to overcome indolence that everyone has. Learning has never been easy, and will not be easier merely because of technologies. It always requires tremendous efforts and determination to learn something well. Too much advocacy on the fancy benefits of technologies will mislead much more than virtually help.

科技的英语作文初一左右 (菁选 3 篇)扩展阅读

科技的英语作文初一左右 (菁选 3 篇) (扩展 1)

——初一左右军训感悟 3 篇

初一左右军训感悟 1

记得有一次,我们正在操场上练习。一个班跑过来要和我们挑战,问我们 敢不敢,我们自然接受了他们的挑战。不知哪个女生喊了一句:“女生都出 来,走一个给他们看看。 ”我们迅速站好队,齐刷刷的给他们走了一遍,气势 一点也不比他们差。只听见对方的队里出现了一写不服的声音,我们又给他们 表演了左右转。男生也被他们激怒了,也给他们表演起来。对方当然不甘示 弱,气势一点也不比我们差,在整齐度方面也有了一点提高。我们教官对我们 大喊了一句:“都争气点,不要给我丢脸。 ”比赛还在如火如荼的进行中……

看着这一幕幕在我眼前飞快闪过,突然好想回到军训的日子,虽然我们要 在太阳底下晒得满头大汗,但这不是正在磨练我的意志吗?

回想几天前,我们还在操场上练习,仔细的听着教官的话,生怕落下一句 话。几天后,我们还在这里只是没有了那教官严厉的话语。

我的学习生涯就像一个沙滩,我们生活中发生的事就像沙滩上的贝壳。每 个贝壳里都有声音,有的声音是甜美的,有的是阴郁的;有的是开朗的……在这 些美丽的贝壳里,有很多难忘的贝壳,正如这几天的军训一样,永远在我的心 中,永不忘记。

初一左右军训感悟 2

迎着清爽的晨风,我们来到西安市国防教育——蓝田基地,开始了七天的 军营生活。要做一个**首先要有良好的**,所以,练习坐姿、站姿、蹲姿成了 我们每天的必修课。烈日当头,同学们个个大汗淋漓,有的躬着腰,有的`摘下 帽子,为自己扇凉,我也承受不住了。可看着教官黝黑的脸上一滴滴滑落的汗 水,我马上调整了坐姿,后面的同学也像被传染了似的一个个坐得笔直。我从 小就羡慕**挺拔的身姿和整齐化一的队列,可现在才知道在这背后**们流了多 少汗,花了多少时间。他们的身心变得更加坚强,他们的信念变得更加坚定, 这也是我们应该学习的,要做好任何一件事,都要付出努力,要有顽强的毅力 和坚定的信念,一份努力一份收获,只要你努力,没有做不好的事。

教官说有人曾称他“**” 。是的,我们的教官十分严厉,但就是因为他的 严厉,我们才会取得拔河比赛的冠军,也正是他的严厉让我深深的体会到父 母、老师的良苦用心。*日里过惯了舒服的日子,衣来伸手,饭来张口。在这 里,没有溺爱,没有同情,只有纪律;在这里,我们学会了自立、 自强;在这 里,我们学会了互相关爱;在这里我们学会了团结一心…… 。了解了国防知识, 掌握了军事技能,更重要的是提高了我们的素质,纠正了我们的缺点。

当汗水浸湿衣襟,泪水滑过脸颊,我们依然坚持到底。因为有老师,在我 们背后默默**我们,鼓励我们,关心我们。当黑夜占据天空,寝室里老师在与 同学们亲切的聊天,为同学们抹痱子粉,亲切地向我们的妈妈……

科技的英语作文初一左右 (菁选 3 篇) (扩展 2)

——我最伤心的事作文初一左右 (菁选 2 篇)

我最伤心的事作文初一左右 1

在人生的道路上总有许多的坎和坷,让我们经历过、体验过、尝试过。还 记得那一次刻苦铭心的欺骗,让我体验到许多的人生真谛。

我的小时候,是一个天真烂漫的童年摇篮,集万千宠爱于一身,我是在无 忧无虑的时光中渡过的。那是一个夏日的午后,爸爸妈妈都出去了,只有我留 在家里堆积木。堆了倒、倒了又堆,一次一次地构造我未来的房子,天真无暇 的童心中充满了暇想。

当午后大家都进入梦乡后,门外突然响起了一了敲门声我忙跑到门边,问 道:“谁呀?”门外一个女的说道: “是我们呀!”我又问道: “你们是谁呀?” 一个男的又说道: “你爸妈在吗?”“不在!”“我们是你爸**好朋友,特意来 看你的!”他们说的好像真的似的。于是我“喔!” 了一声,把门打开了。那个 女人忙说道: “认识阿姨和叔叔吗?”我摇了摇头,阿姨忙拉着我说: “走,阿 姨带你玩玩具!”

面对这两位突如其来的大人,我特别的高兴,因为阿姨和一起玩玩具、堆 积木,我非常喜欢这位阿姨,阿姨一会儿对我说: “小朋友,好玩吗?以后阿姨 天天来和你玩,好吗?”我高兴地说到: “真的吗?太好了! ”我又问道: “阿 姨,叔叔呢?”阿姨顿了一下,“和蔼”的说: “叔叔在看电视呢!”“那他去 我爸妈房间干吗?”说着,阿姨的脸色变了,忙说: “我去看看!”

走出房间,我听见阿姨说到: “弄了多少?”叔叔说: “存折、现金都在这 儿呢!”“好,我们走吧!”于是阿姨又对我说: “小朋友,叔叔阿姨要走了, 你可千万别告诉你爸妈我们来过了,我们明天再来玩好吗?”我点了点头,疑惑 地看着他们那鼓鼓的腰包。后来才知道,那是我家的钱……


的,我不明白是否**的世界背后总有残缺,而那次的欺骗,让我内心充满刻苦 铭心的痛苦。


我最伤心的一件事是人类的行为,因为有无数人都在砍树,就如我所看到 的一幅漫画。


钱,只顾眼前的利益,砍伐森林的生态*衡。这个工人头上有只啄木鸟,在为工 人的大脑治虫。这条虫是什么虫,是贪心虫, 自私虫,无知虫,正是这些让我 伤心!

由此我联想**的晋西北,西伯利亚大风常来肆虐的地方,是干旱,霜冻, 沙虫暴等与生命作对怪物盘踞之地,使人类受到伤害。十几米高的风迎面而 来,牛马飞上天,人们不到十年就要搬一次家。在我的家乡南门桥下,以前是 清撤的河水,而现在是混浊不堪。

为什么会变这样?这都是那些无知的人们,一天一人砍一棵十三亿**儿女一 天就要砍十三亿棵,何况还有人一天砍几十或上百棵。

人类啊!放下你们手中的斧头吧!不要再滥砍滥伐了。善待地球就是善待自 己。

只要你们不再这样了,大自然是会原谅你们以前的过错: “放下屠刀,立 地成佛。 ”这句话你们应该明白吧!不然大自然将会给你“回报” 。苏醒吧,在 梦中的人类。

我最伤心的事作文初一左右 2


"明天数学三到五单元考试,请同学们回家复习。"干净的黑板上写道。这 几单元很简单,不用复习了。第二天考试时我自信满满,很快便把试卷做完 了。我认为我全对,便没有检查,考试时倒画起了画。时间过得可真慢啊,我 好想快点收卷子啊!下课铃终于响了,我松了口气。“这节课继续考,老师的一 句话打破了我的希望。

终于好了,老师要组长收卷子,我第一个冲下坐位,收齐卷子交给了老 师。回到坐位上,我自信满满等待的是 100 分。可是没过多久就传来的消息, 93 分第***名。我考砸了!这是多么难接受啊!我好想哭,但是也要有面子呀, 当着六十多个同学的面有脸哭吗?再看看卷子,真是粗心呀!你们有谁见过十加 五等于二十五的?单位呢,又不写了!填空题我竟然把十看成了一。你们说我能 不惭愧吗?

科技的英语作文初一左右 (菁选 3 篇) (扩展 3)

——欢度***的作文初一左右 (菁选 2 篇)

欢度***的作文初一左右 1

十月一 日是祖国妈妈 61 岁的生日,今天上午妈妈带我去城里,我看见许多 地方的门口都摆放着漂亮的花,还有市里**小小的公共场所门口都摆着漂亮的 花各个地方都焕然一新。爸爸妈妈又带我去了超市,我看见超市里的人来来往 往,有的.买肉、有的买菜、有的买水果,服务员阿姨手里拿着小红旗大声喊 着:“为庆祝***大降价了”人们都在高兴地购物。

下午,爸爸妈妈又带我去青岛看大海,我看见许多的人在海边玩耍,我走 在栈桥上川流不息的人们有的是外国人、有的是****、有老人、有小孩,每个 人脸上都带着喜悦;看:有的玩快艇,有的坐摩托艇、有的坐轮船,有的在沙滩 上打排球,有的在海里洗澡,有的……这时的我也在沙滩上做了一个**的**, 爸爸去游泳了,妈妈注视着我和爸爸。我又做了个大城堡,爸爸不见了影子他 在和我们捉迷藏。又过了一会爸爸站在我们面前说: “今天我们一家人收获很 多该回家了还要赶火车呢?”我恋恋不舍的离开了青岛,离开了大海,我祝福我 们的祖国,我爱我们的家,我祝福我们的祖国越来越强大。


欢度***的作文初一左右 2


来到北海,我们先去银滩玩。远看大海,无边无际,海天相连,波涛随着 海风上下起伏。我们走向海滩,我踩在柔软的沙滩上,舒服极了!我发现在潮湿 的地方布满了密密麻麻的小洞,每只小洞的旁边都有一堆小沙球。爸爸: “那

是小螃蟹扒出来的。 ”我们便动手抓螃蟹。抓螃蟹可不容易,如果你刚想靠近 它,它就会使出灵敏的身手钻进行洞里。我们抓了很多螃蟹。抓完螃蟹我们兴 高采烈地冲向大海边游泳。坐在海边,海浪一个接一个地打在我的前胸、后 背,像妈**手抚摸着我。游了很久,爸爸妈妈催我们上岸。我和表姐还不愿意 离开,我们躺在浅水里让海浪一次又一次地把我们推回岸上。


奇,有全国最大的海龟——肥肥有像大扇子的鳐鱼有**第一个 360 度全方位透 视海底隧道……令我印象最深刻的海洋生物就是鲎,因为它是三亿年前恐龙时 代的生物恐龙**了,为什么它还能生存到现在?我觉得很神秘。最后我们观看了 人鲨共舞、孙悟空大白精、海豹表演、海底婚礼等节目,都非常精彩,不时博 得观众的阵阵喝彩。


科技的英语作文初一左右 (菁选 3 篇) (扩展4)

——初一作文 300 字左右 3 篇

初一作文 300 字左右 1

这个季节对我来说可真是再好不过了,那么多的雨将这个秋季打扮的浪漫 万分,让秋高气爽的感觉离人远去。

喜欢秋季,也不知道是从哪年开始的。总之是我不可救药的爱**它,在这 一点上我不想隐藏自己的感情。

秋季在我的眼中也许只能用“浪漫”一词来形容。那份萧瑟、那份冷漠、 那份惆怅……秋天所有的感觉都在不经意之中融入我的血液。

“今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸晓风残月”“更那堪冷落清秋节” ,秋季在文人 的眼中从来都是一个分别流泪的季节。于是秋季也就多少带着一些伤感的成 份。

这个秋季,因为有雨,将伤感的情绪表达的淋漓尽致。走在秋季的雨中, 将心事全都抛开,让忧伤都走远。呼吸着泥土的芬芳和雨的味道。看秋叶从枝 头飘落,那瞬间的难舍与无奈又有谁可以体会得到?叶子在空中翻了几下,飘落 在地面的小水坑里,那水面泛起的涟漪,顿时又归于*静。

瞬时我的心像被什么东西刺了一下,那树叶不正像我一样吗?多少年来我的 生活不正和这片叶子一样吗?来去全不由自己,随着风儿在世间飘遥

有种叫眼泪的液体慢慢的渗了出来。原来在这个秋季我无法将心事抛开, 更无法让忧伤走远。我也只能将心事和忧伤融入这个秋季,而茫茫人海又有谁 可以站在这个秋季之中听我倾诉呢?

我在秋季中继续徘徊,依旧张望。我想望穿秋水,寻找曾经错失的梦,可 泪水却将视线朦胧,叫我如何能看透?

尽管秋季是我的最爱,但每想到它的短暂、它的易逝、就难免*添心中低回 婉转的忧伤。任凭那忧伤的花朵在心中开放,我也只能用秋水化作的泪水来浇 灌。

秋季之中我的心是脆弱的,我的感情是泛滥的,我的血液是沸腾的。我不 愿在这个季节中留下空白。我要在这个季节中留下些什么东**纪念这个季节。


了留下一些苍白的文字,还有什么呢?对了,我什么都没有,在这个世界上除了 拥有自己那贫乏的思想和一颗不服输的心,我一无所有。

尽管我一无所有,但我还同样要感谢生活、感谢命运,能够让我拥有看这 个秋季的眼睛,能够让我可以坐在这里用笔将内心倾诉,尽管无人来应和。

初一作文 300 字左右 2

在我心里,夏天就**着美丽的连衣裙;在一些孩子眼里,那就是一个**的冰 淇淋;而对那些讨厌学习的孩子们来说,那就是一个快乐的假期。

在夏季里,最让人记忆犹新的就是天气了。正如人们说的:六月的'天,孩 儿脸——说变就变。

清晨,明媚的阳光洒向大地,给万物披**金色的纱。清晨的阳光没有正午 的火辣辣,它静而淡,给人一种安静祥和的美。清风徐徐吹过。在这灿烂的阳 光中,人们开始了一天的繁忙。

正午,已是烈日当头,暑气逼人,路上的行人寥寥无几。不知什么时候, 风儿吹来了朵朵白云,原本湛蓝的天空早已白云飘飘。这么好的天空,也许正 是暴风雨前的宁静吧!


抬头一看,乌黑的云朵像铅块一样沉重,像是要压下来一般。风似乎在对 我们诉说着什么,她不停地在人们身边徘徊。风似乎对人们的无动于衷有点生 气,它越刮越大。

突然,一道刺眼的闪电划开了黑沉沉的天幕。随即是震耳欲聋的雷声。像 炸雷一般在空中爆开!乌云笼罩下的大地在颤动,让人不寒而栗。雷鸣电闪,暴

雨倾盆而降。豆大的雨点直线般往下泻。落在地上,不再有美丽的涟漪,而是 发出啪啪的声音,打起一个一个水泡。

马路上,积水甚高。汽车飞驰而过,溅起的“浪花” ,迫使路人纷纷躲 闪。雨,就这么猛烈地下,雷雨交加。这场雨下得惊天动地,大街上,人们在 躲闪着这个让人害怕的小**。

第二天清晨。漫步在盈盈?草围绕的石阶上,享受着风的清凉。好一场雨啊! 竟将夏日的燥热冲刷得如此清爽。花蕊里还有未干的雨露,空气里还有湿土的 芳香。观赏大地的新绿,聆听鸟儿的歌唱。微微仰头,找不到太阳。雨水将天 幕刷洗得好蓝,没有一丝杂色,没有喧嚣,好静的大自然!好美的夏天!

科技的英语作文初一左右 (菁选 3 篇) (扩展 5)

——初一我的梦想英语作文 3 篇

初一我的梦想英语作文 1

Everyone has a dream, everyone's dreams are great, happy and distant, is every where dreams take us to where we want to go, do everything we want to do, dreams of making each individual for his goal to work hard to struggle to fight, to mine.

The dream of each person is different, some dreams of being a big star, some dream of being a beautiful airline stewardess, and my dream is to become a doctor, a doctor will always serve the people, I came to this school is to Study hard, I read the school only one purpose, that is to cure the sick mother. Remember when I read the primary school, it was a cold winter, my mother always up early in the morning for us to eat, let us eat three sisters go to school, when it was cold, I saw another mother also did not forget to cook us breakfast, I returned home from school at noon see mother very uncomfortable lying in bed, pale, I really think that thing is happening to me, I also want to see my mother so sad, but I know it is not possible.

Now the only way I can help my mother is to learn the knowledge, I can be a doctor can put my mother on the disease to cure, in order to send my mother read the school is not very easy, all the money earned by hard mother, mother paid too much for me too much now, I can only use the best results to repay my great mother.

So when I come to this school, I will cultivate myself as a man of morality, cultivation and culture.

初一我的梦想英语作文 2

Hello, today's topic is my dream. Everyone has a dream, I am no exception, although I have a lot of dreams, but there is a dream in my heart to find its place. Do you want to know? Tell you, my dream is to protect wild animals.

Since I saw the natural legend, I have been trying to protect wild animal, because the original number of wild animal because human hunting gradually toward the edge of extinction, but also human feel is right, not only those wild animal that if things go on like this, the human will die, will die. Due to a large number of human hunting, wild animal is extinct, there are some wild animal resistance, thought that the wild animal to kill them, then adding to those animal hunting, so that those wild animal faster to death, even if there is a animal protection area, some people also poaching animal. Now some wild animals are dying out, and if we don't protect them again, one day we'll never see them again. So we have to protect wild animals from now on, and we can't kill them again.

It's just a dream, but it can really come true, so I'm trying to make this dream come true.

科技的英语作文初一左右 (菁选 3 篇) (扩展6)

——初一游泳的好处英语作文 3 篇

初一游泳的好处英语作文 1

Yesterday is Sunday The day's weather is so hot This afternoon I went to the swimming pool with my father and my brother.

I put up the swimming suit When I saw the people who is swimmingI wanted to swim very much So I made up my mind to learn swimming today!

At first I could not swim at all My father was very patient He He encouraged me and taught me how to swim Though I was hard to swim I didn't give up learning swimming !

My father taught me how to breath in the water first Then He threw me into the deepest part of the swimming pool That time I was so afraid !

I tried and tried to swim After a moment my father take me back Three hours laterwith the help of my father I dared to swim myself I could swim by myself Although I couldn't swim very well I was very happy.

Yesterday I not only learned how to swim but also learned to be brave !


昨天是星期天这一天的天气是如此的炎热的下午我的父亲和我的兄弟去了 游泳池。

我把游泳西装当我看到的人是游泳我非常想游泳所以我下定决心今天学习 游泳!

起初我不会游泳我的父亲是很有耐心的.他他鼓励我教我如何游泳尽管我很 难游泳我没有放弃学习游泳!我父亲教我如何呼吸在水里第一次之后他把我扔进 游泳池的最深处我是如此害怕!我尝试试图游过了一会儿我父亲带我回三小时后 在父亲的帮助下我敢去游泳我可以游泳虽然我不会游泳很好我很高兴。


初一游泳的好处英语作文 2

Yesterday is Sunday The day's weather is so hot This afternoon I went to the swimming pool with my father and my brother.

I put up the swimming suit When I saw the people who is swimmingI wanted to swim very much So I made up my mind to learn swimming today!

At first I could not swim at all My father was very patient He He encouraged me and taught me how to swim Though I was hard to swim I didn't give up learning swimming !

My father taught me how to breath in the water first Then He threw me into the deepest part of the swimming pool That time I was so afraid !

I tried and tried to swim After a moment my father take me back Three hours laterwith the help of my father I dared to swim myself I could swim by myself Although I couldn't swim very well I was very happy.

Yesterday I not only learned how to swim but also learned to be brave !


昨天是星期天这一天的天气是如此的炎热的.下午我的父亲和我的兄弟去了 游泳池。

我把游泳西装当我看到的人是游泳我非常想游泳所以我下定决心今天学习 游泳!

起初我不会游泳我的父亲是很有耐心的他他鼓励我教我如何游泳尽管我很 难游泳我没有放弃学习游泳!我父亲教我如何呼吸在水里第一次之后他把我扔进 游泳池的最深处我是如此害怕!我尝试试图游过了一会儿我父亲带我回三小时后 在父亲的帮助下我敢去游泳我可以游泳虽然我不会游泳很好我很高兴。


初一游泳的好处英语作文 3

In my opion swimming does good to our life.Because we can relax during our staying in the water.

And we can practise many kinds of swimming. Besides we can learn

how to get alive when the flood is coming.

What's more we can also build our body when we do exercise in the water. Most important we can become taller after our swimming exercise.

Just in a wordour life is colorful with the help of swimming. 翻译:

在我的见解游泳好我们的生活。因为我们可以放松在我们呆在水里。我们 可以练习多种游泳。除了我们学习如何能活着当洪水来了。更重要的是我们做 运动的时候还可以构建我们的身体在水里。最重要的是我们可以成为我们游泳 锻炼后高。

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